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Joshua Foer

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Joshua Foer, a science journalist, started his talk by instructing the audience to close their eyes, and visualize the very strange story he was telling. This story acts as an introduction into telling us about his journey into the bizarre world of competitive memorizing. The event, Foer says, includes a “bunch of guys and a few girls of widely varying ages and hygienic upkeep memorizing hundreds of random numbers by looking at them just once” (TED talk). Foer investigated a competitive memorizing competition that is held every spring in New York City called the United States Memory Championship. He explained that the competitors were memorizing hundreds of random numbers by just looking at them once, and remembering the countless …show more content…
According to lecture, encoding is the process by which we transform what we perceive, think, or feel into an enduring memory (chapter 9 notes). Without this encoding process, information could not be stored or retrieved. Storage is the process of maintaining information in memory overtime; the idea of the “memory palace” that Foer mentions, allows us to store our memories for a longer and more efficient way. This leads to a reduced chance of two things: forgetting and decay. Forgetting is a decrease in the ability to remember a previously formed memory, while decay is a reduction in the ability to retrieve rarely used information overtime (chapter 9 notes). Foer also mentioned that when they scanned the brains of the memory champions and the control subjects in an fMRI machine, there was a noticeable difference in the scans. The researchers discovered that the memory champions, who were instructed to memorize numbers, and people’s faces during the scan, were lighting up different parts of the brain compared to the control subjects. They appeared to be using a part of the brain that is involved in spatial memory and navigation, which according to our lecture in class, that area of the brain is known as the

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