...Social Work Research on African Americans and Suicidal Behavior: A Systematic 25-Year Review Sean foe and Danielle M. Niedermeier Suicide among African Americans is a neglected topic. Social workers practice in both clinical and nonchnical settings, and as the largest occupational group of mental health professionals, they have a unique opportunity to reach this underserved group. However, little is known about social work's empirical knowledge base for recognition and treatment of suicidal behavior among African Americans.The authors performed a systematic critical review of published articles by social workers on African American suicide and suicidal behavior, to ascertain the state of social worker's contribution to and knowledge of suicide risk factors and effective treatments. They conducted Web-based (for example. Social Work Abstracts, PsycINFO, PubMed,JSTOR) and manual searches of suicide research conducted by social work investigators and pubhshed in peer-reviewed journals from 1980 to 2005. References cited in the articles were used to identify candidate articles. According to the search results, social workers contributed only 11 empirical research articles focusing on African American suicide or nonfatal suicidal behavior. Risk factors for suicide are reviewed, and the implications for clinical social work practice and research are addressed. KEY WORDS: African Americans; clinical knowledge; ethnic minority populations; suicide S uicide is one of the leading...
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...Review Taletta J Wilson Liberty University Abstract The following traditional literature review examines the disproportionate number of young African-American males who have been placed in special education. The articles highlight factors such as cultural misunderstandings and teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards African- American men. This literature review not only observes the misunderstandings, but it also looks at strategies and techniques that can be used to lessen the gap. Keywords: African American boys, African American males, special education, overrepresentation, disproportionate, educationally disadvantaged, cultural Literature Review Introduction: According to a recent study conducted by the Council of the Great City Schools, Black and Hispanic males constitute almost 80 percent of youth in special education programs. In addition, Black males make up 20 percent of all students in the United States classified as mentally retarded, although they are only nine percent of the student population (Barbarin 2011). Over the years, overrepresentation of African American males placed in special education programs continues to be a growing problem and it has not gone unnoticed that some of these identified minorities have been misplaced and inaccurately diagnosed. This paper reviews peer reviewed journal articles on this phenomenon. The authors attempt to explain, through qualitative and quantitative research, where the discrepancies originate – the process...
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...usually is the problem with the situation. When confronting the wage gap in American throughout race, is linked to plain old-fashion discrimination. African American men earned 22% less than a Caucasian when in fact they were doing the same work. (Alexis, 1998) In the late 70’s early 80’s the rate was at 17% or even less. (Maume, 2004) On the other hand African American women earned 11.7% less than white women in the year of...
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...Many African Americans especially woman suffer from diabetes. As an African American woman, I take pride in my health and want to inform African American women of a disease that can be decreased. One of the main diseases in African American women is diabetes especially type 2. The Mayo Clinic define type 2 diabetes as when the body either resists the effects of insulin or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain a normal glucose level. When the body rejects or refuses to produce insulin trouble will start to occur in the body. Immediately after this happens symptoms will awaken in the body and a physician or health care facility will be needed. Ultimately, my research found that type 2 diabetes is more prevalent in African American Women...
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...all-white group of concerned citizens organized the American Colonization Society. At the time it was the most significant organization that was anti-slavery. The citizens had three major concerns at this time. One of those concerns was that of having emancipation progressively moving forward. The second concern that they had was that the need for an established colony in Africa, where African Americans could go, and there they would be in charge of their own life away from the American society. The third thing that they were concerned with is that of allowing the chiefdom in African give the right to a parcel of land to the African that went over. Several key people played important roles in the colonization in Africa. There were the ones that supported it and some citizens that opposed the colonization. The citizens that supported colonization had thought it was a good ideal for a number of reasons. One of those reasons was that the white prejudice was not going to change in the future; therefor they saw it as a better way of life over there. Other reason supporters were for it was that African Americans would get somewhat of a freedom it they travelled back to Africa and that if African Americans stayed and not return, they would not get full citizenship, therefor African Americans thought that it was a good idea to go to a place where you could benefit from having that full citizenship. Born to a creole mother and an American father, was one supporter of the colonization in...
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...BGLO Membership and Class Participation 94 The Effects of Sorority and Fraternity Membership on Class Participation and African American Student Engagement in Predominantly White Classroom Environments Shaun R. Harper The relationship between Black Greek-letter organization membership and African American student engagement in almost exclusively White college classrooms was explored in this study. Data were collected through interviews with 131 members from seven undergraduate chapters at a large, predominantly White university in the Midwest. This study resulted in an explanatory model that shows how underrepresentation, voluntary race representation, and collective responsibility positively affect active participation, while Forced Representation has a negative effect. Findings also reveal that faculty teaching styles both positively and negatively affect engagement among African American sorority and fraternity members in their classes. The implications of these findings are discussed at the end of the article. The title of Kimbrough‘s (2005) article, ―Should Black Fraternities and Sororities Abolish Undergraduate Chapters?‖ captures the essence of an ongoing debate among students, various stakeholders on college and university campuses across the country, and leaders of the nine national Black Greekletter organizations (BGLOs). Instead of offering a balanced description of risks and educational benefits associated with membership, Kimbrough...
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...A thorough look at Africans in America would not be complete without considering African-American dance. From plantation dances that enslaved Africans used to express their tragedy and triumph, to the ever-changing slick motions of modern hand dancing, black rhythmic movements are an integral weave in the fabric of American culture. Dance grew out of hardship but became entertainment. African dance has contributed a plethora of qualities to dance in America; and we can see proof of this through the dance of today. Being such a diverse country, America has the gift of consolidating unique moves from various societies to acquire an outstanding dance collection. American dance as we know it would be totally different if not for African Americans....
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...the United States of America (79 Years). Furthermore, a healthy nation has a chance to reap the benefits of active and rejuvenated workforce that facilitate her progress. The government has a role to ensure that her citizens meet basic health requirements through the provision of essential services to the public. This paper will discuss health situation among the African Americans for comparison and contrast to the national averages. Current Health Status of African Americans Gee (2012) noted that the African Americans have a substandard health status compared to the national average. For instance, this racial group had the highest death rates in 2009 according to the reports of the Center for Disease Control of the United States of America. The deaths occur following severe heart disease and stroke among this race. Moreover, the adults above 65 years in this race had the highest prevalence of hypertension thus surpassing the average records for the CDC. These health risks and diseases make health status of the African Americans poorer than their counterparts from other races in the USA. How African Americans Define Health Promotion The race defines health promotion as an involvement of programs that are community-based with the view to foster participation in health practices. For instance, there is a need for...
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...Economy of African American Music." Teaching the Journal of American History Vol. 90, No. 4.March 2004 (2004): 1295-1324. Web. 1 Mar. 2004. African American owned Record Company, which produced records for African American consumers, was faced with attempts by a large record corporation to force them into bankruptcy. Why would a large company do this for such a small African American owned company? How would it merit attention from African American people in this medium when you have more important subjects like voting rights and lynching? Moreover, why would it merit any attention at all, not to mention, selling records to black consumers. This article answers these questions and investigates the rise and fall of the small record company and explores the political economy in which it operated. Black Swan Records created by Henry H. Pace, who saw a way to respond to a hostile environment that African American people faced with, both in the entertainment industry and in American society. The protégé of W.E.B Du Bois, also saw that African Americans were not equally even when they were freed from slavery. Access to material goods that cultivate and motivate African Americans creative spirits were denied by America. The fear of African Americans, by White America, to support one another and encourage each other to develop business, and economic self-sufficiency was racially evident. African American growth and prosperity would shape the landscape for African Americans....
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...scholarly journal dealing with the African American history, I chose the journal article named “The 1964 Civil Rights Act: The Crucial Role of Social Movements in the Enactment and Implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law”, written by Gerald Rosenberg. After just reading this title, I have a question about how the status of African American have been changed due to the Civil Rights Act. Through reading some material from classes and researching about African American history and culture, I found out that for centuries, the African American never gave up to fight for the equal rights, especially after the Second World War black American civil rights movement. The Civil Rights Act is actually the result of long struggle to achieve the content of equality by the black people. The American blacks in politics, education, economy and other aspects have brought a great impact. The Civil Rights Act basically ensures that the rights of the law on the equality....
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...African American History Michele Matthews HIS 204 American History Since 1865 Instructor: Mark Hoffman November 13, 2013 African American History To earn their place in America’s Society, African Americans fought many battles that brought them a very long way from 1865. African Americans went through a whole lot of hardship to get where they are today. Yes it is not perfect now but every actions made a big different through history. There are many achievements African American has made since the ending of slavery. Many sat, spoke, marched, cried, fought, died, and dreamed to make footprint in history. In this paper I will discuss some very important event in African American history like our 44th President Obama back to when slavery was ended. It all started in 1865 when the Civil war ended. The African American felt their freedom was a great turning point. Once slavery ended African American made plan to expand their culture. In our textbook, it states “They had a clear vision of what freedom meant. It was not just freedom from white control, but also the opportunity to expand the institutions and autonomous culture that they made while they endured slavery” (Bowles, 2011). As they develop a new society and beliefs, the laws started to change as while. The Plessy v. Ferguson case was the birth of the Jim Crow law. In David Bishop journal, he stated “Bernstein concluded that the “Supreme Court was compelled to distort cases before it could pollute the stream...
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...From an outsider’s perspective it appeared extreme that all it took to take this family from wanting further evaluation at the University of Michigan to changing a code status and becoming comfort care was a chat from an African American doctor. However, Sheronda Drisdom, MSN, ARNP, AOCNP noted that this behavior is not uncommon in the African American community. In her journal “Barriers to Using Palliative Care: an Insight into African American Culture”, Drisdom acknowledged that African Americans are unlikely to trust doctors related to past maltreatment and studies such as the Tuskegee experiment where African American males were left with untreated syphilis simply to see what would happen (2013). This information is further backed by Cathy...
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...Erik Erikson Author’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Course Details: Date of Submission: Erik Erikson Introduction Erik Erikson was a rare psychologist who created an eight-step model outlining the different steps in development psychology in the growth of an ordinary human being from birth to old age. His specific insights concerning human mental processes would affect the way people reacted to children and foment a deep interest in studies in human psychology. Though other psychologists have improved on Erikson’s initial findings, original findings retain a lot of significance. There is need to research and study Erikson’s work with particular interest in his explanation of the ‘adolescent stage’ Erikson’s Contribution Freud’s views about the nature and construction of the human personality significantly influenced Erik Erikson’s understanding of humanity. There was a considerable difference between the two men: whereas Erikson was an ego psychologist, Freud was an ID psychologist. Erikson stressed on the functions of society and culture and the divergences that can occur within the ego itself while Freud highlighted the conflict between the superego and ID. At all psychosexual phases, Erikson observed that the person grows in three levels concurrently: social, biological, and psychological, which represent the person, his or her connection to society, and individualism. His work was a lifetime representation of human development...
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...Running Head: AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM BREAST CANCER 1 African American Women Are More Likely To Die From Breast Cancer Denise Blanchard Student ID: 000239612 Western Governors University August 20, 2012 AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM BREAST CANCER 2 Research suggests African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer because of their lack of health insurance, late stage diagnosis, and their rate of obesity. AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM BREAST CANCER 3 Outline I. Introduction A. African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer than any other race of the same gender. B. African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer because of the lack of health insurance, late stage diagnosis, and their rate of obesity. 1. In 2009 it was reported that 1 in every 6 Americans was without health insurance (News-Medical.net, 2009). 2. African American women are often diagnosed with later stage breast cancer. 3. African American women are 26 percent more likely to be obese. II. The absence of health insurance is barrier for African American women. A. The absence of insurance leaves low-income women open to a higher rate of mortality since regular breast cancer screenings are almost...
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...Caucasians represent the ethnic majority, while African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans constitute the three major ethnic minorities in the United States (Julian, McKenry et al. 1994). Caucasians are American citizens who have origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa (Bhopal and Donaldson 1998). African Americans refer to American citizens who have ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub – Saharan African (Logan, Deane et al. 2003).Hispanics are American citizens who have origins in any country of Latin America and the Iberian peninsula (Watson, Kumar et al. 1993). Asian Americans are American citizens of Asian descent ((Kim 1999). Generally speaking, the four ethnic groups have the following distinctions respectively. Caucasians have been characterized by an emphasis on individualism, competition and future orientation, and the neglect of ethnicity as identity (Cokley, Komarraju et al. 2007). African Americans have the features of emotional vitality, collective survival, oral traditions and interdependence (White 1984). Hispanics are characterized by high levels of interdependence, conformity, a readiness to sacrifice for the welfare of in-group members, flexible attitudes toward time and obedience to people in authority (Marín and Marín 1991). Asian Americans have been described as reflecting an emphasis on the harmony in relationships, the precedence of group interests over individual interests, and the importance...
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