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The Wage Gap

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Wage Gaps
Wage gaps have been at the all-time high. Especially the gap between black and white people has been at the worst for more than the last 40 plus years. This is a problem that can be seen in the work force. When it comes to the wage gap, some people believe education, experience or even where someone may live usually is the problem with the situation. When confronting the wage gap in American throughout race, is linked to plain old-fashion discrimination.
African American men earned 22% less than a Caucasian when in fact they were doing the same work. (Alexis, 1998) In the late 70’s early 80’s the rate was at 17% or even less. (Maume, 2004) On the other hand African American women earned 11.7% less than white women in the year of …show more content…
Rosenfeld and Kleykamp also in cooperated in the study the statistics of how the wage gap rose within men and women of the black and white races. Black-white wage inequality rose among both men and women in recent decades. (Rosenfeld & Kleykamp, 2012) This shows that the problem is not going anywhere when it comes to inequality through gender. Marcus Alexis also looked at gender in his journal entry, even though his was based off time period 1940- 1990, it can still be related within the talk of gender wages today. Such as in Marcus Alexis journal when he talks about African American women how the gap of economic gains was not a major difference. Towards the end of the 50-year range data collection, showed that faults that was hurting African Americans. In the labor market which disproportionately hurt younger African American because they are less experience, they have the wrong skills, they possess inadequate job search skills. (Alexis, 1998) With reading, all the sources of journal entries all the journalists included some sort of gender inequality in the work. Giving credit to the notion that there is a problem when it comes to wage gaps with women, especially among the African American …show more content…
Most of the data that was collect seem to favor times of the early 2000’s with revising 40 years or more experimental work. Within the wage gaps the topics of lack of skill, hiring process, gender and start of unions are just the surface of theories used to explain why the wage gap between black and white are steady on the rise. Most of the time the wage discrimination is cause by an unconscious act, such as let’s take the hiring process for instance. With the hiring process, it is necessary that always that the employer is aware that they are judging an application by the name that is printed on the top of the application. Studies are shown that after the point, unconscious bias was used when the employer was sorting the application. Another instance people clam to be much aware of the inequality that women face with wage, let alone that “double hit” that African American women take with wage

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