...Activity-based costing, or ABC, is a method of assigning costs to products or services based on the resources that they consume. this is a more logical manner than the traditional approach of simply allocating costs on the basis of machine hours. Activity based costing first assigns costs to the activities that are the real cause of the overhead. It then assigns the cost of those activities only to the products that are actually demanding the activities. Activity-based costing became popular in the early 1980s largely because of growing dissatisfaction with traditional ways of allocating costs. After a strong start, however, it fell into a period of discredit. Even Robert Kaplan, a Harvard Business School professor sometimes credited with being its founding father, has admitted that it stagnated in the 1990s. The difficulty lay in translating the theory into action. Many companies were not prepared to give up their traditional cost-control mechanisms in favour of ABC. ABC is linked to Lean Practices because you are able to trace each cost of production or service to its root, which enables management to make improvements by being able to see how much is going to each and every part of the process or service. This allows you to see if you are spending too much in one area, or possibly too little. activity based costing can give management a larger view of the costs of process or service. activity analysis can highlight waste and have been used for straightforward cost reduction...
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...Feb 26 Is it too soon to talk about boy/girl relationships in elementary school? Of course it is, you say! Well, you may not want to hear about it, or you may choose denial over reality, but the fact remains that children are playing out the cultural role that they are being taught as early as 2nd grade. Therefore, the relationship between boys and girls at every school (Christian and non- Christian) is a topic that needs to be discussed from a Biblical standpoint. Recently I have observed an increase in the level of interaction between some of the boys and girls at the elementary school level with the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship in mind. There have been some phone calls made and notes passed, and yet nothing really serious has happened. Even so, the fallout from this kind of interest and behavior has been clearly seen, as some of the kids are rejecting others, breaking off friendships, and making “who likes whom” a focus of attention. The pattern becomes more sophisticated as it continues in the middle school years and is in full bloom by the time the children hit high school. I would like to attempt to persuade you that the elementary level of “who likes whom,” and the middle school level of “who is going out with whom,” are not simply innocent and cute stages of life through which everyone must go. As informed Christians professing to glorify the Lord in all things, we need to see if any of this behavior brings glory to God and evaluate the effects of it on our kids...
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...BMA 246 -What is entrepreneurship Jin Mingming 199151 Considering the influence of the context, Entrepreneurship should be perceived as a living and breathing human being, who act as a social animal and is growth with the sensibility to opportunities and threats around.This article is mainly talking about the importance of sensing and manipulating as a entrepreneur. Firstly, two pictures of entrepreneurship will be illustrated with understanding about the principal of entrepreneurship. Afterward, two main differentiate characteristics of entrepreneurship as a life will be summarized together with evidences. Besides, how future entrepreneurship create values will be speculated associating with the business trends. Entrepreneurship——as a living body or as a robot Entrepreneurship, just like a navigation over red oceans, is a strategic operation in a market filled with fierce competition. It is not enough for an entrepreneur to have merely the determination of success and knowledge, and that is what a manager do to act as a interest-directed professional talents. According to Gibb’s theory, Entrepreneurship is no longer understood as a business-thinking components but a dynamic human being. In conventional understanding, referred to textbook (p210, Figure9.3) Entrepreneurship is a sub-set of business in a context of business. According to Gibb’s summary, entrepreneurs are always behave like a manager of a large business, they will have a forehead preparation such as...
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...Economics of Water Abstract Government regulation is needed in today’s industry. While this paper will look at the governance of the economics of water it will start with a brief introduction of the reasons why government regulation is something that the shareholders’ of a corporation should embrace and should ignore the hype from management, media, and academia about why governance is wrong. They tend to mistakenly call all decisions as opportunistic behavior whether it is ethical or not. Regulation should be regarded as a tool to address basic public ends (Dent, 2008). Management should see regulation as a benefit to society. It should engrave a sense of duty to their decision making. There are two types of governance that this paper is going to consider. The first is necessity of internal governance of public corporations. The second is specific industry governance specific to the economics of water. In addressing the internal governance of public corporations, this paper will address a short history of why internal control is regulated by government, some objections to government regulation of internal control, and why these criticisms are unwarranted. By July of 2002 Americans had been plagued by a flood of corporate scandal. The names: Enron, World Com, Adelphia and Arthur Anderson will forever be burned into our history books as those infamous corporations that ruined the lives of millions of people. Their jobs were lost, their pensions disappeared...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Objectives Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) is the terms that often made headlines for their deals, their investments, their transparency and sometimes the lack of it. They hold the people’s money, hence the scrutiny from public eyes. They also have more aggressive risk appetite than the usual reserve manager of a country which uphold the liquidity, security, and profitability principals and that results in an even more detailed scrutiny to the SWF. The term SWF itself has first mentioned by Rozanov in 2005 when he wrote for Central Banking Journal1, but actually SWF have been around since before that. For example Government of Singapore Investment Corporation and Temasek Holdings, the two prominent SWF from Singapore have already been established in 1981 and 1974, respectively. SWF’s asset under management amount is also increasing overtime. Preqin estimated that the growth of asset is up from USD 3.07 trillion in December 2008 to USD 6.3 trillion in March 2015 as seen in Figure 1.1 Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets under Management2. Norway’s Government Pension Fund currently has the biggest asset among them which is amounting to USD 882 billion3. It is interesting to see whether the smaller counterparts from Asia also enjoys the rise in their asset as well. The objectives of this paper is to comprehend and appreciate the dynamics of smaller SWF from emerging and developing Asia (IMF definition)4. 1 Rozanov, Andrew, 2005. Who holds...
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...서울대학교 法學 제51권 제3호 2010년 9월 125∼180면 Seoul Law Journal Vol. 51 No. 3 September 2010. pp. 125∼180 글로벌 금융위기와 금융산업의 구조재편* - 금융산업의 역사와 발전전략 1) 金 和 鎭 요 약 ** 이 논문은 글로벌 금융위기 이후 진행되어 온 미국과 유럽 금융산업의 재편 동향을 정리하고 그로부터 정책적 시사점을 찾기 위한 것이다. 특히, 미국에서 투자은행업과 상업은행업을 재분리하려는 개혁 움직임이 2010년 7월에 제정된 미국의 금융규제 개혁법에 어떻게 반영되었는지를 역사적 배경과 함께 살펴보았다. 현재 국내에서 진행 되고 있는 유니버설뱅킹과 메가뱅크 논의가 미국과 유럽에서의 움직임으로부터 어떤 영향을 받을 것인지를 진단하였고 미국과 유럽의 주요 은행들의 사례를 검토하였다. 이 논문은 미국에서의 논의는 미국 특유의 정치적 상황의 부산물이므로 미국에서의 제도변화 동향에 지나치게 민감하게 반응하지 않으면서 메가뱅크 계획보다는 유니 버설뱅크 계획을 추진하는 것이 바람직하다고 결론 내린다. 이 논문은 상업은행업과 투자은행업간의 업무 경계획정 기준은 상업은행은 국가가 제공하는 안전망의 보호 하에 있기 때문에 그를 망각하지 않는 범위 내에서만 영업활동이 허락되어야 한다는 것으로 설정하자고 제안한다. 주제어: 상업은행, 투자은행, 유니버설뱅킹, 미국 금융규제개혁법, 헤지펀드 * 이 논문은 필자가 2010년 4월과 8월에 각각 한국금융투자협회에 제출한 연구보고서의 일부에 기초하였다. 이 논문에 귀중한 코멘트를 해 주신 심사위원님들께 감사드린다. ** 서울대학교 법과대학⋅법학대학원 부교수. 126 서울대학교 法學 제51권 제3호 (2010. 9.) I. 머리말 1. 문제 2008년 글로벌 금융위기 이후 새로운 국제금융질서를 모색하기 위한 범세계적인 노력이 전개되고 있다. 특히, 자본시장과 금융회사들에서 발생한 리스크가 적절히 통제되지 못하고 금융위기의 직접적인 원인이 되었으므로 이에 관한 문제의 포착과 해법의 발견에 많은 노력이 기울여지고 있다. 과도하게 복잡해지고 지나친 레버리 지를 사용한 금융상품의 거래 비중이 높아졌으나 그에 대한 각국 정부의 감독부족과 시장 투명성 확보 실패, 금융회사의 내부통제 기능 마비가 문제였음이 지적된다. 통상 서브프라임 모기지 시장의 붕괴와 파생금융상품의 과도한 판매와 유통이 금융 위기의 직접적인 원인이 되었다고 지적되나1) 글로벌 금융위기는 아직도 계속되고 있기 때문에 그 원인에 대한 본격적인 학술적인 연구는 아직 출현이 이르다. 금융 위기의 과정과 거대 금융기관들의 몰락, 구조조정을 다루는 책과 논문들이 이제 서서히 등장하고 있을 뿐이다. 아마도 이는 후세의 역사가들에게 1차 세계대전의 원인이 어디에 있었는지를 규명하는 작업처럼 어려운 과제가 될 것이다. 글로벌 금융위기의 발원지인 미국에서는 포괄적인 금융개혁이 진행되고 있으며 그 중 가장 중요한 것으로 상업은행업무와 투자은행업무를 다시 분리시키려는...
Words: 17437 - Pages: 70
...ENTREPRENURESHIP SKILLS AND PRACTICES 1.0 Introduction Entrepreneurial skills and practices is one of the General Studies introduced in the curriculum for every undergraduate student in Osun state University regardless of the student’s course of study. The introduction of this course provides opportunity for the University to deliver on its vision and mission to students, national and international community. Specifically, the course help to challenge students to positively utilize the high quality teaching and learning experiences from other courses become entrepreneurial graduates capable of impacting on their environment while being globally competitive. Ideally, entrepreneurship education should be an off shoot of all disciplines. The primary discipline should provide skills capable of generating goods and services that would be demanded and create income. This education will thus help students to utilize learned skills to generate self employment thereby reducing the population of our graduate seeking jobs to the barest minimum. This will also reduce the level of unemployment nationally. The materials in the book are contributed by scholars from different intellectual backgrounds to produce a rich and highly stimulating compilation. The book gives a vivid background of the history of entrepreneurship from the rudimentary to the modern age. It provides ideas on principles and skills involved in sustaining entrepreneurship, potentials of businesses and entrepreneurs...
Words: 57078 - Pages: 229
...Contents Cover Title Page Copyright Dedication About the Authors Preface Changes in the fifth edition Companion websites Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Introduction to research What is research? Business research Types of business research: applied and basic Managers and research The manager and the consultant–researcher Internal versus external consultants/researchers Knowledge about research and managerial effectiveness Ethics and business research Summary Discussion Questions Chapter 2: Scientific investigation The hallmarks of scientific research Some obstacles to conducting scientific research in the management area The hypothetico-deductive method Other types of research Summary Discussion Questions Chapter 3: The research process: the broad problem area and defining the problem statement Broad problem area Preliminary information gathering Literature review Defining the problem statement The research proposal Managerial implications Ethical issues in the preliminary stages of investigation Summary Discussion Questions Practice Projects Appendix Chapter 4: The research process: theoretical framework and hypothesis development The need for a theoretical framework Variables Theoretical framework Hypothesis development Hypothesis testing with qualitative research: negative case analysis Managerial implications Summary Discussion Questions Practice Project Chapter 5: The research process: elements of research design The...
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