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Judy Bolton-Fasman Antidepressants And Teenagers

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Pages 4
Antidepressants and Teenagers

In the writing by Judy Bolton Fasman, she speaks about how, as a nineteen year old girl was suffering from panic attacks they slowly consumed her life one day at a time. Her list of symptoms was long and it took her to be rocking back and forth in the corner for her parents to finally go and get her help. Of course, at the time of assistance the only thing the doctor decided to do was put her on some sleeping pills and she was basically told to just figure it out (Judy Bolton-Fasman). In today’s society there are many different psychological disorders that go undiagnosed. This has always been an issue, I believe but more and more each day we see this happen and people doing things in which if they had help, they might have not done. Within just the past couple of years, I personally have seen many deaths that have occurred because of psychological disorders that have not been caught and that no one knew the person has had. I personally have lived with a person that has had one of these disorders and not knowing about it or how to handle it can sometimes be a very difficult thing to do without the proper support and care. …show more content…
I can personally attest that in middle school, I had a hard time getting through it because of what a change it was from elementary and without proper support, I may have not got to where I was. There are still a lot of things that I still blame on the overall experience I had during middle school that still affect me each and every day. I wish being put on antidepressants would have been an option during my time through it. If the situation would have gotten any worse, I would have to say that I would have had no other option than to be put on something to get through the

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