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Junior Cartoons Character Analysis

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Junior is concerned with appearances in a more internal way - hiding his poverty. Asserting independence and greater curiosity are additional milestones in a teenager’s development. Both Junior and Penelope desire an escape from their small communities and limitations. Junior is the first to leave “the rez” in search of a better life and hope, while Penelope wants to flee the little town she considers too small. “Everything about it is small. The people here have small ideas. Small dreams” (p. 111). With the development of autonomy and identity comes reflection and the examination of experiences. Many teens may keep a journal or diary to document their; Junior cartoons to “understand the world” and creates lists of things that bring him joy to help him with a grieving process. Relationships …show more content…
They want a better life for their children and want to help. Teens become cause and justice-oriented, engaging in activist activities and seeing issues in black or white. Penelope and Junior collect money for the homeless (p. 78), and Junior’s friends collectively defend him when a teacher mocks him for missing classes (p. 175). Sexuality and relationships with the opposite sex are explored through Junior’s relationship with Penelope and his talks with Rowdy and Gordy regarding love and girls. Substance abuse, death, and grieving are all found in the novel as they are a normal part of Junior’s world; he’s been to forty-two funerals in his fourteen years, mostly due to alcohol (p. 200). A goal of a good young adult novel is for teens to learn about themselves and others through a variety of literature and cultural perspectives. High quality literature provides adolescents with reading enjoyment, assists with the development of self, allows them a window to explore life experiences, and helps them to understand joys, successes, problems and challenges of

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