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Just Mercy Summary

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Bryan Stevenson, in his book, “Just Mercy”, repeatedly writes about the injustices that occur in the juvenile justice system. One of the injustices that he mentions throughout the second half of the book is the life without parole sentence for juveniles. Stevenson spends time talking about a few cases that had important impacts on himself and his fight against unfair sentencings. He also briefly talks about his court case in front of the US Supreme Court. I believe learning the history behind life without parole sentencing for juveniles will allow me to see what Bryan Stevenson was up against, when he argued his case in front of the US Supreme Court.
The book had many different aspects about the justice system that interested me. However, it …show more content…
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella, in their 2010 Mother Jones article "When Punishing Teens Is Cruel and Unusual, quoted in "Introduction to Should Juveniles Be Given Life Without Parole?”, writes that, “a large number of young offenders end up in long-term isolation in adult prisons, because they have to be isolated from adult offenders 'for their own protection.'" If the child sentenced has to be isolated from a young age until they would be safe to live openly in an adult prison they are going to lose their valuable social skills, and key developmental points. As well as, becoming used to feeling isolated and depressed during the time they are kept alone. The child may also, act up because they believe they are trapped in jail for the rest of their lives. For example, “Michael Novinson quotes Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins, a victim and opponent of the elimination of life without parole sentences for juveniles, believes that [life without parole sentences] are quite literally torture" (Introduction to Should Juveniles Be Given Life Without Parole?; At Issue). The kids with life without parole sentences don’t know if they are ever going to see the outside world. This creates feelings of being trapped and having a bad mind set. It is unfair to punish anyone so severely, with such detrimental consequences, that they may not socially develop correctly or have a

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