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Juvenile Offender Rehabilitation

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Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offenders

Rehabilitation is when you restore something back to its former self. When looking at juvenile justice system rehabilitation is a difficult topic to talk about because there are many place that yield different results. The goal of this is to better the juvenile’s reputation and make sure they don’t get in trouble again. There are many different way that court systems and programs try to approach this. I feel with the proper authority and program rehabilitation and work wonder and in some cases replace incarceration. It is said that without proper rehabilitation programs juvenile defends are more likely to reoffend. In an observed sample of 2000 offender over 41% of them reoffended due to improper or poor …show more content…
“In recent years, though, domestic violence courts have coordinated efforts to hold perpetrators accountable”( Greene & Heilbrun, 2013). This means that the court will do their best to make sure that the person who harmed you will get the punishment they deserve. Along with serving justice this court system provides other forms of assitance. This court system arranges help to those who are victims of domestic violence and holds programs to prevent this from occurring. Of course one of major issue about this court is that the victim has to seek the help that they need. This can be especially difficult for those who are victim of domestic violence disputes usually are scared of the person who harmed them (Blodgett, 2015). The victim also has to stand on trial with perpetrator present which can bring unnecessary trauma to the victim. However even though the cases might bring temporary stress to the victim justice will be served. These institution were made to protect the people who are affected by domestic violence and is one of the best places to go if you are unfortunate enough to have this happen to

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