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The Role Of Femininity In Homer's Odyssey

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In the beginning, there was nothing. You could imagine the nothing as a gap, a void filled with swirling movement, not emptiness. There was nothing that held together, nothing distinct, nothing measurable. There were no borders or limits, but within the void appeared Gaia, the Earth. In the depths of the lowest extent of Gaia was Tartarus, the place of punishment, a world beneath the world. Gaia and Tartarus emerged spontaneously, and were joined by Love, the fundamental creative force. By herself, Gaia the Earth bore Uranus, the heaven, to cover her. Uranus lay with Gaia and she bore Ocean and Tethys, the water encircling the continents and the waterways within them. From the union of Gaia and Uranos there emerged, among other children, the twelve Titans (Cronus and Rhea, Hyperion and Theia, Iapetus, father of Prometheus, and the rest of the gods of old. Cronus became the ruler of the world, and under him, the rule of the world was in a different order, and it …show more content…
Every time a child was born, Uranus seized it and shoved it back inside it’s mother’s womb, deep into the darkness of the Earth’s innards. In the agony of her labour pains, Gaia called out to the children within her, imploring them for help. But they were still and cowered in fear of their mighty father, all except Cronus, the youngest son. The only one bold enough to undertake the impious deed, he took the sickle of adamant that his mother had forged and lay in wait for his father. When Cronus came and spread himself over Gaia to lay with her, Cronus emerged and with one mighty stroke he cut off his father’s genitals and tossed them away. The blood from the wound scattered here and there, and spilling on the soil, gave rise to the Giants and the Furies (ghouls who also known as the Eumenides, the kindly

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