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Keep It Quet


Submitted By Tbrazier
Words 435
Pages 2
The Surreal painter that I would compare myself and my dreams to would be the Italian painter, Giorgio De Chirico. Chirico combines everyday objects that do not make any logical sense when placed together, and make the painting more mysterious. I would consider this all the dreams I have. Each dream that I can remember, have some strange connections to each other. Some parts in the dream don’t make sense but it is still part of the dream.
One example of a dream that reminds me of the painter or his works would be the one about how my family was in town for a holiday and there were cows in our backyard that kept making horse sounds every time someone said cow. Then outside the window as we were eating there were two birds looking in as if it was cold outside and they needed a warm place to sleep. Toward the end of my dream (or before I woke up) my mom went to the window to feed the birds some rice and bread. But I was never able to make out any of the faces of the people in the dream which I found to be extremely weird. With other dreams I was able to make out faces and remember the faces for a later dream.
To execute the painting about my dream I would first paint a window in the middle of painting in the background and then paint the family, without faces around a table with all the fixings for a feast. Then off to the left of the painting, I would paint pictures of the cows in the backyard and the by the window paint the 2 birds inquiring about the food inside the home. The cows would not able to communicate the horse noises, but I would be able to paint the cows and make the spots on the cows spell out horse or something subtle to let the audience know that the cow and horse would be intertwined. The birds would be shivering in the middle of hot summer day.
The dream painting is the same artistic approach that Chirico did to bring everyday objects come to life in a unique way. An example of this would be “The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street”. This painting is simple yet still leaves the audience with questions. My dream left me with many questions and wanting more information about the people in the dream and where we were eating and why I had the dream. All the pieces from my dream fit together in some weird way.

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