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Kelp: Why It's An Underwater Place?

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The ocean is a wonderful place were a multitude of creatures roam and survive. Although much of it has been explored, there are many parts that are unknown to most people. Some things that are interesting about the ocean is the geology, the plant life, and the animals that dwell within. The geology of the ocean is a very interesting place with a multitude of landmarks. There are multiple undersea mountains and hills which have caverns and undersea caves. There are under sea volcanos that in multiple cases, create new islands. The ocean also recedes and adds to some islands and sometimes, continents. Many of the faults on Earth are submerged under-water and move the continental plates around the globe and over time make new islands and formations. The plant. …show more content…
Kelp is a plant that a lot of fish eat and has many places to live. Kelp can live in tropical waters, far under the sea, and even in shallow waters. There are many kelp forest deep in the ocean and are a sight to see. The purple coral provides homes for a lot if other coral plants but is a rare color in coral. The sea whip an interesting plant that lives in shallow water and uses its coral polyps to bring in food. The sea anemone is another underwater plant that clings to rocks so it won't float away and kills any fish that swims into its grass-like tentacles by stinging the fish to death. The only fish immune to the sea anemone's deadly tentacles is the famous clown fish. Coral reefs are home to many forms of sea life and are a popular form of plant life. The coral reef are in danger because of pollution and overfishing and should be protected. Animal life is another interesting part of the

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