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Kepler Vs Galileo

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In the lab assignment this week, we were to choose two space missions to research. After exploring the two missions, we need to tell about what they did and what we have learned from them. There are so many missions that have given us great discoveries. However, after I looked into several of them I decided on the Kepler and Galileo missions. Both of these missions were extraordinary and gave astronomers many new insights into the universe we adore.
First, we look at the Kepler Mission. Kepler spacecraft launched on March 6, 2009 from the Delta 2 rocket. This mission was set for three years in search of an Earth like planet. This was NASA’s first planet hunting spacecraft. The Kepler photometer is essentially a Schmidt telescope design with a 0.95 meter aperture and a 105 square degree field of view. The mission design had an Earth trailing heliocentric orbit, which the spacecraft gradually drifted away from the Earth. In 2013 Kepler blew out one of its reaction wheels and they thought the mission was over, but thankfully an engineer was able fix the problem.
Moreover, Kepler has been going for quite a while now and has given us an abundant amount of discoveries. The Kepler Mission has a primary goal of …show more content…
The storms are created from the vertical circulation of water in the top layers, which leave huge parts where air inclines and becomes dry like the desert. Water rises on other parts at the same time to form the thunderstorms. Another amazing discovery was of what Jupiter's rings are made out of. The rings are made of small dust grains blasted off the surface of Jupiter's four innermost satellites by the impacts of meteoroids. On September 21, 2003 the Galileo spacecraft plunged into Jupiter's devastating atmosphere and was deliberately destroyed. This ended a great mission of many astonishing

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