...how each event led to advancement of the field. For each event, describe the following: Key health issues at the time Perspectives and goals of community and public health nursing Roles and functions of community and public health nursing Community and public health partnerships at the time |Event or Influence: World War I | |Key health issues |Infectious and parasitic diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and scarlet fever were the main issues | | |addressed. | |Perspective/goals |The goal was to improve sanitation and reduce occurrences of the diseases. | |Role/functions |Keller and Strohschein (2012) states “in 1911 efforts to control typhoid fever in Yakima County, Washington, | | |and to improve health status in Guilford County, North Carolina, led to establishment of local health units | | |to serve local populations. Public health nurses were the primary staff members of local health departments. | | |These nurses assumed a leadership role on health care issues through collaboration with local residents, | | |nurses,...
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...Secure Data Sharing in the Cloud Danan Thilakanathan, Shiping Chen, Surya Nepal and Rafael A. Calvo 1 Introduction Cloud systems [1, 2] can be used to enable data sharing capabilities and this can provide an abundant of benefits to the user. There is currently a push for IT organisations to increase their data sharing efforts. According to a survey by InformationWeek [3], nearly all organisations shared their data somehow with 74 % sharing their data with customers and 64 % sharing with suppliers. A fourth of the surveyed organisations consider data sharing a top priority. The benefits organisations can gain from data sharing is higher productivity. With multiple users from different organisations contributing to data in the Cloud, the time and cost will be much less compared to having to manually exchange data and hence creating a clutter of redundant and possibly out-of-date documents. With social networking services such as Facebook, the benefits of sharing data are numerous [4] such as the ability to share photos, videos, information and events, creates a sense of enhanced enjoyment in one’s life and can enrich the lives of some people as they are amazed at how many people are interested in their life and well-being. For students and group-related projects, there has been a major importance for group collaborative tools [5]. Google Docs provides data sharing capabilities as groups of students or teams working on a project can share documents and can collaborate...
Words: 13400 - Pages: 54
...marketplace is essential. With over 30 years’ experience producing highly respected off-the-shelf publications, Key Note has built a reputation as the number one source of UK market information. Below are just a few of the comments our business partners and clients have made on Key Note’s range of reports. “The test of any marketing strategy and plan lies in the quality of information used, upon which marketing judgments and decisions are based. Quality is the key word here. The Key Note reports are an excellent source of such quality information, covering a wide variety of product sectors.” The Chartered Institute of Marketing “We have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Key Note and have always received an excellent service. Key Note reports are well produced and are always in demand by users of the business library. Having subscribed to Market Assessment reports for a number of years, we continue to be impressed by their quality and breadth of coverage.” The British Library “When we are putting together strategic information for presentations to major retailers and Symington’s Board, the combination of Key Note’s market research and company information proves invaluable. It is accurate and easy to use, and provides us with important insight that we cannot get elsewhere.” Symington’s “I regard Key Note as the number one provider of UK market research. The way Key Note content is packaged and presented is appealing and easy to understand and therefore a must for my taught...
Words: 15257 - Pages: 62
...the technology and processes have been available for many years (Australian Whiskies 2012). Currently the majority of Australian whiskey distillers export the majority of their manufactured products overseas to the overseas market including Europe and North America however, the amount of whiskey exported is only a small amount of global whiskey market and in comparison to the large multinationals companies (Australian Whiskies 2012). What has lead to the current market success of Australian whiskey distillers in the global markets has been to the high quality nature of the whiskeys that has been globally recognised winning prestigious awards in the industry (Australian Whiskey Guide 2012). Liquor is a highly regulated industry across all developed economies, this is an especially the case when exporting to United States of America (USA) as the legislation require Australian distillers to take on a different approach as the regulations in the USA provide further restrictions than then what Australian distillers are use to in European and Australian markets (Customs United States of America 2009). To add further complexity to exporting into the USA market, not only do distributors of alcoholic beverages need to register and comply of federal regulations they are subjected to additional restrictions and regulations imposed from each USA state (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 2012). The key problem Australian distilleries face with entering the USA market is not only overcoming...
Words: 1978 - Pages: 8
...Strengths Key Factor-Innovation Apple has been the leader in technological innovation with the release of such products as the MacBook Computers, iPods, iPads, iPhone and more recently the announcement of iTV. According to the 2012 Global Innovation 1000 conducted by Booz & Company, Apple ranked number 1 for the 3rd year in a row. Although many may feel that innovation is about creating new products all the time, Apple’s idea of innovation is about creating quality products (Krasnv, 2013). By building on their strength over the years to create quality products they have also built a foundation as lead innovators and constantly change the technological game with their products. Key Factor-Brand As a leader in innovation, Apple has also secured their brand value by constantly creating products that are well designed but also by understanding that brand is less about the logo and more about aligning the business strategy and employee base with the ability to influence how the consumer felt about the product. This factor is demonstrated by the fact that at least half of every U.S. household own one Apple product minimum despite the price of their products (Gralnick, 2012). Although not infallible, brand power does reflect a company’s marketing ability and Apple has shown the world that they have marketing power by ranking number two behind Coca Cola in 2012 as Best Global Brands with their percentage rising 129% and a brand value of $76.5 million (Reid, 2012). Key Factor-Customer...
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...ACCT 5919 – Fukushima – An Analysis of Risk Management Issues ACCT 5919 – Business Risk Management Fukushima – An Analysis of Risk Management Issues Page 1 of 11 ACCT 5919 – Fukushima – An Analysis of Risk Management Issues 1.0 Executive Summary On 11th March 2011, Japan witnessed the second largest earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 with its epicentre at Tohoku. The earthquake gave rise to a Tsunami which hit the Fukushima nuclear reactor run by The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The disaster escalated by triggering a series of power and equipment failures, explosions, nuclear meltdowns and release of radioactive material. The disaster was regarded as a manmade disaster which could have been avoided with appropriate human response as stated by the chairman of NAIIC, Professor Kiyoshi Kurokawa (Bloomberg, 2012). TEPCO lacked a sense of responsibility to ensure safety and protection to the people effected by the disaster. The nuclear incident was caused by poor earthquake safety planning and faulty post-tsunami communication. The collusion between TEPCO and the regulators resulted in there being no separation of atomic regulation and promotion which led to nuclear power become unstoppable force immune to scrutiny. TEPCO, government and the regulators failed to develop the most basic safety requirements like assessing the probability of damage, preparing for containment of collateral damage, and developing evacuation plans. The lack of training...
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...Human Resource Professional in Employee Relations Karen (K-Kay) Goodman University of Phoenix HRM/323 Employee Relations Tobie Gunby, MA, PHR March 3, 2012 Within today’s workplace conflict among its associates, remain to be a consistent and reccurring problem, which no matter how hard a manager may try continues to be unavoidable. As organizations strive to become more team-oriented and achieve goals to remain, successful there are still issues or situations that arise that if not handeled properly could affect the long term goals and aspirations of an organization. There is a variety of reasons for this, but the most prevalent reasons are the failure to define an associate’s responsibity, the lack of resources to enable associates to perform his or her tasks adequately, and a conflict of interest amongst team members. One common complaint heard constantly throughout the workplace is what are my actual responsibilities? There continues to be a struggle in clearly defining individual associate roles within in a team because of performance among key team members, his or her attitudes, or willingness to work cohesively as a team therefore causing conflict either among the team or with management. If not addressed appropriately the situation can begin to spiral out oc control and take on the appearance of babysitting unruly children instead of working with grown adults (Rau-Foster, 2000). Due to the economy, many organizations have found it necessary to cut back...
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...(2010 source or later) article and summarize its key points, analyze its multi-national and global aspects, and determine three critically important questions you would like to address regarding the article. This assignment should be posted in the Conference Discussion area. 5% of your grade Due: September 16, 2012, 10:00 pm EST Assignment 2: Apply decision-making frameworks to IT-related ethical issue. This requires a 3-5 page paper addressing a leading ethical issue (suggested topics provided in project description details in Course Content). You will use the decision-making framework to analyze the issue and select one of the four common approaches to ethical decision making. 15% of your grade Due: September 23, 2012, 10:00 pm EST Assignment 3: Privacy-related Matrix. You will analyze a key IT-related organizational ethical issue and complete a provided template (see Course Content) to produce a matrix mapping how this issue is affected by laws, regulations, and policies. 10% of your grade Due: September 30, 2012, 10:00 pm EST Assignment 4: Organizational Policy paper. Write an organizational policy to address the IT-related ethical issue you described in B1 and identify how these ethical issues were affected by laws, regulations and policies. 10% of your grade Due: October 7, 2012, 10:00 pm EST Assignment 5: Topic Selection for research paper on existing or emerging technology and related ethical issues. Select a topic and determine three critically...
Words: 900 - Pages: 4
...University of Phoenix Material Evolution of Community and Public Health Nursing Identify a minimum of 3 major events (or influences) in the evolution of community and public health nursing and describe how each event led to advancement of the field. For each event, describe the following: Key health issues at the time Perspectives and goals of community and public health nursing Roles and functions of community and public health nursing Community and public health partnerships at the time |Event or Influence: 2001 No Child Left Behind Act | |Key health issues |This law was signed into law by George W. Bush on January 8, 2002 (Frontline, 2013). This law is a check | | |point or educational average that measures improvement or decline in student ability through grades 3-8 | | |annually in math and reading (Frontline, 2013). The key issue is children need to be as healthy as possible | | |to perform to the best of his or her ability in school. | |Perspective/goals |The perspective that all children are important and education should be available to all children. Regardless| | |of the economic status, race, language barrier, or community environment along with making...
Words: 1156 - Pages: 5
...Evolution Bioscience existing strengths and failing in using digital platforms such as its website and social media accounts first, and then, using SWOT and business models to analyse the company’s internal situation and via analysing the main social media to choose the suitable social media. Finally, according to the business models analysis, a recommendation mainly refers to B2B development is performed. Current situation of Evolution Bioscience EXISTING STRENGTHS As Jukes and Zilling presented in 2012, the most important for a company in E-business age is establish an official website. Evolution Bioscience has established its official website, which is http://www.evolution- bio.com/. In this official website, we will find that it has clear layout, and the details of the company features. Web site design has six elements: objectives, content, visual design, structure and navigation, interactivity and functionality and overall experience (Webby Awards, 2012; Chaffey and Smith, 2008). The...
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...Present The Drapers 2012 Retail Forecast Sarah Curran, founder of etailer My-Wardrobe and Meg Lustman, managing director of womenswear chain Warehouse both state how consumers will become cautious in their purchasing habits therefore retailers must provide the right product. This is proven to be true, as consumers are looking to buy essential products that are long lasting with quality being the key incentive to purchase. Furthermore, they stated that providing exceptional customer service and enticing the customer with extra services and excitement is a must for 2012. This has been demonstrated with John Lewis sitting amongst the most admired retailers of 2012 according to ‘The Drapers Market Report 2012’ for their exceptional customer service and how they embrace the multichannel attitude by targeting the right consumer, providing them with the right product online and in store. Fiona Lambert, brand director at supermarket brand George at Asda who stated ‘customers will buy investment pieces’, made a further opinion on product quality. Mark Bage, co-owner of York premium indie Sarah Coggles stated ‘the move from disposable fashion to investment statement pieces by customers will continue to change the high street.’ This was proven to be true as J Brand leather leggings priced at £875 sold out in 48 hours. We are still in a recession, however consumers are looking to purchase on trend, quality products. Many agree that being a multi channel retailer is key, providing multi-platforms...
Words: 3681 - Pages: 15
...particular, we will look at the development of the concept of corporate governance in Singapore with a focus on the regulatory framework for corporate governance in Singapore and the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2005 and 2012. We will also examine the various legal and regulatory mechanisms which exist to facilitate good corporate governance practice as well as other perspectives of corporate governance. We also hope to introduce to students some of the more pertinent issues and trends in this field. As part of our ‘E-learning week’, there will be online lectures for students to view. Students will also be expected to do some independent study and research into the topic, which will form the base for the mid-term written assignment. At the end of the e-learning sessions, students should have a working understanding of: • What is meant by ‘corporate governance’; • Key milestones in the development of corporate governance in Singapore; • The regulatory framework for corporate governance in Singapore; • The interaction between Company Law and corporate governance; • Key regulatory mechanisms for Corporate Governance in Singapore; and • The provisions and operation of the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012 Readings Many articles have been posted to help you along with writing the essay but you are required to be discerning and make your own selection of which articles to read. You may also do your own research to supplement...
Words: 398 - Pages: 2
...combinations of overlapping and complementary controls. For instance, physical access controls for protected facilities are generally intended to: • deter potential intruders (e.g. warning signs and perimeter markings); • distinguish authorized from unauthorized people (e.g. using pass cards/badges and keys) • delay and ideally prevent intrusion attempts (e.g. strong walls, door locks and safes); • detect intrusions and monitor/record intruders (e.g. intruder alarms and CCTV systems); and • trigger appropriate incident responses (e.g. by security guards and police). It is up to security designers to balance security controls against risks, taking into account the costs of specifying, developing, testing, implementing, using, managing, monitoring and maintaining the controls. Physical access control is a matter of who, where, and when. An access control system determines who is allowed to enter or exit, where they are allowed to exit or enter, and when they are allowed to enter or exit. Historically this was partially accomplished through keys and locks. When a door is locked only someone with a key can enter through the door depending on how the lock is configured. Mechanical locks and keys do not allow restriction of...
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...Tasmanian Hospitality Industry Skills Plan June 2012 Contents Foreword Skills Plan Overview Background & Consultation Hospitality Industry Skills Plan Focus Area #1 Recruitment Induction & Retention Focus Area #2 Customer Service Focus Area #3 Career Pathways Focus Area #4 Fostering a Training Culture Detailed Action Plan 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 Definitions THA VET Tasmanian Hospitality Association Vocational Education and Training RTOs Registered Training Organisations AACs Australian Apprenticeship Centres 2 Hospitality Industry Skills Plan – June 2012 Foreword The hospitality industry employs approximately 20 000 people1, which is equal to approximately 11% of the Tasmanian workforce. The industry is heavily reliant on casual labour with part-time and casual employees making up almost three quarters of the hospitality workforce in Tasmania2. The role and contribution of the industry to both the economy and community is largely unrecognised. This is reflected in the fact that only a small proportion of employees perceive hospitality as a long term career choice. As hospitality is a service based industry, a skilled workforce is a key requirement to ensure quality service delivery to both local and visitor markets. In order to provide quality service employees require access to training which delivers the essential skills and knowledge. Access to training is only one element of the equation. Also essential is venue owners and operators placing more value...
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...American foreign policy Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: The foreign policy of the United States has been a key determinant of the form of relationship between this country and other nations across the world. The foreign policy also sets platform for interaction for the organizations of this country and its people with the international community. The key objectives of the United States foreign policy have been to establish and also sustain a democratic, secure as well as successful world for the benefit of the international community and to a great extent the American people. It has been a key player in the setting up measures to facilitate commercial interaction with the international community and to protect American business abroad (Wiener, 2012). The other key issues that are largely guided by the foreign policy are the protection of American people in foreign soils, expatriation, and international education. Nevertheless, the U.S foreign policy has been a subject of heated controversy for decades now. The U.S foreign policy has taken numerous approaches to major issues across the world especially the ones that have the capacity to directly impact on its people. After the American Revolution, America is believed to have employed a non-intervention approach to global issues. This implies that America did not involve its forces in issues affecting the international community. Historical review reveals that the First World War did not affect the U.S foreign policy...
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