...변화하는 시장을 선도하며 고객의 기대를 뛰어넘는 새로운 가치를 지속적으로 창출하며 활력과 즐거움을 제공하는 기업으로 거듭나기 위해 최선을 다할 것입니다. 2011 영업보고서 Chairman’s Message 세계적인 자동차 메이커이자 모범적인 기업시민으로서 지속가능한 성장을 이루어 나가겠습니다. 06 Kia motors Chairman’s message 지난 2011년은 현대자동차 그룹의 위상을 더욱 공고히 하는 매우 의미있는 한 해였습니다. 현대 기아차는 세계 시 장에서 5대 자동차 메이커로서의 위상을 더욱 확고히 하였습니다. 그러나 2012년은 유럽 재정위기와 세계 경기 침체로 인해 자동차 산업의 성장세는 둔화되고, 업체간 경쟁은 더욱 치열해 질 것으로 예상됩니다. 따라서, 올해는 보다 내실 있는 경영활동을 통해 글로벌 일류 기업으로 도약하기 위한 기반을 다지고자 합니다. 이 를 위해서 그 동안 꾸준히 추진해 온 품질경영을 더욱 강화해야 하며, 이를 통해 고객에게 만족과 감동을 주는 품질 의 고급화에 더욱 주력해 나갈 것입니다. 아울러, 현대자동차 그룹은 소외된 계층을 보살피는 사회공헌과 협력업체와 공생발전을 위한 활동을 더욱 강화하 여, 국가 경제와 사회발전에 공헌하는 모범적인 기업이 되도록 최선의 노력을 다할 것 입니다. 또한, 우리 기아자동차는 금년 한해 사업목표 달성과 함께, 미래를 대비하는 마음으로 중장기전략인 “기아비전 2016”을 수립하였으며, 차질없이 진행해 나갈 것입니다. 기아자동차는 위기를 기회로 만드는 불굴의 도전정신과 무한한 잠재력이 있습니다. 미래를 향한 꿈과 열정으로 모 든 임직원이 한마음 한 뜻으로 다시 한번 도약하는 뜻깊은 한 해를 만들어 나가겠습니다. 감사합니다. 회장 정몽구 07 2011 영업보고서 Vice Chairman’s Message 존경하는 주주 여러분 제68기 정기 주주총회를 맞아 지난 한 해 동안 기아자동차에 성원을 아끼지 않으신 주주 여 러분께 진심으로 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 주주 여러분! 2011년은 일본 대지진, 아중동 민주화 시위, 유럽발 경제 위기 등 유난히 큰 사건 사고가 많았던 한 해 였으며, 이로 인해 글로벌 경제는 한치 앞을 내다보기 어려운 상황들이 계속되었습니다. 하지만 기아자동차는 어려운 상황을 슬기롭게 극복하고 다시 한번 사상 최고의 성과를 달성 하였습니다. 2년 연속 무파업을 달성한 가운데, 국내 및 해외시장에서 248만대를 판매하여 전년대비 19% 의 고성장을 이루며 2010년에 이어 다시 한번 세계 10대 자동차 메이커 반열에 우뚝 섰습니 08 Kia motors ViCe Chairman’s message ‘기아비전 2016’을 중심으로 고객중심 경영 강화, 글로벌 사업구조 고도화, 지속성장 기반 확충 등을 통해 보다 큰 성장을 이루겠습니다. 다. 이익 면에 있어서도 3조원을 돌파하며 사상 최고의 영업이익 을 달성하였으며, 주가는 전년대비...
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...Executive Summary This report would provide a thorough application of Accounting Information System concepts, accompanied with thorough findings on Kia Motors, South Korea’s second largest automobile manufacturer. The findings were based on mainly secondary data through research obtained from web-based sources such as online articles, analyst reports, financial reports, academic journals and academic databases. The report aims to present the detailed findings of Kia Motors and the fraud that occurred in 2002 through a Balanced Scorecard (“BSC”), Document Flowchart Diagram (“DFD”), as well as the facts and role of the accountant, Cecile Campbell in the fraud committed on Kia Motors in 2002. The report consists of mainly three components. Firstly, a BSC that was developed using Kia Motors’ mission, vision and strategies that were identified and inferred from online research and Kia Motors’ financial statements and sustainability reports. Key information that was included in the BSC were Kia Motors’ performance and risk-based goals, initiatives, measures and their performance target. Secondly, a DFD was created to reflect one of Kia Motors’ key operations. The diagram that was drawn up was based on Kia Motors’ expenditure cycle. It showcased a detailed description of the relevant source documents involved, as well as their flow throughout the business process. The report further highlighted the key internal control strengths, the risk of material misstatements they serve...
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...SWOT analysis and it’s importance in market segmentation. SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treat) Analysis is one of the management tools which provides management an overview on the Strengthen, Weakness, Opportunities and Treat that points out the core issues about the company’s position on it’s operation. It “serves as a catalyst to facilitate and guide the creation of marketing strategies that will produce desired result” O.C. Ferrell, Michael D.,George h and David l (1999) using the SWOT analysis organizations can examine the various factors both internally (Strength and Weakness) and Externally (opportunities and treats) to improve business performance. The analysis will be used to “quickly overview the business strategy” Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, (2013). Swot Analysis provides a core information on the business organization not only the marketing aspect but also other components that contribute and affects the success of it’s business operation, Management can prepare itself for taking proper course of action in identifying marketing objectives and designing core strategies and gain competitive advantage in breaking the market. Marketing Audit Organizations develop a plan of action through which they proceed with their business operation, in order to assess their past performance, current position in the market as well as where they want to be in future operations. One of the tool that can answear these issues are to have an internal and external audit...
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...To find the best cars for families, the editors of Kelley Blue Book, together with families and tested a variety of vehicles. Their examination included minivans to limousines within the United States.After the exam were named two Chevrolet vehicles among the top 12 Best Family Cars 2017 recommended to the Kelley Blue Book list - Chevrolet midsize SUV the Traverse. 2017 Chevrolet Traverse Front View 2017 Chevrolet Traverse - exterior and interior design According to Chevrolet's director of marketing, Russ Clark, she purposefully designed the 2017 Chevrolet Traverse to provide useful family-friendly features. He said that it is nice that the interviewed customers and Kelley Blue Book agree. The nominees in the examination were selected for the customers comfort, safety, space for child seats, driving behavior as well as a variety of other family-friendly amenities. The expert editors from Kelley Blue Book began with 21 of the top-ranked vehicles in their expert reviews in a variety of categories for family-friendly features suitable. Next, they received help from several families to test the vehicles as well as possible. After that, the editorial made note of the feedback and results to ultimately select the winners. The 2017 Chevrolet Traverse is filled with a variety of family-friendly features. It offers families plenty of space while still obtain able a car atmosphere. It also provides specific entertainment features for families, seat configurations, which are flexible...
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...Experience Que: Match the following sphere 1. Public Sphere 2. Social Sphere 3. Trival Sphere 4. Psychological Sphere With the examples. a. Charmin pop-up dacilities b. Nike’s “Just do it” c. Louis Vuitton Bags d. Walmart Shopycat a. 1+a, 2+d, 3+c, 4+b b. 1+a, 2+b, 3+c, 4+d c. 1+d, 2+c, 3+b, 4+a d. 1+c, 2+b, 3+a, 4+d Article 46: Creative That Cracks the code Match the following codes----- 1. A new social movement 2. Ads that “go native” 3. Just Enough Humor 4. The Ad as a game 5. Collaborating with the Crowd 6. Variations on the Meme ---- with the organization that correctly references it. a) Wonderful Pistachios b) OREO Cookies c) COCA-COLA China d) KIA Motors America e) Target and Neiman Marcus f) Marks and Spencer a. 1+a, 2+b, 3+c, 4+d, 5+e, 6+f b. 1+f, 2+e, 3+d, 4+c, 5+b, 6+a c. 1+b, 2+d, 3+c, 4+e, 5+a, 6+f d. 1+f, 2+e, 3+d, 4+c, 5+b, 6+a e. None is correctly matched Article 47: The Rise of Experiential Marketing Which quote is MISMATCHED with the person who expressed it? a. Brian Martin -“An experience’ has much more important than an ‘exposure’” b. Lenderman- “Experiential marketing lessens the distance between the consumer and the brand” c. Rick Condos – “We always used to have to push messages out and we used to tell stories. We still tell stories, but now we ask our consumers to be a part of those stories.” d. Jon Hayes – “There are...
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...Using sports marketing to engage with consumers: A Kia Motors case study Introduction Today’s consumers have higher expectations than ever before. Dramatic improvements in media, communication and transport have made the world’s economy more connected. Products developed in one country have become increasingly attractive in other parts of the world. However, entering markets in other parts of the world is not an easy task. Entrants face many different challenges as they try to develop their brand profile. This is especially evident in mature markets like the UK car market. This market has a number of long established brands. The awareness and brand loyalty that exists for established brands form a barrier to entry for new organisations. This case study illustrates how Kia , a South Korean motor company, has used sports marketing to develop its brand identity in the European motor market. The Kia Motors Corporation, based in South Korea, has 12 manufacturing and assembly plants and subsidiaries in 165 countries around the world. Globally the Hyundai Kia Group is now the fourth largest car company in the world. Kia Motors UK has more than 166 dealerships. It also has plans to grow the network to support the increasing demand. Kia is a relatively new entrant to the UK car market. However, it has become more well known in recent years. Kia does not have the same level of brand heritage in the UK as it does elsewhere in the world. Kia aims to overcome this through its massive ambition...
Words: 1867 - Pages: 8
...This is especially evident in mature markets like the UK car market. This market has a number of long established brands. The awareness and brand loyalty that exists for established brands form a barrier to entry for new organisations. This case study illustrates how Kia, a South Korean motor company, has used sports marketing to develop its brand identity in the European motor market. The Kia Motors Corporation, based in South Korea, has 12 manufacturing and assembly plants and subsidiaries in 165 countries around the world. Globally the Hyundai Kia Group is now the fourth largest car company in the world. Kia Motors UK has more than 166 dealerships. It also has plans to grow the network to support the increasing demand. Kia is a relatively new entrant to the UK car market. However, it has become well known in recent years. Kia does not have the same level of brand heritage in the UK as it does elsewhere in the world. Kia aims to overcome this through its massive ambition and plans for growth in the European market. Developing brand identity To support this growth plan, Kia has to develop its brand identity. In the past Kia has competed mainly on price, using a competitive pricing strategy. The challenge for Kia has been to increase awareness of its brand within European markets. Alongside this it has created positive perceptions of its products through high profile sponsorship deals. It wants consumers to view the brand as a...
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...operate, ensure a consistent pool of resources that are required for the business to perform its functions, and to generate profits. The Acquisition of Kia Motors by Hyundai Motors Fikre Y. Wondimu CalUniversity Author Note Fikre Y. Wondimu is a student at California Intercontinental University. Special thanks to Dr. Troy Roland and Dr. Fathiah Inserto for providing suggestions to improve this document format and content. Correspondence concerning this thesis should be addressed to Fikre Y. Wondimu, CalUniversity, 1470 Valley Vista Drive #150, Diamond Bar, CA 91765. Contact: fikre_y@yahoo.com Abstract The last decade demonstrated decreased revenue and higher value of development costs, which led the automobile industry to engage in domestic and international mergers and acquisition (M&A). This case analyis examines one of the largest M&As in the Korean automobile industry in recent years, the acquisition of Kia Motors (Kia) by Hyundai Motors (Hyundai). The case study briefly analyses the conditions of the acquisition, the integration and stabilization processes undertaken by both companies. By acquiring Kia, Hyundai enhanced its competitive position in both domestic and global markets, achieving economies of scale, scope and strengthened its local and global market. The M&A process of Hyundai/Kia did not come easy. The Post-acquisition and restructuring process faced several challenges of synergy effects prompting for strategy change in order to align...
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...Hyundai Motor Company Question 1 Hyundai is a Korean Motor company which is a part of Hyundai Group. It has been established 29th December 1967. It has achieved a high success domestically and internally. In this question we will highlight the difficulties faced Hyundai including its competitors, how they overcome these problems domestically and internally and the strategies adapted to compete effectively . HMC has faced some of the difficulties & problems that affect its market position & brand image. Their problems is going around three main problems which are "Sales, rate & quality". HMC rates was so cheap which made the product is undervalued by the customers. In fact, the cheap price of their cars reflect its quality as some customers are needed for expensive cars. Therefore, Hyundai goal in US only to maintain its share not to gain more profits & sales in one had. On the other hand, segmenting low level –moderate level people and focus on cost saving cars rather than high quality oriented cars affected it's brand image & identity. Moreover, Hyundai is caring only to save money by having cheap labor which also affect its quality of working and having lots of workers strikes. In addition, we can't forget that inherited Chairmanships that gave the priority to the family to run the business rather than the qualified professional from management. These family chairmens' never listen to the experts inside organization and never take their advice. As well as they had a problem...
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...Kristine Sizemore American Intercontinental University Unit 4 Individual Project HIST105 – U.S. History May 26, 2013 Abstract The Mexican-American War, it was a war where the United States cemented itself as a world super power; however, that came at a cost. This paper explores the ups and downs of the Mexican-American War. Mexican Cession: 1848 (Mexican-American War) The Mexican Cession in 1848 or better known as the Mexican-American War was a war where Mexico gave most of their land to America. It was a quest for James L Polk, the president at the time to expand the United States westward toward the Pacific Ocean. Mexico was forced to give approximately one-third of their land away when the United States captured Mexico City. They were given two choices: the first one being lose all of Mexico to the United States because the United States had a much stronger military than Mexico. The second choice being to surrender the part of their land to the United States that the United States wanted. After much deliberation and very heated debates between Mexico and the United States, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in 1848 to finally end the war. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, drafted by Nicholas Trist, stated that the United States was to pay Mexico a sum of $15 million in exchange for Mexican territory, that today are known as Texas, California, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, and New Mexico. Also, the United States had to...
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...Border Fence The Mexican border has been a controversial event for the past years. It has been constructed of several barriers that were intended to keep illegal Mexican immigrants from traveling across the border into the United States. Many people have debated that the border has harm the environment physically and economically. My opinion on the border fence is that the government of the United States should not waste money on making the border fence bigger and should focus on other important situations. The placement of the barriers was to keep illegal border crossings into the southwest part of the United States. The voices of the people have raised and claim that they are a drain on taxpayers’ money and more of a political gambit. They see the Mexico-unites states barriers as an ineffective production to illegal immigration that ultimately jeopardizes the safety and health of people seeking their homes and safety in the United States. As well as concerned about the environment and animal habitats. In the uninhabited areas of the border and urban areas is where drug-trafficking and illegal crossings have taken place. Crime has taken place in cities like El Paso, Texas and San Diego, California. Border patrol agents through a system of cameras and sensors monitor the border fences. In the last 13 years, over 5,000 migrant deaths occurred along the border according to documents from the human rights national commission of Mexico. In 2005 a representative Duncan...
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...There are many factors to consider when re-positioning a phased out product. Segmentation, targeting, and positioning are important when identifying the specific target market that you will supply in order to sustain growth. The product that I have in mind to reposition is the MP3 player device. Apple already has MP3 players that have been very successful due to the increase in technology. Their products have ranged from 60 GB color screen iPods to the lower gig shuffle without a screen. These Mp3 players were great in their time however; due to an increase in technology, Americans wanted a gadget that was an all in one. This is where the popularity of iPhones, Androids, and other smart phones saturated the market. Users no longer prefer to carry around a MP3 device when they have newer more technical savvy gadgets. For example, the smart phone has given its consumer base the ability to have the same MP3 capabilities, internet usage, games options and more in one device. There is no longer a need to have stand-alone devices for different uses. In order to acquire the same concept as Apple I will need to thoroughly study my competitors target market approach. For instance, Sony and Samsung actually never reached the level of success that Apple has with their iPods, one reason being is that they did not analyze their pricing data to determine what target market would work best for them. Instead, they choose the same segmentation as Apple. Statistics show that Apple...
Words: 1550 - Pages: 7
...sixteen year old boy running away from home in an attempt to start a new life. With the person he was closest to dead, and his mother selling the ranch he grew up on, John Grady leaves San Angelo with no regrets. This idea of detachment is reinforced throughout the book, but mostly in the latter half; it’s clear that John Grady feels no attachment to Texas or his family anymore, as he says, “I have no country” (p.299). He no longer has a sense of being; no sense of individualism. It's this sense of detachment McCarthy gives to further John Grady's character development. As All the Pretty Horses unravels, through the actions of Blevins and Perez, we see that book revolves around the maturation of John Grady. The crossing of the Rio Grande river is one of the first instances we truly see a change in John Grady's character. John Grady and Rawlins had just met thirteen-year-old Jimmy Blevins, a boy who acts as a FOIL character for the entirety of the book. At the river, John Grady and Rawlins debate whether or not they should let Blevins ride with them. For many reasons, Rawlins says no, however; John Grady can't bring himself to leave without him. (p.79) “Meanin just leave him?” “Yessir.” “…you realize the fix he's in?” “I realize it. It's the one he's put hisself in.” “…I can't do it.” Even though it meant re-routing his destination and eventually risking his life, John Grady stuck by Blevins’ side through thick and thin. Even though he and Rawlins...
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...Grodno es una ciudad de Bielorrusia. Grodno se encuentra en las orillas del río Niemen a 280 km al oeste de Minsk, es la ciudad más pintoresca de Bielorrusia ya que ha sobrevivido a la guerra y conserva en muy buen estado sus edificios históricos.Grodno esta cerca de las fronteras con Polonia y Lituania. Número de población es cerca de317,366 habitantes. Es la capital de la Región de Grodno y del Distrito de Grodno. Hay que visitar: la CatedralFarny y su altar laboriosamente orneado, La Iglesia y el Monasterio de los Bernardinos, La Iglesia de madera de San Boris y San Gleb, que data del siglo XII. El Museo de Historia de las Religiones, que se encuentra en un palacio del siglo XVIII recientemente reformado, presenta grabados, obras de arte del catolicismo polaco y de la ortodoxia rusa y una pequeña colección de arte judío. El Antiguo Castillo, Stari Zamak, fue construido en el siglo XIV, es un museo que reúne obras que datan de antes del siglo IX. El Nuevo Castillo, Novi Zamak, que fue construido en el siglo XVIII al más puro estilo rococo es ahora un museo y una biblioteca. Grodno Teatro Dramático es la tarjeta de la ciudad de Grodno. Grodno zoo fue construido por primera vez en Bielorrusia Nos complace inviter a usted en su confortable hotel situado en la zona suburbana de Grodno, en una pintoresca zona tranquila. Sin embargo, su ubicación es muy conveniente porque te lleva sólo 10 minutos para llega al rcentro de la ciudad. El hotel es un edificio de 2 plantas...
Words: 368 - Pages: 2
...biracial identity, he makes the bridge when he tries to eliminate his frustrations by using Mexican and American products to cook, and he feels more comfortable because ''I could make a food that doesn’t have to be Mexican or American'' (936). In his introduction, Montano refers to ‘’the earthy smell of boiling pinto beans’’ as something that apparently both sides of his family liked (936). Later in life, his experience in Argentina with cooking Mexican food for his friends helped him realize and gain confidence in his identity as a Mexican- American (940). Second, talking about Eagle Pass, Texas, Montano uses food to make a bridge between Mexican and American culture. It is the hometown of his dad. Eagle Pass is an American town by the Rio Grande River with Mexico. Montano describes a place where he usually goes, Mancha Meat Market and Bakery. They have a special which is ‘’barbacoa, slow-cooked beef,’’ and it ‘’had served as the Mancha family’s specialty for 70 years’’ (937).The bridge in this point is when...
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