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Submitted By nabilahmukhrizam
Words 794
Pages 4














2:00 – 5:00 PM / 3 HOURS





1. Please read the instructions given in the question paper CAREFULLY.
2. This question paper is printed on both sides of the paper.
3. This question paper consists of TWO (2) sections; Section A and section B. Answer ALL questions. 4. Please write your answers on the answer booklet provided.
5. This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall.


SECTION A (Total: 20 marks)

Question 1

A. Discuss









management accounting.
(6 marks)

B. Aishah works at Tulus Furnitures, a factory involves in rattan furniture at Nilai.
Explain the meaning of the following terms. Support your answer with TWO (2) examples of each cost that are commonly incurred by Tulus Furnitures:


period cost


product cost
(6 marks)

C. Explain the meaning of each of the terms and provide example of each of the categories: i.

fixed costs


variable cost


semi fixed costs


semi variable cost.
(8 marks)
[20 marks]

EAB10603_Management Accounting 1


SECTION B (Total: 80 marks)

Question 1

Qaira Sendirian Berhad is a manufacturer of a consumer product. The selling price of the product is RM 70 per unit. The company provides the following information on its operation for the year 2013: sales unit produced

30,000 units
35,000 units

Additional information on the cost incurred is as follows:

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Mandarin Script

...Before you watch the filmTitle of Film: Ritualized warfare in New GuineaWhat do you think you will see in this film?This video might be about the practice of ancient warfare methods in New Guinea. Young men will fight each others tribes using basic weaponaryList three concepts or ideas that you might expect to see based on the title of the film. 1. Primitive warfare 2. Tribal conflict3. Basic weaponry List some people you might expect to see based on the title of the film. 1. Focused on Papua New Guineans 2. Young, strong men3. People in tribes | Before you watch the filmTitle of Film: WW1 combat in color 1914-1918What do you think you will see in this film?It will show clips from World War I, and how modern deadly weapons can cause a lot more destruction.List three concepts or ideas that you might expect to see based on the title of the film. 1. Industrial Revolution2. Trench war3. DeathList some people you might expect to see based on the title of the film. 1. Strong young men2. Armed men and some women3. Dead men | While you watch the filmWhat type of film is it? Documentary. | While you watch the filmWhat type of film is it? Documentary. | After you watch the filmWhat is the central message(s) of this film?To show the type of war they had in the past, prior to industrial revolution. They had basic weaponry, and fought the war at a much less destructive scale. Consider the effectiveness of the film in communicating its message. As a tool of communication, what are its strengths...

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