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Kimberly-Clark Use Sustainable Standards to Operate


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Kimberly-Clark Use Sustainable Standards to Operate

Sheila Cole
Southern New Hampshire University

Professor Gaylynn Brenoel
March 13, 2016


Economic growth is defined as the increased capacity of an economy to produce goods and services, compared from one period of time to another. An example of growth is associated with technology like the internet and the way it has brought the U.S. industry as a whole; moreover, improve the quality of life. Kimberly-Clark as a business has not stopped growing as a business so their sustainability continues to grow as the company grows too. They have remain in business by being responsible to the consumer and the government, practice ethical economical practices and protect the environment.
In Kimberly-Clark’s 2010 Sustainability report, the company’s goal was to organize their activities in the three key pillars: people, planet, and products to reflect their responsibility to all parties involved (employees, governmental and non-governmental organizations, consumers, customers, shareholders, business partners, community members and others with an interest in our approach to corporate citizenship). Now in the company’s new report, the focus remains the same in Kimberly-Clark “Our Sustainability 2015 strategy revolves around the three pillars of sustainability: people, planet and products”.
• People—Ensure that our business practices are beneficial to our employees and the communities where we operate and market our products
• Planet—Use sustainable environmental practices to ensure our ability to grow under constrained global resources
• Products—Innovate products and business models to reach emerging customers

The consumer
Initially, the reader would believe that Kimberly-Clark geared their company toward satisfying shareholders and beating their competitors but the company’s concern is much deeper. Kimberly-Clark is being proactive for the present and future customers by producing biodegradable product that does not damage the environment. Kimberly-Clark stresses that it will do what is necessary to sustain the resources for its customers and the environment. In turn, customers show their commitment to the company by purchasing their products. In essence, Kimberly- Clark is building the bridge for generations to come.
Kimberly-Clark focuses on the populations that are buying and utilizing their products on a daily basis which is a winning scenario for all parties involved. The consumer gets the best product for themselves and the environment; moreover, spends money to buy more. The company is able to employ more personnel to produce the products while maintaining the government rules and regulation. Meanwhile this is contrast to encompassing everyone whether they are buying the company’s product or not.
Association in the world
Kimberly-Clark has businesses in Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia that gives back into the community by becoming involved with several non-profit groups like the boys & girls club, UNICEF, diapers for moms. KC does business with companies like Wal-Mart who also invest into the communities and organizations that contributes to society.
Answer the Government
We use sustainable environmental practices to grow responsibly in a world of finite resources. Kimberly-Clark sets their company rules and regulations are below the government expectations therefore remaining in compliance of the government. Example, Sustainability 2015 Goal: We strive to manage our waste responsibly, guided by our Reduction and Disposal of Waste Policy, which sets forth our standard for waste management. This policy emphasizes: • Waste reduction
• Recycling
• Environmentally responsible waste disposal. We also comply with applicable legal requirements for waste reduction and recycling in the countries where we operate. K-C mills have been driving toward zero waste in landfills by developing sound diversion and recycling strategies with the input of employees, suppliers and contractors. We have identified a number of landfill-free opportunities for our recycled fiber sludge, such as for use in cement manufacturing, mine reclamation, material stabilization and other beneficial uses.

Kimberly-Clark is utilizing and upholding operating standard that allows the company to produces products that is good for the environment, the consumers, and keeps Kimberly-Clark profits rolling in.
Desjardins, J. R. (2006). Business, ethics, and the environment: Imagining a sustainable future. Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Ferrell, O. C., John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 8e, 8th Edition. Cengage Learning, 01/2010. VitalBook file.

Kimberly-Clark. (2011). Building on Our Vision for A Sustainable Future. Neenah: Two Tomorrows.

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