...Importance of Kindness By: Adnan Siddavatam Have you ever wondered why it is important to be kind to others? To me, my kindness lets other people know they are important to me. First, our actions are an important part of how kind we are. Second, what we say to others can show how respectful and kind you are. Third, our attitude towards others can impact how we act with them if we are kind. I believe that kindness has an important role in our everyday because it can help me be a better person. Admittedly, our actions can show how kind we are. I think that my kindness towards others can be shown through random acts of kindness. For instance, when it snows outside, I can go outside and shovel people’s sidewalks and driveways without being asked. Also, helping others who are need is a great way to show kindness. For example, picture an old man who is having problems crossing the street. I can take the liberty of helping him out because it is the kind thing to do. Another way to demonstrate kindness through my actions is by volunteering for good causes. By giving my time, I show that other people are important to me. Overall, our actions can show the kindness we have in our hearts. Obviously, what we say to other people is a big part of kindness. Great way to show kindness to others and how important they are to you, is by using words like that are polite. For example, saying words like “please” and “thank you,” this is a great way to show kindness towards others. I can show...
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...A Complicated Kindness In the book “A Complicated Kindness” by Miriam Toews, the protagonist is a teenage girl named Nomi. Nomi is growing up trapped in a small Mennonite community called East Village in the middle of nowhere, in Canada. All her life Nomi was told what to believe, with heavy emphasis on the belief that living dutifully and by the word of God in this life would guarantee salvation in the next. In Nomi’s town, “you’re good or you’re bad” (pg. 10). There was no in between, no room for individuality or mistakes. Those who went through their life there quietly, going to church every Sunday and working at the local chicken slaughtering plant after graduation, were considered to be on their way up. These people were the ones who, at the end of their long journey, will meet the Lord and live forever in His kingdom of glory, but those who rebelled against the belief were going straight to hell. As Nomi’s older sister Natasha begins to question their faith, Nomi lives in perpetual terror that her sister is going to hell. Their father is a strong believer; the church is what glues his soul together. And although their mother grew up in the community, she had always been an independent thinker, and could not watch her oldest daughter suffer for a lifetime in a place she hated, following a religion she could no longer identify with. After Nomi’s mother and Natasha leave East Village, Nomi is faced with living in a broken family, and begins to question her faith as well...
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...“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can assemble, and do it with no thought of any reward.” Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate without get something in return. Everything you do you don't have to get something for it. Just make someone feel good for that day. One thing you can do is sit with someone at lunch that usually sit alone. They probably are new to the school or people don't like them. You can change for just one day to sit with that one kid. Just like how Summer went and sat with August at lunch the first day of school. Secondly you can stick up for a kid getting bullied at school...
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...“What if I BELIEVED kindness to be a coupon” Tracey Smith Ms. Weber English 090 November 11, 2012 When we arrived to Sunday morning paper or to a coupon book standing in a store line we think, "yeah! $1.00 off my next 2 boxes of hamburger helper"! Better yet, we think of how much money we are saving ourselves at that checkout line as if we are playing a game of..., I am going to save more moo-la, also know as money, than I thought this week and I will have more funds in my pocket for this weekends fun! However, what if we looked at kindness as a coupon? I believe that we look at our lives day-to-day, more and more as if we are expecting someone to be nice to us. Not giving it a second clipping about what change we are saving by being kind to one another. Saving $1.00 in our bank of kindness, for that rainy day of, "I hate my life"....; also known as kindness, should be something we all think about . I mean, would it even take as long as scanning our eyes over the Sunday paper, looking online for coupon codes, or looking for those red clearance stickers? I believe we should take our kindness and think of it more as a savings in our coupon bank for a remarkable hoping for a $1.00 saved in the Universe of life. If I would consider it a savings of money, could I not think of it as a deposit on my own debts of unkindness? Does life and kindness not go hand in hand? Should I not recall the old saying "being kindness is goodness"..., if my parents didn't teach me after all someone...
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...3 December 2014 The Power of Kindness I hope to someday make the world a better place to live. The root of this will come from the people who make up this world. Today’s society is so fast-paced and overwhelming that it is easy to forget to show appreciation to those who deserve it. By shining light on the lowered heads that may have forgotten just how important they are, I feel I can make the world a happier place. To do so I will start small and perform an act of kindness for the people I believe are the most worthy of it and ask only of them to pay the act of kindness forward. I hope the acts of kindness will create a chain reaction, resulting in a more positive living environment. The act of kindness has been proven to be powerful. A Ripple Kindness Project conducted in 2012 revealed the positive affects kindness has on people both mentally and physically (Kindness 1). With such benefits, why are these acts not being carried out on a daily basis? I hope to create a ripple effect of my own once completing my acts of kindness. There were so many factors to consider when choosing the acts of kindness I wanted to do. I looked at who I thought deserved the act the most, what act I should perform, whether I wanted to stay anonymous or not, when I should execute the act, and how I should do it. Ultimately, I chose to perform an act of kindness to random men and women in downtown Grand Rapids, my fellow coworkers, and an elderly woman in my Public Speaking class. I chose these...
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...So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground (Oprah Winfrey). Naomi is the main protagonist in the book called “A Complicated Kindness”, written by Miriam Toews. This story is about Naomi, she is a Mennonite teenager living in a community. According to Naomi’s perspective, being a Mennonite in your teens is a bad scenario. Naomi follows through in the present with her boyfriend, Travis, her father, Ray, and the number of flashbacks reminding Naomi of her mother Trudie and sister Natasha (Tash). Naomi reminisces on the challenges in the past and breathes through the settings in the present, changing her attribute spiritually and her way of thinking. Naomi loses and leaves her previous hopes and creates new ones. She becomes more independent. And as she grows, her mindset is also changing. Due to Naomi`s circumstances some of her previous hopes were broken; however, she carries on creating new hopes to move on. Naomi has lost so much as she grew, but she keeps her hope of getting her family back together. Even though her hopes were crushed, even after loosing hope, she thinks positively and shapes new goals and hopes to carry on. ”That sounds good, right? Actually I haven't dropped the bracelet but I will. Soon. I'm pretty sure of that. I`ve got the car. All I have to do is sell the house. A good solid unfurnished bungalow....
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...This I Believe (Acts of kindness) Mark Twain once said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” I was in the library one morning printing out an article for class when I heard the bell ring. Clusters of people started rushing out of the library to make it to their class on time. As I walked to the printer to collect my papers, I realized that if I was late to class my bell work wouldn’t be counted. I was already having a bad day so I didn’t need an additional tardy to make my day worse. I rushed back to the computer to gather my stuff and walked in a hurry to the library door to get to class. As I started getting closer to the door, I realized that someone was standing there holding it open. People walked out oblivious to the guy holding the door without even telling him a simple “thank you”. As it was my turn to pass the door, I took the time to stop for a mid-second and thank him to which he replied to with a smile. He could have easily been late to class himself but he took the time to hold the door open. I believe that people should show kindness to one another. An act of kindness can be as simple as saying “thank you” or even giving a stranger a smile. An act of kindness will make someone else and yourself both feel great - it's a win-win! Why not thank the person holding the door waiting for you to pass? Or thank the waitress who welcomed you to the restaurant happily? We live life oblivious of the small things that could easily...
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...I believe random acts of kindness are related to our class because the health fields are service fields. We will be working with people. We need to be able to get along with others. We will need to be or learn to be givers. They say people get well faster if they have the right attitude. If we work in health services and we help our patients by being positive around them they may get better faster, and I think we will enjoy our work more too. My favorite random act of kindness from the past nine weeks is something that happened here at the local fishing hole on Lewisburg Highway. One day I was fishing there and I caught three big Rainbow Trout. My step-dad Mark and I met a man who was also fishing for trout. He said he was taking his fish home to feed his family. I decided I would like him to have my three fish too. It felt like the right thing to do. Mark really bragged on me to my mom and told her how happy that made him to see me just decide to do that on my own. I have done a lot more than three a week. Some other things I have done without being asked over the past nine weeks are: I have written grocery lists, and cooked for the family. One night I made a shrimp dish that was everyone's favorite. I got a hair cut and the lady was extra nice and did a really good job. I said to her, “ Thanks, you are the best hair stylist ever.” She was touched and we were both really happy. One day at school a friend was cold and I let her have my hoodie even though I was cold too...
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...Bringing happiness and hope to someone’s day are an honor; this can be accomplished by giving or helping others without thought of self-benefit (Olpin & Hesson, 2016). This Random Act of Kindness (RAK) can be achieved by performing a selfless act to either help or positively affect the emotional state of another person (Passmore & Oades, 2015). The Random Act of Kindness that I performed was at a Dunkin Donuts; I asked the gentleman behind me if he was having a cup of coffee today. He responded. “yes.” I placed my order; the told the cashier that I was going to purchase the gentleman’s coffee. Both the clerk and the gentleman looked at me with a strange glance. I assured the gentleman that this was not a television prank and he started to laugh....
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...She handed me a five dollar bill through the car window, then turned and walked away. I don’t know her name, nor where she was going—the encounter was so brief—but I know I will never forget that lady stranger who generously saved me from a lot of frustration and prevented me from walking a mile or more to my destination. The scene was a downtown public parking lot. My husband, Leo, and I were already a half hour late for a statewide conference on the status of African American families and children. (CSAAFC). We had taken the wrong fork in the expressway, and found ourselves deadlocked in traffic that was backed up for four miles due to a serious accident. I told Leo to go the other way, but he didn’t. . . When we finally were able to exit, we tried to find parking in the designated free garages and lots near the hosting hotel. But, by now, they were all full. Not expecting this, neither of us had brought change; all we had was a twenty dollar bill. When we did find some space in a lot two blocks away from the conference, we were unable to pay the automated box for our slot; we needed five dollars. There was, handily, an ATM that charged $4.50 to get change for a twenty. But, there was no guarantee that there would be a five spot; we might have gotten just two tens for change. That wouldn’t have helped the situation. Besides, $4.50 just seemed like highway robbery. I wasn’t willing to pay it. We asked several people approaching the pay box if they could change a twenty. “No”...
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...B. Commencement Address Essay by Tone M. H. Petersen Most people know that it is important to show kindness towards other people and it might seem like a very trivial piece of advice to give people if you tell them to remember to be more kind. However sometimes in the grand scheme of things and in the overpowering and overwhelming light of our own ambition and need for success we still let opportunities of kindness pass us by. This is what George Saunders[1] addresses in his commencement addres that he delivered in May 2013 at Syracuse University in New York State. In his speech Saunders uses 2nd person singular/plural, 1st person plural, and 1st person singular. The use of 2nd person plural makes it clear that Saunders is addressing the audience directly and that he wants them to think, take action and be responsible. The use of 1st person plural (“we”) creates a bond between Saunders and the audience: “Each of us is born with a series of built-in confusions […]: (1) we’re central to the universe […]; (2) we’re separate from the universe […] and (3) we’re permanent […]. Now, we don’t really believe these things - intellectually we know better. (ll.19-120) In this quote we can see how he includes the audience in his statement and therefore he is also stating that what he is saying applies to everyone, even himself - and that they all know better, meaning that they are collectively responsible. The values that he are advocating are relevant to everyone and therefore...
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...ALLOCENTRIC - tourists who try new things, they don't like things being organized or planned and they do not return to the same destination, they like being adventurous MID-CENTRIC - tourists who go to places that have been popularized by the allocentric, they are not so adventurous, neither are they afraid PSYCHOCENTRIC - tourists who like things being planned and they are afraid to take risks, they oftenly travel to places they are familiar with Text size Allocentric versus Psychocentric Alice Kahrs Allocentric and psychocentric are personality types that will determine not only how a person participates in sport and recreation, but also his or her stance on participation in life. Stanley Plog developed a model of allocentricity and psychocentricity for the tourism industry in 1972. He presented these two personality traits as the opposite ends of a continuum of traits. Psychocentric refers to people who are nervous, not adventurous, self-inhabited, and like structure. On the other end of the spectrum are those who are allocentric, or outgoing, curious, self-confident explorers. Applying this model to sports, psychocentric participants are those who look for structured sports with rules, little risk, and someone to ... comparison yan ng psychocentric at allocentric Plog's Classification of Tourists Everyone is unique in this world and so their characters and aspirations are. This can be more evident especially when we organize tours. Lots of suggestions...
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...Axia College Material Hannah Hansen Appendix B Roles and Behaviors |Description of Company | | | |My company would be a coffee shop with pool tables where people could come and | | |relax, or do homework on computers, or just hang out with friends. | | | | | | | | Roles and Behaviors | |Entrepreneurs | | | |My job would be to sell the idea of the company to my stock shareholders. Also I | | |would have to be able to find a location and start the first store. I would oversee | | |the overall operations of the store with weekly sales goals and stats. | | | ...
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...96, paragraph 3, line 1). The counter girl complains about this old man to another costumer and yet she considers buying a pudding for the gentleman. Not only does she offer him a free pudding, but also does she tell him that it gives her “such pleasure” if she could purchase a pudding for him. The fact that it gives her pleasure explains a lot about the girl. We get the sense that the girl is polite and kind at the same time. Offering a stranger a free purchase does not occur normally and one should be praised if done so. Another example of the shop girl’s characteristics is evident in the beginning of the short story. Here we are introduced to her kindheartedness and compassion. The girl at the counter does not only illustrate her kindness when she offers the gentleman a pudding, but she also talks kindly behind his back. This is shown in the following quote: “Well, let him come if he wants it that bad, say I, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his shares as well. He looks as if he needed it all right, poor fellow, and I guess they can afford it.” Conclusion missing “She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began scruntinizing the row of puddings with...
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...The word 'charity' means generosity in giving some¬thing to the needy out of loving kindness towards them; and a charitable organization is an institution with funds to help the needy. There is a proverb: 'Charity begins at home.' A per¬son, who is kind at heart and possesses compassion from his early days towards the weak and the needy in the society, is generally found to help and make gifts to the poor. He finds joy and satisfaction in giving alms to a beggar, or renders some financial relief to the needy persons who are near at hand. Thus charity begins at home. In other words, it begins in the near neighbourhoods of a person. One first comes forward to help his neighbours, relatives and friends in the very beginning. Afterwards, he extends his, same helping hand to the distant places, where thousands of the needy and the weak people await his help and sympathy. There are instances in India, of great men, who gave their all to the cause of charity. One such man was Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, the great political leader and a renowned barrister. He donated his house, wealth and all that he had in his possession to his countrymen. In his name, hos¬pitals and similar other charitable institutions are still func¬tioning successfully. The Birlas, in India, have donated and built many chari¬table institutions in India for the benefit of the common peo¬ple. The dharmasalas (a guest-house where pilgrims and travelers are accommodated temporarily free of cost), the hos¬pitals...
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