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King David Research Paper

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King David descended from the tribe of Judah. He was the second king of Israel after Saul. Samuel was sent to anoint him in place of Saul, who disobeyed God. He was sent to fight Goliath with Gods help and successfully defeated him. He then became great friends with Saul's son Jonathan. He committed many sins and disobeyed many of the commandments. He later offered to build a temple for God, for which He didn't ask for. God told David that He would instead build a house for him, and have his son who would be the next King of Israel build Him a temple. Solomon, David's son had that responsibility. Solomon became king at a very young age and did not really know how to run a kingdom. God came to him in a dream and asked him what he wanted. He asked for a listening heart since he started …show more content…
King Solomon overused the power God gave him, started to turn away from Him and started worshipping other false gods. David fell in love with Uriah's wife Bathsheba, had relations with her and got her pregnant. He didn't want Uriah to find out so, he tried getting him drunk and have him go home to his wife and have relations with her. This attempt didn't work because Uriah wanted to be with the other soldiers. David's second attempt was to talk Uriah into going home because it has been a long journey and he deserves to go home. Uriah notices that David want him to have relations with his wife but refuses to do so. David doesn't know what to do so goes to his third and final choice, to have Uriah killed. He has a plan all set up and has Joab help him with it. David had Joab make Uriah an easy target so it would be impossible for him to survive. This plan was successful and Uriah was killed. It wasn't suspicious because it just seemed like it was a casualty from war. David asked for God's forgiveness in which was given, but David's child with Bathsheba would have to

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