...alternate dimensions. For example, my sister is a poetess. Many of her works actually are inspired by the video games she has played. In addition, she has a friend who is a writer. After talking to him, he too says that video games such as Zelda and the Final Fantasy series have inspired many of the books he has written. Although these ‘mere’ games may only look simple, it requires much imagination, which in turn, works the brain, to create the video games we all enjoy today. Next, not only do they improve the imagination, they also teach everyone about the basics of life- good versus evil and the such. As a gamer myself, I’ve learned to see that video games are a very good example on how we should act as a person. For instance, in the Kingdom Hearts series, the main protagonist is faced with many challenges we face in real life. In the game, Sora, the main character, has to decide whether to choose the path to the light or fall to the darkness. This isn’t easy though. His best friend Riku fell into the darkness due to bad emotions such as jealously and greed. In the real world, we have the decisions to be either a good person or a bad one and games like these provide access to children with concepts of morality. Video games also encourage basic motor skills and...
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...For six years, Kingdom Hearts fans have been waiting for the release of the third game in the series. And while the wait has been agonizing, Tetsuya Nomura has kept a steady stream of spin-offs and side stories coming in order to flesh out the history of this series. But in expanding upon the relatively simple stories of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, things began to grow more and more complicated. Now, with six games in total making up the series, the plot is a near-labyrinthine mess of connections and revelations. It's confusing for long-time fans and near impenetrable for newcomers. In mere weeks, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance will be releasing on the 3DS and promises, according to Nomura, to lead directly into Kingdom Hearts 3. It's with that in mind that I have decided to unravel the plot of the entire series for those who may have missed the opportunity to play some of the spin-offs and those who just want a refresher before diving into the new game. I have also attempted to make this as inviting as I can for newcomers to the series who decide that they want to start with Dream Drop Distance. Be warned though that this timeline will spoil everything in the series so if you want to go in fresh, then it's probably a good idea to refer to this timeline later. With that introduction out of the way, let's begin… ------------------------------------------------- KINGDOM HEARTS: BIRTH BY SLEEP The story begins with a young boy named Ventus and an old man named Xehanort arriving...
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...The benevolent way in which Jesus respected and valued women in first century Palestine, significantly revealed the Kingdom of God and highlighted how society can be a more inclusive and compassionate place today. This essay will explicate the Kingdom of God, exemplify the ways Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom of God with women and express the importance of Jesus' teachings in today's society. • Linking sentence to Paragraph 1 The central message of Jesus's teachings, the Kingdom of God, is the conceptual spiritual realm where God reigns as king in the lives of his people. According to Zanzig, Jesus saw the Kingdom of God as the reign of God’s love over the very hearts and lives of people. This delineates that the Kingdom of God is already present among us, thus it is the saving presence of God within us and our...
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...Kingdom Essay Taylor Downey Grand Canyon University: BIB 354 1/29/2015 Kingdom Essay Within scripture and the gospels, Jesus was an incredible teacher and preached the good news of the kingdom of God to those around Him in his ministry. In the Gospels, he is called teacher more than 40 times, which proves that he was truly an influential figure and people hung to every word he spoke. Within his words and teachings, he talks about a variety of topics such as love, forgiveness, and purity. However, the big picture for Jesus as a teacher was speaking truth and pointing people towards the coming of the Kingdom of God. The majority of what he spoke on centered on this idea of kingdom, which showed the many characteristics of the Kingdom. How Jesus Taught The material to which Jesus taught was very impactful, but they way he delivered it and taught was truly unlike any other. Jesus was know for using parables within his lessons because of the audience he dealt with and the resistance he might face. The best way to fight the resistance was to teach in a way that broke through potential hostility within listeners while teaching on dangerous topics (Stein, 1996). The beautiful thing about the way that Jesus taught was before his listeners could resist what he was saying, he already got his point across and it was received because of the parables in which he used. An example of this would be in Luke chapter 13 verse 18 and 19 when he uses the phrase “like a mustard seed” and...
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...The Kingdom of God is Like… In this essay I have chosen two different metaphors, the first one from Tame’s article in the reading, and one from my personal experience, for the Messiah and the Kingdom of God. I will try to elaborate on the characteristics of the Messianic kingdom of God as Jesus taught and modeled it. Great focus has been put on the specific teachings about the kingdom in the assigned readings for this period. My essay will show my understanding of Jesus teaching of the Kingdom of God and His role as the Messiah. As Jesus taught he often spoke in parables. “A parable is an extended metaphor, a simple story based on everyday kinds of events. These comparisons could be easily understood by those who heard them because they fit into the experience of the common folk of Judea and Galilee (Niswonger, p. 147).” The people of this era understood the parables because it was fitting for that time period. The Messiah was using metaphors and parables to give them a greater understanding of what the Kingdom of God was and what the Kingdom of God stood for. The parables and metaphors made God message clearer and direct so that the disciples would have clarity as to what he spoke. The parables were used to hide God mystery from the unbelievers and skeptics who doubted Him. The Messiah only gave the “secret of the Kingdom of God” to his disciples, and everyone else he spoke in parables to them because he wanted them to always be hunger and thirsty for the word of God...
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...BIBL 105 Short Essay 2 As we follow the events of the nation Israel, we see the hand of God in every turning point of their history. How He brought them out of Egyptian bondage under the leadership of Moses, to the possession of the land of promise under the leadership of the great commander Joshua. History then points us, to the book of 1 Samuel showing how God transitioned His covenanted nation away from the failing theocratic administration under the tribal judges toward the theocratic administration of the united monarchy; thus the era of the reign of kings were born (Hinson and Yates 2012:162). Samuel the righteous judge of Israel is raised up to serve during a time when the nation was declining both morally and politically. The priesthood was corrupt and the hearts of the people were far from God. The Philistine oppression was great and had wrought a great slaughter among them. It was Samuel whom God used to ultimately usher the nation back to Him. “So the Israelites put away the Baals and the Ashtaroth, and served the Lord only. Samuel said, Gather all Israel to Mizpah and I will pray to the Lord for you. So they gathered at Mizpah and drew water and poured it out before the Lord and fasted on that day and said there, we have sinned against the Lord. And Samuel judged the Israelites at Mizpah.” (1 Sam 7:4-6 AMP). Now as Samuel began to age, he appointed his two sons as judges over Israel, but they did not possess the righteousness of Samuel. They were...
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...THE FIRST THREE KINGS ESSAY Allan E. Ritch 201340 Fall 2013 BIBL 105-B34 LUO September 16, 2013 During the period of Samuel, believed to be from 1121 BC to 1011 BC, the era of the judges passed away and the new era of the kings is established. Israel had been governed by the tribal priest judges. Samuel, a tribal priest judge, was a Godly man however, “When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as judges over Israel. His firstborn son’s name was Joel and his second was Abijah. They were judges in Beer-sheba. However, his sons did not walk in his ways — they turned toward dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.”(1 Sam.8: 1-3 HCSB). This story had been repeated many times through the era of the judges. The people wanted a king to be like the other nations and to escape the corruption of the judges. (1 Sam.8: 4-5 HCSB). Samuel saw this as a rejection of him but God told Samuel, “They have not rejected you; they have rejected Me as their king.” God allowed the people to have a king like the other nations but Samuel did convey God’s warning of the “rights of a king” (1 Sam. 8:11b HCSB) and their national “covenant of unfaithfulness.” (Hindson and Yates 2012, 165). These events subsequently lead to the coronation and reign of Saul, David, and Solomon, the first three kings, but each struggled with maintaining “covenant fidelity”. (Hindson and Yates 2012, 171) Saul was the first who was appointed to be the king. Saul was selected by the people of Israel because...
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...Final Essay HIST103 Assignments 2000 Word Essay (Summative) “What were the sources from which the early Church drew its impulse towards mission, and how did they structure their identity and communities to impact the world with the Gospel? In this essay I am going to discuss the motivating factors and forces that activated the passion and desire of the early church Christians. The sources I will dwell on are Scripture and religious experiences even though they are also other factors which were involved. The historical evidence of the input of the early church cannot be under rated or taken lightly as they touched the world with the Gospel. I will also dwell on some of the sources which they drew their motivation towards mission and how they structured it. The commonly held sources are scripture, tradition, revelation, reason and experience. These are impossible to fully isolate one from the other scripture has originated from reasoned understandings of things revealed to humans by God, nature or experience and has been documented in light of pre-existent traditions that have developed by interpreting earlier events. Our sources of theology deserve the same scrutiny, for many of the same reasons, as our worldviews. The commonly held sources of scripture, tradition, revelation, reason and experience are impossible to fully separate one from another. Scripture has resulted from reasoned understandings of things revealed to humans by God, nature or experience and has been recorded...
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...Professor Bible 105, Essay 2 (MLA) 19 September 2015 Saul, David, and Solomon Before discussing why the people of Israel desired a king, it is important to go back in time and get an understanding of the background and history. Samuel was, at birth, chosen by God. He was a prophet and served under Eli, the high priest. By the power of God and Samuel’s leadership, the Philistines (Israel’s enemy) were defeated. Eli’s sons had been killed, Eli had died and, Samuel became judge over Israel. When Samuel was an old man, he appointed his sons as judges to Israel. His sons, however, were corrupt (Swindoll 2). “Yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain. They took bribes and perverted justice” (1 Sam. 8:3). So the people of Israel felt let down and they wanted something done…they wanted a king. However, this was not the only reason they wanted a king. Samuel was not only old and his sons were corrupt, the people wanted to be like other nations (Dale). They told Samuel they wanted him to appoint a king to judge them. “Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations” (1 Sam. 8:5). People have always wanted to be like everybody else. Israel was to be different and distinct from all other nations. Israel was to be a covenant people by whom God would reveal Himself and His plan of redemption. “But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And...
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...Biblical Essay Biblical Essay In this essay I will discuss how the foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God and explain how this belief affects the way someone with a business degree would interact with someone within their field of study. I will also discuss that just like a manager has their employees come to them during a critical decision making process, we turn to God for his guidance during a time when a decision that we need to make could be a life changing one. Should we turn to our managers for help even when the decision is easy? Should we pray to God more even when times are good? Since mankind is created in the image of God, I should be more understanding to my employees when they make a mistake. Who am I not to forgive an employee when they make a mistake on a project? Is our God not a forgiving God? As a manger I am not above the rules nor above God. A manager will make mistakes just like each and every one of us will. They will be held accountable just like we will be held accountable for our sins by God. Even though we are being held accountable, it does not mean that we have not been forgiven for our mistake at work and forgiven by God. “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.’ ‘But if you do not forgive men of their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15) An employee does not want a mistake to be held over their...
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...moist wound therapy? The purpose of feasibility study is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding how to undertake a literature search and retrieve literature related to the topic. First section of this essay will introduce the topic selected and outline the importance related to student field of practice. The second section will presented the research question and it will identify the steps that were taken to narrow the question and make it focus and the topic area. The next section will demonstrate the dissuasion on the literature search and potential implication meet on the subject of the practice area. The study will attempt to investigate by untertaking a kiterature search on how effective is taking aspirin in prevention of Myocardium Infraction . Cardiovascular disease are related to nursing practise area , because of the rising number of patients experiencing heart problems as a result of the life style, stress and oth factors linked to the heart problems causing strokes, heart attack or angina . The United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of cardiovascular disease in men and women of anywhere in the world. Coronary heart disease killed 125,000 people in the year 2000 and it is estimated that one in every four men and one in every six women die from heart disease....
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...The Lord was in the still small voice - 1 Kings 19:12. In what other ways might we hear The Lord speaking? This overview considers the question set, possible ways to interpret it and the need to frame it within an Anglican course context that itself reflects rich, diverse practices of praising, listening to and hearing God. The title of this essay refers to Elijah’s two mountain top experiences on Carmel and Horeb that depict how God speaks in contrasting ways; through spectacular events and displays of power and through a whisper which both calms and rouses the heart. Moving quickly through the story in 1 Kings 19, we see Elijah who has stopped rain, challenge the false prophets of Baal and Asherath to reveal the true God in a fiery showdown on Mount Carmel. After he has ordered the death of the false prophets, Queen Jezebel threatens his life. Elijah, discouraged, flees into the wilderness heading for Mount Horeb (Sinai) a significant place of God’s voice and revelation to Moses, at a key moment in the history of Israel. Perhaps in journeying to Sinai, Elijah hoped for a fresh encounter and revelation of God. Unlike Moses’ experience, God does not partially unveil his countenance. Instead, Elijah hears a still small voice in his cave of refuge, with God asking him what he is doing there. We might imagine that after calling out to God and seeing him work through spectacular events that Elijah would be reassured of God’s infinite power and love. However he is human...
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...Essay 2 BIBL105 B23 The bible tell us in the book of John chapter 3 verse 16 that, “ for God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomever shall believe in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life”. God demonstrates His love for us through the crucifixion of His son and all He ask of us is to love Him, believe in Him and be obedient to His words. Because God loved us first, we should love Him and be obedient to Him in all areas and all circumstances of our lives, but we will see that that wasn’t the case for some in the Old Testament. Through the time of Moses, the Priests, and the Judges, God was considered the King of Israel and he had been faithful to the Israelites, bringing them out of slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land. Once they entered the land, they noticed that the nations around them had kings, so Israel wanted to be like the other nations. Unlike the other nations around them, Israel has no earthly king. Israel was telling God that they did not trust or want Him to be their protection and support we see this in the book of Judges, “In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes” (21:25). Disregarding what they were told and how destructive their decision for a king would be, they still chose having a king of their own. We see in chapter 12 of 1 Samuel, that Samuel warned them about their unfaithfulness to God’s vision of a king that He had for them .It no longer mattered to the Israelites...
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...John Doe English 2 H April 1, 2015 Hamlet Theme Essay The themes of Appearance vs. Reality are very prominent in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Throught the story many characters act in a deceitful manner in an attempt to seem like an innocent pawn in the game of life, when in reality they are the most corrupt characters in the play. Polonius an excellent example of appearance vs. reality. Throught the story Polonius seems to be a loyal servant to the kingdom, serving the previous and current king as a personal adviser. To the average citizen in the kingdom Polonius seems to be just as loyal of an adviser to King Claudius, but Hamlet exposes Polonius to be a deceitful man, who by supporting the new king has betrayed his previous ruler and the honor of the kingdom. Hamlet's mother Gertrude can also be used as an example of appearance vs. reality. To the people of the kingdom Gertrude appears to be an honest woman who remarried because of her love for Claudius, but in reality she remarried solely to stay in power and continue her luxurious life as a queen. Hamlet himself is also an ideal example of appearance vs reality, because of his constant act of insanity which causes him to appear mad when in reality he is perfectly sane and simply acting to benefit himself. Polonius a textbook example of appearance vs. reality. Almost immediately after the death of Hamlet’s father, Polonius readily accepts Claudius as his new ruler which is seen as a betrayal to the previous...
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...Fingers tapped against the keyboard of the laptop to the beat of “Eternal Youth” by RUDE as Lilibeth tilted her head. Amber eyes drilling holes at the blank screen in front of her as Lilibeth attempted to create an attention grabber for her college essay. With a sigh, Lilibeth rubbed at her eyes while letting her head fall backwards. She felt irritation fill her at the fact that she had stared at a blank screen for over thirty minutes yet couldn’t think of a starting sentence for her paper. Clicking her tongue, Lilibeth stared at the roof in frustration. She wouldn’t deny the fact that her greatest weakness when it comes to writing would be starting the essay. Each and every time Lilibeth attempted to start an essay her mind would draw blank, even as the ideas for the supporting...
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