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Klang Valley Rail Service System


Submitted By inblur86
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Klang Valley Rail Service System - Users Satisfaction Survey
The survey collects the information about Rail System in Klang Valley user’s satisfaction in terms of services .

1. Please indicate your gender * Male * Female

2. What is your status * Single * Married

3. Which range includes your age? * 15 – 24 Years * 25 – 39 Years * 40 – 54 Years * 55+ Years 4.

5. What is your profession? * * Student * Housewife * Public Sector * Private Sector * Unemployment * Self-employed

6. Your Income Monthly * RM750 - RM1000 * RM1001 – RM2000 * RM2001 – RM3000 * RM3001 – above

7. What is the most important reason you are using rail system today? * A car is not available * Unable to drive * It is expensive to park a car at my destination * It is difficult to park a car at my destination * I want to avoid driving in the traffic * Public transport is the most reliable, cheapest and fastest option * Others

8. On weekdays, how often do you use rail system, on average? * Every weekday * 3 – 4 weekdays * 1 – 2 weekdays * At least once a month * Less than once a month

9. How much do you spend a month on rail system? * RM25 – RM50 * RM51 – RM75 * RM76 – RM100 * RM101 – RM125 10.

11. Which is the rail system do you prefer the most? * Kelana Jaya Line * Ampang Line * KL Monorail * KTM Commuter

12. Which location do you go to the most using rail system? * * home * work * school * leisure

13. What are the most expectations regarding rail system services? * * Cleaness * On Board Comfort * Waiting Time * Puntuality * rail frequency * Ticketing and Fare System

14. Do you ever think about how safe rail system is? * * Yes, all the time * Sometimes * Only sometimes * Never

15. Overall, how would you currently rate the quality of rail services? * * Good * Average * Very poor

16. Overall, do you think short distance train services have improved, stayed about the same, or got worse over the last two years? * * Improved a lot * Improved a little * Stayed the same * Got a little worse * Got a lot worse * Not Sure

17. How would you rate the levels of personal safety from crime or threatening behaviour at railway stations? * * Very good * Fairly good * Neither good nor poor * Fairly poor * Very poor

18. How would you rate the politeness/helpfulness of the train staff * * Very satisfi ed * Somewhat satisfi ed * Neutral * Very dissatisfi ed

19. How would you rate the information provided at railway stations? * * Very good * Fairly good * Neither good nor poor * Fairly poor * Very poor

20. How long would it take you to get to your nearest railway station by bus? * * 6 minutes or less * 7-13 minutes * 14-26 minutes * 27-43 minutes * 44 minutes or longer * No bus services to station * Don't know

21. How would you rate the the availability of information about train fares before the start of your journey? * * Very good * Fairly good * Neither good nor poor * Fairly poor * Very poor

22. How would you rate the information provided while on train boards? * * Very good * Fairly good * Neither good nor poor * Fairly poor * Very poor

23. What three improvements would be most important in encouraging you to use the trains (more often)? * * More frequent, reliable & punctual trains * Better information provided at railway stations * Improved condition/comfort of the trains * Less crowded trains * Cheaper fares * More routes * Easier for older/disabled people to get on and off * Easier parking * Better transport links to/from stations

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