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Knee Replacement Research Paper

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From osteoarthritis to an accident or injury, the reasons to need a knee replacement in Frisco TX are endless. While surprising to hear, an estimated 600,000 knee replacements are performed in the United States each year. This common procedure is an intensive surgery, but with proper care and recovery, it can be a worthwhile option if you are suffering with immobility, discomfort, or more serious pain. Using this guide, you will understand the steps necessary for a successful recover after your surgery.

In the Hospital

Surgery is serious, so you will need to stay in the hospital for a few days after the procedure. During your stay, you will most likely feel some pain, so your doctor will prescribe a pain management medication. In addition, …show more content…
Here are a recovery rules to follow at home:

Wound Care – Sutures and staples will remain up until a few weeks after your surgery, so you must keep the wound clean to prevent infections. Always keep the incision wrapped to avoid irritation from clothing. Before bathing, cover the incision site with a waterproof bandage and wrap in plastic wrap for extra protection.
Activities – Avoid strenuous activity the first few days after your surgery. Use a cane or walker when using steps for extra support. Increase your walking speed and distance a little each day, but consult your physical therapist for detailed instructions. You should resume normal activities within 3 to 6 weeks after the procedure.
Prevent Clots – Blood clots can quickly develop after your surgery, so taking precaution while at home is smart. Continue taking blood-thinning medications at home to reduce the risk of clotting. Wearing compression socks at night and exercising as recommended improves the circulation of blood, which is important for preventing clots.
To learn more about a knee replacement in Frisco TX and recovery tips, contact Top Texas Orthopedic Partners at

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