.....................................................................................5 1.2 .......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 ...........................................................................................................................................................6 1.4 ...............................................................................................................................................6 kpmg ....................................................................................................................................7 2.1 2013kpmg ..................................................................................................................7 2.2 verbal ...............................................................................................8 2.3 Oct.13.2013. KPMG .............................................................................................................................8 2.4 ........................................................................................................................................9 2.5 10.12KPMG ........................................................................................................................................10 2.6 10.15 ............................................................................................................10 2.7 KPMG12...
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...Mobile payments in Asia Pacific i n f o r m at i o n , c o m m u n i c at i o n s & e nt e rta i n m e nt Mobile payments in Asia Pacific Contents 2 Introduction from Sean Choi and David Collins 3 Introduction from John Ure and Peter Lovelock 4 Introduction 6 Business models and the m-payments value chain – Business models behind different transaction types – Emerging business models by country – Industry perspectives on m-payments 22 Case studies – Smart in the Philippines – Yeepay’s B2B approach – The growing reach of Octopus – Gaming and virtual money – A view from the bottom of the pyramid – mHITs in Australia 29 Regulations and standards 40 Risks and challenges 44 About KPMG © 2007 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved. 2 Mobile payments in Asia Pacific Introduction from Sean Choi and David Collins Seung Hwan (Sean) Choi This KPMG thought leadership report explores the development of the market for mobile payment systems in Asia Pacific. We believe the significance of this market cannot be overstated, as new technologies have the potential to play a key role in the expansion of commerce to an ever-wider segment of the world’s population. This is especially true in Asia Pacific. The expansion of commerce and the growing reach of...
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...TRANSACTION SERVICES Doing Deals in Tough Times Best Practices of Leading M&A Teams ADVISORY Doing Deals in Tough Times 1 Tough Times Ahead Although 2007 was a record-setting year for global mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the current credit market suggests that conditions will become significantly more challenging for acquirers in the immediate future. Banks and other financial institutions have been particularly hard hit –analysts estimate that sub prime losses could reach $400 billion, and with their balance sheets in disarray, banks have not been eager to fund new transactions. Investor’s Business Daily estimates that sponsor deal volume will fall 30 percent in 2008 and strategic deals will fall 10 percent. Because of these conditions, lenders are now imposing tougher hurdles on dealmakers and forcing them to better articulate and justify their future expected cash flows. Of course, even in tough times companies will continue to make acquisitions. However, today’s difficult financial environment will put added pressure on companies to succeed. Companies that are fortunate enough to finance their deals will understand that they have a smaller margin of error. Managers who are relying on new synergies will find themselves racing against the clock to prove that their value proposition is real and to satisfy the terms being enforced by lenders. In addition, the softer economic times will further challenge acquirers to capture new revenue synergies...
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...KPMG (Chinese name: 毕马威) MISSION/HISTORY KPMG was formed in 1987 with the merger of Peat Marwick International (PMI) and Klynveld Main Goerdeler (KMG) and their individual member firms. With a rich history, spanning three centuries, the organization's background can be traced through the names of its principal founding members - whose initials form the name "KPMG." K stands for Klynveld. Piet Klynveld founded the accounting firm Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co. in Amsterdam in 1917. P is for Peat. William Barclay Peat founded the accounting firm William Barclay Peat & Co. in London in 1870. M stands for Marwick. James Marwick founded the accounting firm Marwick, Mitchell & Co. with Roger Mitchell in New York City in 1897. G is for Goerdeler. Dr. Reinhard Goerdeler was for many years chairman of Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft and later chairman of KPMG. He is credited with laying much of the groundwork for the KMG merger. The history of KPMG internationally In 1911, William Barclay Peat & Co. and Marwick Mitchell & Co. joined forces to form what would later be known as Peat Marwick International (PMI), a worldwide network of accounting and consulting firms. In 1979, Klynveld joined forces with Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft and the international professional services firm McLintock Main Lafrentz to form Klynveld Main Goerdeler (KMG). In 1987, PMI and KMG and their member firms joined forces. Today, all member firms throughout the world carry the KPMG name...
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...Finance Business Partner Team Developing Effective Finance Business Partners Summary 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 © 2011 KPMG LLP a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG , network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. Foreword from CIMA Even for finance functions that have already transformed their efficiency and the quality of management information they provide, delivering business partnering effectively can be a challenge. Senior business partnering roles - as described in this report - are hard to fill. As a result, there is a real demand for management accountants who, in addition to the core finance and accounting skills, can offer commercial insight and strategic thinking combined with influencing and, ideally, leadership skills. At CIMA, we like to describe a management accountant in a business partnering role as the navigator at the side of the CEO, the captain of the enterprise. These navigators support business leaders with information and analysis about the organisation’s position and course. They contribute to strategic decision making and risk/performance management. They have professional objectivity and are prepared to challenge constructively when necessary to ensure the business is managed in the long term interests of all stakeholders. In this report, KPMG has provided clear views on the nature of the business partner’s role and how business partnering can be...
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...Assignment 2 KPMG Melbourne Pty Ltd. CRM system Proposal Group 2 MICHELLE ZHAN PING LIEW PHANINDER KUMAR EMANI DUY NGUYEN SATYANARAYANA RAMAVATH UCHINI SENEVIRATNE Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 1. Project background 3 2. Drivers for change 3 3. Objectives 3 4. Selecting CRM solution 3 4.1 CRM package evaluation criteria 3 4.2 Vendor selection 4 4.2.1 Creating list of vendors 4 4.2.2 Selecting vendor 4 4.2.3 Recommendation 5 5. High level project plan 5 5.1 Introduction and Objectives of the Project Plan 5 5.1.1 Overview of the Organization 5 5.1.2 Current Situation and Problem 5 5.2 Goals and Objectives 6 5.3 Project Scope 6 5.3.1 Product Description 6 5.3.2 Project deliverables 6 5.4 Project Schedule 7 5.5 Project Budget 7 6. Critical success factors 8 7. Risks and recommended responses 8 7.1 Risk Analysis 8 7.2 Strategies for mitigating risks 9 8. Overview of costs 10 9. Benefits 11 10. Cost Benefit Analysis 11 11. Change Management Strategy 12 12. Communication Plan 13 13. Summary 14 14. Recommendation 15 15. Appendices 15 15.1 Figure 4.1: Detailed CRM package evaluation criteria and questions 16 15.2 Figure 4.2: Scoring of detailed requirements of 3 CRM packages 17 15.3 Figure 5.1: Detailed project schedule 22 15.4 Figure 7.1: Risk analysis table 23 15.5 Figure 9.1: List of benefits 24 15.6 Figure 10.1: Cost benefit analysis 25 Executive Summary This report provides an analysis and evaluation to the Executive...
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...Contact - Accounting Lecturer: Drs. M. Koning (co-ordination, also contactable for questions to guest lecturer) Contact - Finance Lecturer: Dr. M. van der Poel (BKB0007) and Dr. Arjen Mulder (BAP69) E-mail addresses: BAP69@rsm nl / ACC BKB0007@rsm nl BAP69@rsm.nl ACC_BKB0007@rsm.nl Literature • Harrison, Horngren, Thomas and Suwardy (HHTS), Selected Chapters from ‘Financial Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards, 8th global edition’. ISBN: 9781781343814. • Hillier, D., S. Ross, R. Westerfield, J. Jaffe, and B. Jordan (2013) Corporate Finance: 2nd European Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: 9780077154592. Structure • Plenary lectures • Workshops • BONUS SYSTEM © 2012 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam / Rotterdam School of Management and KPMG Accountants N.V., registered with the trade register in the Netherlands under number 33263683, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (‘KPMG International’), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name, logo and ‘cutting through complexity’ are registered trademarks of KPMG International. 1 Teaching Assistants Accounting Part Simone van de Made and Zouhair Saddiki Instructors for the workshops and the exam trainings You can contact them via: BAP69@rsm.nl OR ACC_BKB0007@rsm.nl © 2012 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam / Rotterdam School of Management and KPMG Accountants N.V., registered with...
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...Evolution of Knowledge Management toward Enterprise Decision Support: The Case of KPMG Daniel E. O’Leary Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Realizing that knowledge and its proper management are essential for effective decision support, this chapter traces the evolution of knowledge management within a major professional services firm – KPMG. By supporting decision making, computer-based systems for managing knowledge can impact organizational performance and the very nature of the organization itself. Here, we examine a progression of knowledge management systems at KPMG, beginning with the 1997 condition of having disparate or no knowledge management systems and culminating with an enterprise-wide integrated system accommodating both locally and globally managed knowledge. Strategically, knowledge-management advances were used to transform the firm from being a confederation of local enterprises to a global enterprise. This chapter investigates why KPMG pursued the development and implementation of a global knowledge management system. In addition, it summarizes some of the key capabilities and technologies of the resulting knowledge management system, K-World. This chapter also examines some key implementation issues. Finally, the chapter investigates two key problems emerging from the use of the system after its introduction: search and client confidentiality, plus some of the emerging extensions for K-World. Keywords:...
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...IFRS Who cares about goodwill impairment? A collection of stakeholder views April 2014 kpmg.com/ifrs Contents 01 02 03 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 17 18 20 21 Time to engage Exploring the issues Key themes The academic research Is goodwill impairment testing relevant? Is goodwill impairment testing effective? What are the difficulties? Do we need all of these disclosures? What are some of the alternatives? We have three unanswered questions A call to action Appendix 1: The interviewees Appendix 2: References and notes Acknowledgements © 2014 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Who cares about goodwill impairment? | 1 TIME TO ENGAGE On 30 January 2014, the IASB launched the public phase of its post-implementation review of business combinations accounting when it released a Request for Information.1 We believe that a key aspect of the review is the impairment-only accounting model for goodwill, which was introduced in 2004. Comments are due to the IASB by 30 May 2014, so now is the time for all stakeholders to provide their feedback on this emotive topic. The Request for Information essentially asks three questions in relation to goodwill impairment testing. • How useful have you found the information obtained from annually assessing goodwill for impairment? • Do you think that improvements are needed regarding the information provided by the impairment test? • What are the main implementation, auditing or enforcement challenges...
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...leadership series Risk and Advisory Services Internal audit’s role in modern corporate governance Recent events have highlighted the critical role of boards of directors in promoting good corporate governance. In particular, boards are being charged with ultimate responsibility for the effectiveness of their organisations’ internal control systems. An effective internal audit function plays a key role in assisting the board to discharge its governance responsibilities. Yet how does the board – and its audit committee – satisfy itself that internal audit is functioning effectively and efficiently? The board’s responsibility for internal controls Through working with a broad range of organisations in Hong Kong and internationally, KPMG has identified a number of best practices in relation to the role played by the board audit and/or risk management committees. s Recent events have highlighted the critical role of boards of directors in s s s s s s s Assessing the scope and effectiveness of the systems established by management to identify, assess, manage and monitor the various risks arising from the organisation’s activities. Ensuring senior management establishes and maintains adequate and effective internal controls. Satisfying itself that appropriate controls are in place for monitoring compliance with laws, regulations, supervisory requirements and relevant internal policies. Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the internal audit function...
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...[Big 4 Internship 2015][Test Content] Source: a KPMG intern + PwC intern NOTE: + Read the email regarding test invitation carefully and follow instructions + Arrive early, 15´ at least + Bring pens, calculator, ID + Essays: should be written in IELTS format (4 paragraphs: 1 introduction paragraph, 2 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion paragraph). + Ref: http://www.shldirect.com/en-us/practice-tests/ (to practice) No. | Firm | Time | Content | 1 | KPMG | 40 min | 2 essaysTopic: important characteristics of a co-worker; different culture affect judgment; first impression on judging people; if receiving voucher from client causes unethical behavior. | 2 | PwC | 30 min | 1 essayTopic: pros and cons of mobile phone as a mean of communication; of online shopping. | 3 | EY | 120 min | 6 parts1) Accounting (focus on VAS-related questions)2) Auditing3) Tax4) Logic Test (IQ; find next number; missing word; A to B as C to D; there are 6 eggs in a basket, 6 persons, each takes one egg, how there still be an egg in a basket (answer: the last one takes the basket with the egg inside))5) Social knowledge (price of 92 gasoline, name of a student starting Hong Kong civil disobedience – Joshua Wong, EOY marketing – EOY stands for what, merge of bank, effective time when university entrance exam merges with high...
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...KPMG INTERNATIONAL KPMG’s Global Automotive Executive Survey 2012 Managing growth while navigating uncharted routes kpmg.com/automotive II | KPMG’s Global Automotive Executive Survey 2012 Acknowledgements The Global Automotive Executive Survey is KPMG International’s annual assessment of the current state and future prospects of the worldwide automotive industry. In this year’s survey, 200 senior executives from the world’s leading automotive companies were interviewed, including automakers, suppliers, dealers, financial service providers, and for the first time mobility service providers. The responses make for compelling reading and we would like to thank all those who participated for giving us their valuable time. We would also like to acknowledge and thank the following senior executives who participated in in-depth interviews to provide further insight: (Listed alphabetically by organization name) Dr. André Stoffels Head of Strategy Audi Steven Bridgeland Senior Product Manager, Windows Embedded Microsoft Special thanks to Moritz Pawelke, Meghan Bested and Martha Collyer for their efforts. © 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. Foreword Imagine the following scenario, involving an urban dweller, possibly living in a mega-city like...
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...Emerging Trends in Healthcare A Journey from Bench to Bedside 17 February 2011 © 2011 KPMG, an Indian Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Acknowledgement India’s competitive advantage lies in the lower production and research cost, its large pool of low cost technical and scientifically trained personnel, and large number of compliance certified manufacturers and service providers, which make us different from others. ASSOCHAM feels that technology incubation is no longer confined to a few institutions; it is a responsibility that we have to share, if we wish to see a better and a healthy future ahead. There is an immense need to develop skilled manpower in the area of healthcare and modern as well as traditional medicines. I am glad that this Summit on Emerging trends in Healthcare will bring forth the journey from research desk to the bedside of patient, as we will look at healthcare at the frontline to identify some common challenges that may help explain the complex nature of healthcare and the scale of the “change” challenge. I wish to thank KPMG for unanimously contributing towards this Knowledge Paper, which gives a rich and comprehensive insight of the trend in healthcare. I would also take the opportunity to thank QCI for supporting this event. The case studies contributed providing the best of...
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...Content Question A | 1 | Question B | 2-3 | Question C | 4 | Question D | 5 | Bibliography | 6 | Financial Accounting 1 Group Assignment Question A As what we understand for the words of Professional Accountant is who has experience and skills in establishing and maintaining accurate financial records for a business. Accountants’ works including control the system of record, auditing books and prepare a financial statement (Hossain, 2013). The accounting profession in Malaysia is controlled by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) through the powers discussed by the Accountants Act, 1967. In Malaysia, we needed some certificates to show that we are accounting educated so that we are having the abilities to work as certain company’s accountant. Those certificates are known as ACCA, LCCA, CIMA and also MICPA. Start from few years back, Malaysia standard of requiring accountants was raised from LCCA to ACCA. With ACCA certificate, a person can consider as a professional accountant and so he or her has the ability to finish the duties. Question B In an organization, accountant plays a very important role. Without an accountant, the organization cannot work effectively (role of accountant, 2013). Accounting is a special division of knowledge. Both the accounting system and the accountant provide a very useful service to the society. There are a lot of stuff can be done by an accountant. Firstly, an accountant does bookkeeping. They keep a systematic record...
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...TOMASHYK Yaroslav Date of birth Nationalities Contact details 4 September 1981 Ukrainian, Romanian / Work Permit: European Union Email: yaroslav.tomashyk@insead.edu / ytomashyk@gmail.com Mobile: + 33 6 82 06 31 96 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2010 - 2013 EXTENT Associates LLC Co-founder of a boutique consulting firm with emphasis on finance advisory Ukraine Partner • Developed business practice from a sole-practitioner to 8 full-time and 15 outsourced subcontractors with service revenue of USD 600k • Introduced offering of outsourced CFO services and actuarial services • Served as interim CFO/Chief Restructuring Officer for two clients; hired, trained and reviewed performance of finance teams including CFO coaching for one client • Facilitated divestment of real estate business: negotiated and closed deals on sale of real estate projects worth USD 30M (commercial properties and hotels) for a client 2008 - 2010 Avis Rent-A-Car (Ukraine) Ukraine Leasing and car rental company (~2000 cars, USD 25M in assets), franchisee of Avis Rent-A-Car in Ukraine; acquired in 2008 by TBIF Financial Services (Netherlands) CFO • Executed overall financial management of the company, evaluated and approved all significant management decisions as member of the Board of Directors; directly reported to Supervisory Board (Central European HQ in Bulgaria) • Headed post-acquisition restructuring of the company; achieved increase in operating profit margin by more than 60% by introducing new pricing...
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