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Kuddler Shopper


Submitted By cdfgdogs
Words 1403
Pages 6
Kudler Frequent Shopper Program
Lauriettta Oakleaf
BSA 310
September 16, 2011
Jack Davis

Abstract This paper talks about Kudler Fine foods and their speaking about incorporating the frequent shopper program into their store. They are considering the positive and negative benefits for the company and for the customers. They are trying to also consider the legality and ethical issues that would need to be issued for this to be installed.

Kudler Frequent Shopper Program

Kudler Fine food is an upscale specialty food store located in San Diego, California but they also have three sister stores in: La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas where a customer can find in California(Apollo Groups, 2005). Kudler Fine foods was founded and is managed by Kathy Kudler, who is requesting a program that will track customers information on their purchases that they make at any of the three stores using a frequent shopper program. This program will award loyalty points similar to other program such as: Kroger, speedway, or chase banking when a customer uses their card at a retail store they will earn points on their loyalty card. A customer who makes a purchase using a loyalty card that will be provided through Kudler Fine food will receive loyalty points, but this program will only be for those customers that have signed up for it and wish to partake in the program. The customers participating, their purchases will be monitored and will be converted into loyalty points that they can later exchange through an outside service that Kudler will partner with so that a customer can exchange points for gifts, vacations, gift certificates, and even money.
Using Chase loyalty as an example, they use a service over the web that a customer can check online and for every dollar that a person spends you receive a dollar and for some merchants four dollars. A customer can go online

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