...iLab #2 - Ecosystems, Biodiversity, and Species March 10, 2014 SCI 204 iLab #2 - Ecosystems, Biodiversity, and Species Exercise #1- Discuss the producer, consumer and decomposer relationships in this ecosystem after the eruption. List 3 references. After the forests were destroyed by lava and mudflow, producers were completely destroyed and died out. This caused a disruption in the food cycle because then, consumers such as deer had less food supply causing them to starve and die. After a while, the decomposers begin to kick start the cycle for new life, bringing back order. Exercise #2- Discuss any two plant species and any two animal species that are affecting the Everglades. What are the challenges facing the native species and how are they adapting to the changing environment? List 3 references. Plants – Australian pine- This plant was brought over to the Everglades and used for landscaping purposes from South pacific Islands and Australia. The tree’s roots disrupt the nesting of the native creatures such as the American crocs and turtles. Brazilian pepper plant- This pepper tree was brought over from Brazil to market the peppers. As birds ate the seeds, they begin to spread them from their feces. As these trees begin to spread throughout the Everglade, its dense structure allowed it to form concentrated thickets displacing...
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...October 6, 2014 Unit 2 Analysis 1, NT1110 Computer Shopper Computer Type | Price | RAM | Hard Drive | Processor Speed | Cyber Power PC Gamer Ultra GUA880 Desktop | $571.99 | 8 Giga Bytes | 1024 Giga Bytes | 3.8 Giga Hertz (4 Mega Bytes Cache) | Dell Inspiron i3646-1000 BLK Desktop | $249.99 | 4 Giga Bytes | 500 Giga Bytes | 2.41 Giga Hertz | Acer C720 Chromebook | $199.00 | 2 Giga Bytes | 32 Giga Bytes | 1.4 Giga Hertz | HP 15-g070nr 15.6-inch Laptop | $249.99 | 4 Giga Bytes | 500 Giga Bytes | 1.35 Giga Hertz | Gamers would most likely prefer the Cyber Power PC Gamer Ultra GUA880 Desktop. Cause for one you need a high processor speed to be able to run games so they don’t lag. You also need a lot of memory on your hard drive to be able to download games because they take a lot of memory. An on top of that whenever updates come out it can possibly make the size of the game bigger depending on how major the update is. Also you need a descent amount of RAM cause not only does it help save memory but it helps with how fast your game will download. Lastly it’s a lot cheaper than some of the bigger brands of the gamer desktops especially with the 1024 Giga Byte hard drive. Cause there are more expensive gamer desktops with less memory on its hard drive than this one. Business owners would prefer the HP 15- g070nr 15.6- inch Laptop. Especially if they go on business trips for meetings because you have more than enough memory on your hard drive to be able to...
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...The way you present yourself in the classroom makes an impression on your instructor and your classmates. Do you present yourself as a serious, dedicated student, or do you come off as uninterested or maybe even disruptive? As a college student, you are expected to act in a mature manner. Below is a list of Do’s and Don’ts for the college classroom that will help facilitate a learning centered atmosphere: Take responsibility for your education Instructors are here to create a learning environment – whether or not you learn depends on your willingness to listen, ask appropriate questions, and do the work necessary to pass the course. Attend class Students who attend class, listen to the instructor, ask questions, and take good notes are more likely to pass with a higher grade. If you must miss a class, contact your instructor ahead of time to let him or her know that you will not be in class. DO NOT ask the instructor to repeat material you missed because you skipped a class. Be on time Walking in late disturbs everyone. At this college and many places of employment, tardiness communicates lack of interest and lack of dependability. If you cannot avoid being late, make sure to be unobtrusive about your entry. Come to class prepared – turn your work in on time Complete assigned reading before coming to class. Make sure to bring common classroom supplies such as a pencil, paper, textbook, test materials, etc. along with completed homework. Students who attempt...
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...The pros and cons of a cellular network vs. a fixed line network. The pros of a cellular network include cost the phone companies charge more than what you'd pay for most alternatives, and some are taxed more as well. There are some locations where getting new wired phone service is expensive or even impossible. Long Distance and extra features like Call Waiting are normally included with alternative phones. More features on cellular and broadband phones normally include Long Distance, Voice Mail, Caller ID, Call Forwarding and more, usually at no additional charge. They also have Text Messaging and various forms of data service which are unavailable with a landline. Portability is another so if you move your home more than average your phone and your number can stay with you. There are no "installation" charges. Internet Access is another pro your wireless phone can also use with either with an internal browser or tethered to your computer, and available wherever there is cellular coverage. A few cons of the cellular network are safety if you need to call 911, public safety authorities won't automatically know where you are you'll have to tell them. Reliability is another wired telephone services have come as close to 100% reliable while cell networks aren’t and sometimes have bad signals. Their network has substantial power backup, redundant circuits and years to get it right. In an extended power outage, such as after a hurricane or snowstorm, the service may not work, leaving...
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...Laboratory Instructor Guide Lab 1: Computer Model Understanding Activity (paper and pencil) Learning Objectives and Outcomes The student is expected to demonstrate the ability to work with the von Neumann model of a computer. To demonstrate this ability, the student will: 1. Draw a diagram of a computer from the von Neumann perspective, including definitions of all parts of the model. 2. Provide examples of the Input, Output, and Memory sections of the model. 3. Provide a comparison table showing the similarities and differences between desktop and notebook computers. Required Setup and Tools In this laboratory, students will need only paper and pencil to do the required work. However, the use of a drawing program, such as Visio or the Drawing toolbar in Microsoft Word, is suggested for drawing the von Neumann computer model. Lab Solutions The student should provide solutions similar to what is shown here. Task 1: Here is an example of the von Neumann model of the computer. 1 Memory Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Output Input Accumulator Central Processing Unit Here are the functions of each component in the von Neumann model of the computer. Component Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Accumulator Function Control operations between all components of the computer. Perform calculations using the accumulator. Store the result of the last calculation. Accumulators are registers that store temporary numbers and can be hard-wired to the logic...
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...LAB 1 Tuesday Hacking and Countermeasures Reconnaissance, scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access, Covering Tracks I would follow the fives steps of hacking and start with step number one, reconnaissance, and a bit of scanning. I believe google would be a great tool for performing the first step in hacking, there is a lot of information on most things there. Other tool sthat could be used are NMap, Paratrace, and ScanRand. Social engineering is one of the best ways to get information abotu a company or person. In social engineering one could pretend to be a higher up just trying to run a check and get all sorts of information. One of the most common forms of social engineereing is a method called phishing. Enumeration is similiar to scanning a system for vulnerabilitiesthat can be used to attack the system. This is vital to a hackers object since it reveals the information needed to access the target. To avoid detection a good hacker will always cover their tracks. This is done by purging any information in the system that could even minutely show the trace that someone was their. You must be careful when doing this because sometimes its not whats there that gets the hacker busted but what wasn’t. An attacker will leave some sort of backdoor into the system. This allows for re-entry at a later time that doesnt appear in scans by the company As the security professional your job is to find holes in the...
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...computers LAB 2.1 RESEARCH Advantages OF MULTICORE PROCESSORS The proximity of multiple CPU cores on the same die allows the cache coherency circuitry to operate at a much higher clock rate than is possible if the signals have to travel off-chip. Combining equivalent CPUs on a single die significantly improves the performance of cache snoop (alternative: Bus snooping) operations. Put simply, this means that signals between different CPUs travel shorter distances, and therefore those signals degrade less. These higher quality signals allow more data to be sent in a given time period since individual signals can be shorter and do not need to be repeated as often. The largest boost in performance will likely be noticed in improved response time while running CPU-intensive processes, like antivirus scans, ripping/burning media (requiring file conversion), or searching for folders. For example, if the automatic virus scan initiates while a movie is being watched, the application running the movie is far less likely to be starved of processor power, as the antivirus program will be assigned to a different processor core than the one running the movie playback. Assuming that the die can fit into the package, physically, the multi-core CPU designs require much less Printed Circuit Board (PCB) space than multi-chip SMP designs. Also, a dual-core processor uses slightly less power than two coupled single-core processors, principally because of the decreased...
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...DeVry University Johnnie Walker July 7, 2014 RFC'c First, I have to define the term RFC. The acronym "RFC" stands for "Request for Comment". This refers to a description of a standard for new or modified internet or networking protocols. When standards are proposed, they are made available for public comment so that they can be refined and agreed upon. The document which details the proposed standards is called a "request for comment" document, or RFC. When the standards are finalized, they keep the same "RFC" Three organizations under the Internet Society are responsible for the actual work of standards development and publication: Three organizations under the Internet Society are responsible for the actual work of standards development and publication:name. Now a Request for Comments (RFC) is a publication of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Society, the principal technical development and standards-setting bodies for the Internet. Request for Comments documents were invented by Steve Crocker in 1969 to help record unofficial notes on the development of ARPANET. RFCs have since become official documents of Internet specifications, communications protocols, procedures, and events. Today, it is the official publication channel for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and — to some extent — the global community of computer network researchers in general. A new model was proposed...
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...Services Provided for Older Adults with Disability There is no doubt that our population is aging. In the next 25 years, one in every five Americans will be aged 65 years or older, and with the increasing uncertainty of the public assistance programs on which many older adults rely on, changing family structures, and as medical advances extend the lives of those with chronic conditions or disability, older adults will come into contact with nonprofit social service agencies in greater numbers than ever before. Social and human services, nonprofit agencies, many of which have traditionally focused on youth and nuclear families, must begin preparing to address the problem that might face the aging society. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by the year 2030; the populations of adults aged 65 years and older will double the number that we have right now. In order to effectively serve older adults with disability, human service professionals must have an understanding of the many issues that affect them. The population of older Americans will be increasingly diverse in terms of Race or ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Older adults, especially those aged 85 and older and/or with low annual household incomes, are far more likely to experience disabilities and physical limitations than the general population. Base on the services that are provided in long-term care facilities, I believe they will serve in the best interest of your...
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...1. What is the difference between DITSCAP and DIACP? a. DITSCAP provided guidance on roles, activities and documents for performing C&A, but it did not clearly identify what requirements to use. b. DIACAP points to DoDD 8500.2, making it clear where to start identifying the IA capabilities that should be included and assessed for a particular C&A effort. c. One of the biggest complaints about DITSCAP was that it required too much documentation and took too long to perform. d. DIACAP identifies four spreadsheets that summarize important C&A information. e. A second complaint about DITSCAP was that it only accommodated individual systems. f. DIACAP addresses the need to expand C&A to account for components outside of a site’s control. 2. What is DCID 6/3, and why would you use DCID 6/3 as opposed to DIACAP for Certification and Accreditation of a system? g. It is the policy for “Protecting Sensitive Compartmented Information Within Information Systems”. This directive establishes the security policy and procedures for storing, processing, and communicating classified intelligence information in information systems (ISs). For purposes of this Directive, intelligence information refers to Sensitive Compartmented Information and special access programs for intelligence under the purview of the DCI. An information system is any telecommunications and/or computer related equipment or interconnected system or subsystems of equipment that is used in the acquisition...
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...Task Command 1. Slmgr.vbs -ato 2. Slmgr.vbs -did (note the GUID). 3. Slmgr.vbs -dli 4. Verify License status is set to Licensed (activated). Quick Reference for WS08 Server Core Installations Print and fold this guide to have convenient access to common commands and procedures for configuring and maintaining Server Core installations of Windows Server® 2008. Activate a server remotely Task Join a computer to a domain Command 1. Type: netdom join %computername% /domain: /userd:\ /passwordd:* 2. Restart the computer. Install an update Remove an update Type: wusa .msu /quiet Configure your server to use a proxy server Type: netsh Winhttp set proxy : Note: You cannot access the Internet through proxy servers that require a password to allow connections. Change a computer name in a domain Type: netdom renamecomputer %computername% /NewName: /userd: /passwordd:* Type: netdom renamecomputer /NewName: Type: slmgr.vbs- ato 1. Type: expand /f:* .msu c:\test 2. In C:\test, open .xml in a text editor. 3. In .xml, replace Install with Remove and save the file. 4. Type: Pkgmgr /n:.xml Change a computer name in a workgroup Activate a server locally Configure automatic updates To verify updates: : Scregedit.wsf /AU /v To enable updates: Scregedit.wsf /AU 4 To disable updates: Scregedit.wsf /AU 1 Task Change to a static IP address Command 1. Type ipconfig /all and record relevant information or redirect to a text file (ipconfig /all...
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...1. n/a 2. Which utility can you use to display the absolute pathname of the working directory? What is the absolute pathname of the working directory? pwd varies depending on your username 3. Change directories so the /tmp directory is the working directory and verify the name of the working directory. cd /tmp pwd 4. What is the quickest way to make your home directory the working directory? Cd 5. n/a 6. Linux does not rely on filenames or filename extensions to determine the type of a file. Use the file utility (Sobell, page 156) to determine the type of the following files. a. /etc/passwd: ASCII text block special symbolic link symbolic link JPEG image data b. /usr/bin/passwd: executable c. /var/log: directory d. /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz: gzip compressed data e. /dev/tty1: character special f. /dev/sda: block special g. /dev/cdrom: symbolic link symbolic link JPEG image data h. /usr/share/magic: symbolic link i. /usr/share/pixmaps/faces/sky.png: JPEG image data 7. Text files can be viewed using cat, head, tail, and less (Sobell, pages 148, 152, 153, and 149, respectively). Choose the best application to a. Display the contents of the /etc/issue file. cat /etc/issue b. Display the contents of the /etc/sysconfig/network file. cat /etc/sysconfig/network c. Display the first few lines of the /etc/passwd file. head /etc/passwd d. Determine the last word in the /usr/share/dict/linux.words file. tail /usr/share/dict/linux.words e....
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...Lab 1 – Introduction to Databases PT2520 Lab 1 – Introduction to Databases Lab 1.1 [pic] Lab 1.2 |Nouns |Major Topic | |(400x) Patients |Blood Pressure, Depressed or Less, Activities, Physical side effects | | |(rashes, high BP, irregular heart rhythm, liver or kidney problems | | (20x) Doctors |Name of Patients and Doctors, patients info, Enter blood pressure, | | |blood test results, the depression indicators, their own notes etc, | | |which drug is being dispersed (new drug or traditional Prozac) | | (2x) Supervisors |They know which drug is going to who. Which supervisor is the | | |pharmacist | |(2x) Researchers |They are to see everything. Be sure everything stays secure | Lab 1.3 Step 1: Read the Granfield College scenario. Pg 18 Step 2: Identify the major...
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...Any class that takes place online as opposed to a class being conducted on campus grounds would introduce less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from lack of transportation due to students not having to make the drive to and from class meetings. The use of facilities such as bathrooms or any energy used such as power for the classroom and air conditioning for the building may also contribute to our carbon footprint and use of water facilities. http://myfootprint.org/en/your_results/?id=2788767 After taking the footprint quiz and reviewing my results it became apparent how every person on the planet could not live the average life style of people in our country. I say this because most of my results are very close to the national average and my score states 6 earths would be required for everyone in the world to live similar life styles. Only one of my footprints is higher than the national average which is the food footprint and my carbon footprint is a close tie with our average. With my high protein Paleolithic diet my food consumption footprint was relatively high. I have many snacks and full sized meals throughout the day as long as there are groceries in the house. This is in order to teach my body not to store fat and is part of my cross fitness nutrition plan that I have worked out with my trainer. The way I understand it, our bodies’ anatomy has only changed a fraction of a percent sense the days of the cavemen when the average man was more athletic than our modern...
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...To troubleshoot a network connection problem, try these steps first: Open Network Diagnostics by right-clicking the network icon in the notification area, and then clicking Diagnose and repair. Make sure that all cables are properly connected. If you're trying to connect to another computer, make sure that computer is on and that you have enabled file and printer sharing on your network. For more information, see Networking home computers running different versions of Windows. If the problem began after you installed new software, check your connection settings to see if they have been changed. To check connection settings If these steps don't solve the problem, look for a specific problem in the following table. Problem Possible solutions Can’t connect to other computers or share files and printers on a home network Make sure network discovery is turned on. To turn on network discovery Make sure you have shared the files or printers. To share files and printers If password protected sharing is enabled, you have two options. More information Make sure the computer that you want to connect to has at least one shared folder. Make sure all computers are in the same workgroup. See Join or create a workgroup. In addition to enabling file sharing, make sure you set sharing properties on the folder or printer you want to share. More information Go to the website of your router manufacturer to download and install the latest firmware for your router. Can't connect...
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