...MG 420 Midterm Exam ( All Possible Questions Solutions ) To Download This Tutorial Visit below Link http://www.studentsoffortunes.com/downloads/mg-420-midterm-exam-all-possible-questions-solutions/ (Product Type) : Instant Downloadable We invite you to browse through our store and shop with confidence. We invite you to create an account with us if you like, or shop as a guest. Either way, your shopping cart will be active until you leave the store. All Tutorials will be E-mailed immediately after the Payment, Please Check your inbox or Spam Folder and can also be downloaded by clicking on Tutorial Bucket. For Any Other Inquiry Feel Free to Contact us: studentsoffortunes@gmail.com For More Tutorials Visit: ( http://www.studentsoffortunes.com/ ) (Product Description) MG 420 Midterm Exam ( All Possible Questions Solutions ) (1) After having signed a contract with a binding arbitration clause in it, an employer is legally bound to accept an arbitrator’s decision on a particular issue even if they disagree with that decision (2) The “labor problem” can be defined as undesirable outcomes created out of an employment relationship which is inequitable, contentious, and exploitive (3) Conflicts between what employees want and what employers want are generally resolved privately between the individual and his/her employer (4) The last step in the grievance process for nearly all union contracts in both the public and private sector is...
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...MG 420 Midterm Exam ( All Possible Questions Solutions ) http://www.projbid.com/downloads/mg-420-midterm-exam-all-possible-questions-solutions/ (1) After having signed a contract with a binding arbitration clause in it, an employer is legally bound to accept an arbitrator’s decision on a particular issue even if they disagree with that decision (2) The “labor problem” can be defined as undesirable outcomes created out of an employment relationship which is inequitable, contentious, and exploitive (3) Conflicts between what employees want and what employers want are generally resolved privately between the individual and his/her employer (4) The last step in the grievance process for nearly all union contracts in both the public and private sector is usually: A hearing before the NLRB Mediation by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service A unilateral decision by management Final and binding arbitration (5) According to the Wagner Act (NLRA), if two employees walk off the job and proceed to picket their employer’s place of business to protest unsafe working conditions, the employer is not allowed to retaliate against them (e.g., fire them) (6) The first national labor unions began to develop in the 1850s, due in part to: the advent of the rail industry which made it easier for union leaders to travel to various organizing points. powerful labor leaders. favorable legislation and courts that were friendly toward unions. increasing emphasis on craft...
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...Hennessy 1 Practice 2.1.8: Business and Labour 1. You need to analyze the relationship between business and labor. Write a question that your essay will answer. You can use one of the ideas on page 2, or you can come up with your own. The relationship between business and labor is a partnership in the enterprise of making money. What is fair when it comes to work? Labor relations are generally defined as relations between management and workers. They are also called business relations. Workers or group of workers are represented by trade unions. Labor relations may take place on different levels such as regional, national, international. The main challenge for such relation is ability to adapt to emerging changes. The world and technology develops very fast, so do relations between workers and management. Trade unions (also called) labor unions are organizations of workers who united to defend their rights, solving problems in the industry such as wages, working hours, bonuses, Union represented workers and negotiate with the management on behalf of the workers. Such relations are usually accompanied by tensions and conflicts and company owners usually want to earn more and pay less. Workers are willing to work in better conditions for a better salary. Labor unionism in the United States is an expression of the American democratic spirit working itself out in industry is hardly to be doubted. Its beginnings coincided with the period when the free colonies were ...
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...Industrial Relations in BD (Conceptual) 1. Question: Causes of poor Industrial Relation’s in BD a) Question: Political Interference may be creating bad IR practices? Answer: Political interferences are one of the causes of poor industrial relations. If there are any political influences then political aim will take over the industrial aim. If people are involved in politics then they will be more interested in politics and they will do work with less labor and try to earn compensation without working. Because then they will think that they have good relation with politicians and have shelter with political persons. Trade Unions did not bother the management then strike, lock out will be regular phenomena. For this unstable situation productivity will be hampered. Lastly by interferences of policies only CBA person benefited but ultimately labors become looser. We know productivity is directly involved with economy, if productivity less it will be create a great impact of our whole economy. If productivity will grow automatically economy of the country will be grow and if productivity will less automatically economy of the country will be less. For a good atmosphere of industrial relation need to a standard compensation and benefits, salary timely, recreation, leave for employees then they will actively. But if involve politics in industrial atmosphere then all things or all system will be destroy. There will be creating class conflict and dissatisfaction. Then all industry...
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...Sociological Research, vol. 50, no. 6, November–December 2011, pp. 17–31. © 2011 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 1061–0154/2011 $9.50 + 0.00. DOI 10.2753/SOR1061-0154500602 G.P. Bessokirnaia The Dynamics of Workers’ Values and Labor Motives (2003–2007) Research on workers in Russia shows that attitudes toward work are strongly influenced by conditions in the workplace, and that this is the case for both males and females. The dynamics of the core values of everyday activities and labor motives of Moscow workers in the 1990s [1], and changes in the basic life values and motives of workers in the period 1990–2003 [2], were the subject of studies the author conducted in collaboration with V.D. Patrushev [3, pp. 77–99], to whose memory I dedicate this article. The present author carried out a comparative analysis of the basic life values and labor motives of workers in Pskov in 1995–2007 [4]. This article presents the results of the analysis of the dynamics of the values and labor motives of workers during a relatively stable period of the development of Russian society, during a period of economic growth. The surveys of workers were carried out in the same machine-building plants in Briansk, Pskov, and Kirov in 2003 and 2007.1 All three cities are oblast centers of regions that, according to the classification devised English translation © 2011 M.E. Sharpe, Inc., from the Russian text © 2010 the author. “Dinamika tsennosti i motivov truda rabochikh (2003–7...
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...Knowledge Check Study Guide Concepts Mastery Score: 21 / 21 Questions Components and Objectives of Organizational Reward 100% 1 2 3 100% 4 5 6 100% 7 8 9 100% 10 Systems Determinants of Pay Structure and Level Policy Issues in Pay Planning and Administration Organization-wide Incentives Strategic Considerations 11 12 in the Design of Benefit 100% 13 14 15 100% 16 17 18 100% 19 20 21 Programs Components of the Benefits Package Cost-Containment Strategies for Benefits Concept: Components and Objectives of Organizational Reward Systems Mastery 100% Questions 1 2 3 1. At a comprehensive point of view, a(n) _____ includes anything an employee values and desires that an employer is able and willing to offer in exchange for employee contributions. A. competency-based pay system B. employee stock ownership plan C. organizational reward system D. merit-pay method Correct: The Correct Answer is: C. Organizational reward systems include both financial and nonfinancial rewards for employee contributions. 2. ___________ bridge the gap between organizational objectives and individual expectations and aspirations. A. Financial systems B. Corporate compensation systems C. Employment practices D. Rewards Correct: The Correct Answer is: D. Organizational reward systems and compensation systems design...
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...High-Flying Labor Relations at Southwest Airlines” at the end of Chapter 14. Answer the three questions at the end of the case in a 2-3 page paper. Follow the project guidelines below. Requirements: 1. Click to use the Case Study Template (also available in Doc Sharing). 2. Complete a 2-3 page paper (not including the title page and reference page). 3. Answer each question thoroughly. 4. Demonstrate your understanding of the information presented in the weekly reading assignments by defining terms, explaining concepts, and providing detailed examples to illustrate your points. 5. Include at least two references from your reading assignments, or other academic sources, to reinforce and support your own thoughts, ideas, and statements using APA citation style. Review the Assignment Rubric (below) before starting this Assignment. ID: MT203-08-08-A Taking Responsibility: High-Flying Relations at Southwest Airlines BU203-Human Resource Management Professor Anton Suzzanna Hernandez Kaplan University 12/8/2013 Imagine, looking out a window of a skyscraper at the line of pickets at the bottom of this building. What must be going through the head of the CEO? How can an organization stop negotiations from going this far? How do strikes help real issues and conditions? By answering the questions on the case study of Southwest Airlines, analysis will help to see how labor relations should be done. Question one asks: contrast the general labor relations goals...
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...Discuss how employers can exist without unions but unions cannot exist without employers. 3. Identify reasons why workers unionize. 4. Discuss why unionization is declining in the United States. 5. Analyze the difference between the public sector labor relations and private business. Introduction to this week's topics: Labor relations is the set of processes and activities unions and employers develop and use to clarify, manage, reduce, and resolve conflicts between employees and their representatives while accommodating the various goals of each. The practice of labor relations is governed by contracts negotiated by and agreed to by both parties. Contracts are renegotiated periodically to take into account changing goals and objectives of both parties and changes in the economy and society. Within larger employers that operate several establishments, labor relations will differ depending on what is produced in each establishment and whether different unions represent employees in different establishments. Employers would like complete freedom to alter the terms and conditions of employment in their workplaces, as necessary, to maximize returns on investments and achieve organizational goals. While labor is somewhat mobile, with workers able to move between employers as opportunities occur, it is less mobile than financial capital. They would like to reduce the risks associated with employment - particularly the risk that their employers will radically change...
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...Kendrick Meekins - 12/9/12 Assignment 7.2 A northern facility within our company experienced a union campaign in 2010. The employees were angry about the company relocating it distribution capabilities to another location. The move was to improve cost competitiveness but associates viewed the decision as a threat to their job security since approximately 40% of the workforce would lose their jobs. The union campaign challenged the interest of all parties. Some employees viewed the campaign as an opportunity to achieve job security while other employees felt that a union would not change the reality that their facility was not cost competitive for the company. The company’s leadership made a tough decision to improve our company’s delivery performance and long term outlook but felt their plans were challenged by a campaign. The customers saw the campaign as a threat to our company’s delivery commitments and a potentially disrupted supply chain through the duration of the campaign. Ultimately, the workforce did not vote for the union but the door was open for dialogue and change. The HR department had the responsibility to uphold one of our company’s core values. Our company’s value of “independence” influenced the creation of a union avoidance strategy that, at its core, fosters an environment where associates can freely represent themselves in any matter and expect the company to work directly with associates to resolve their issue. An HR Professional should ethically...
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...15 Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining 1) About ________% of people working in the United States belong to unions. A) 5 B) 12 C) 20 D) 45 E) 62 Answer: B Explanation: Just over 17.7 million U.S. workers belong to unions—around 12.4% of the total number of men and women working in this country. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 544 Chapter: 15 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept 2) One of the earliest unions in the United States, the Knights of Labor, was formed by a group of ________. A) coal miners B) tailors C) carpenters D) railroad workers E) printers Answer: B Explanation: In 1869, a group of tailors met and formed the Knights of Labor. The Knights were interested in political reform. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 544 Chapter: 15 Objective: 1 Skill: Application 3) Who was responsible for forming the American Federation of Labor in 1886? A) Samuel Gompers B) Benjamin Franklin C) Frederick Taylor D) George Meany E) Alexander Hamilton Answer: A Explanation: In 1886, Samuel Gompers formed the American Federation of Labor (AFL). It consisted mostly of skilled workers and, unlike the Knights, focused on practical, bread-and-butter gains for its members. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 544 Chapter: 15 Objective: 1 Skill: Application 4) Which of the following was the primary goal of the American Federation of Labor? A) achieving political reform B) gaining a higher social status C) addressing immigrant labor D) improving work conditions E) creating labor legislation ...
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...Labor Relations Unions are the voice of many individuals within work environments. Some organizations and employees happily accept unions into an organization while other organizations and employees would rather keep them out of their workplace. There are positive and negative impacts when a union is involved. This paper will define unions and labor relations and what the union’s purpose is. The paper will discuss the affects that labor relations have on organizations, as well as, discuss the affects of changes in employees organizational performance. Last, this paper will look at unions of today and answer the question, are they still relevant in the U.S.? Defining Unions and Labor Relations Unions support the best interest of the employees in an organization. Employees pay to join unions as unions can help employees get what they deserve within the organization. According to the textbook, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Second Edition (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, & Wright, 2007), unions are defined as “organizations formed for the purpose of representing their members’ interests and resolving conflicts with employers” (p.459). Labor Relations is the interaction and decision making process between management and unions. According to Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (Noe, et al., 2007), “labor relations is a field that emphasizes skills managers and unions leaders can use to minimize costly conflicts and disagreements” (p.459). Unions use a collective...
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...FINAL EXAM: Chapters 6 - 9 You need to answer two of the first questions and both question 5 and 6. Make sure you provide clear, comprehensive, and convincing arguments based on your reading from chapter 6-9 as your model. You may refer to material from earlier chapters to strengthen your argument. 1. Bob Ulrich, CEO of nonunion retailer Target, justifies his company’s antiunion philosophy by saying that Target “simply doesn’t believe that third-party representation would add anything for our customers, our employees, or our shareholders. We just do not believe it’s productive and adds value.” Using information from chapter 6, evaluate this position. Target has built a reputation of being a high end discounted retail store that caters towards the urban trendsetting families. When a consumer hears the name of Target Stores, the association with low wages or anti-union statements typical do not come to mind. The statement made by CEO Bob Ulrich and the company’s antiunion philosophy is a common feeling most organization have towards unions. The company is entitled to have such viewpoints and has the authority to express them freely as long as the company does not participate in unfair labor practices that will intimidate an employee’s legal right of inquiring into unions. Target has a right to be vocal about the organization’s stance and sway employees not to join a union. The biggest reason for employees to form unions is collectively, “employees feel their employer...
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...Interpreting labor and employment laws, as well as court decisions, can be a tedious task at best. The laws set in place are constantly changing and use language that is not easily deciphered by the average working American. The United States Labor laws cover the binding legal connection between the employers, their employees and the employee labor unions. Within the borders of the United States; it is generally know that employers and labor unions do not see eye to eye on most issues regarding labor and employment laws. Labor laws can address one of three different situations: “A union attempts to organize the employees of an employer and to get the employer to recognize it as the employees’ bargaining representative; (2) a union seeks to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with an employer; or (3) a union and employer disagree on the interpretation and application of an existing contract between the two. Within these three situations, specific rules have been created to deal with rights of employees and employers.” (Labor Law, 2005) The third situation is often seen more times than not; thus creating an everlasting rift between the two parties. In the case study 1-1 of our text, Reinstatement and Back Pay Remedy for Illegal Discharge, it seemed like a common sense; open and shut scenario. My initial thoughts without any research had me thinking there was no way an employer would need to reinstate an unlawfully terminated employee, since the person in question is an...
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...Question 1 Japan's NEC and U.S. based AT&T most likely formed a strategic alliance in order to ________. Answer | | reduce political and cultural risks | | | avoid licensing requirements | | | access new technology and new markets | | | develop a mutually useful infrastructure | 2 points Question 2 A firm that uses an international division structure may experience conflict among all of its divisions because ________. Answer | | the structure type is not very efficient | | | the international division fails to respond to cultural differences | | | more resources tend to be provided to the international division | | | fewer resources tend to be provided to the international division | 2 points Question 3 A global firm's success or failure is increasingly dependent upon ________, which cannot be duplicated. Answer | | human resources | | | raw materials | | | Technology | | | Capital | 2 points Question 4 A global leader's role is an interaction of which two sets of variables? Answer | | content and context | | | cultural and societal | | | internal and external | | | personal and professional | 2 points Question 5 A merit-based reward system would be ineffective in Taiwan because such a system would most likely ________. Answer | | disturb workplace harmony | | | embarrass senior employees | | | conflict with political norms | |...
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...[Type the company name] | Illegal Immigrants and The NLRA: | Protection for All? | | | | What rights are illegal immigrants afforded under the National Labor Relations Act? | This paper seeks to investigate whether or not illegal immigrants should be protected under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). An illegal immigrant (alien) is anyone who is foreign borne and has entered the United States of American without examination or admitted provisionally and stayed past the time they are required to leave (http://cis.org/illegal). Once reading this definition, as outlined by the Center for Immigration Studies; precisely one would say no, he or she is here illegally. We will first question why individuals have entered the country illegally, their reason for being here, employer responsibly, the Immigration Reform and Control Act and how or why should illegal workers be protected under the NLRA. Illegal aliens accounted for 21% of the foreign born population in the U.S in 2000 with that number increasing to 28% by 2005. With numbers steadily increasing each year, many have begun asking why. Where are the immigrants coming from and why are so many entering into the United States? Statistics show that Mexico is the biggest importer of legal and illegal immigrants (http://cis.org/illegal). More than half of the Mexicans living in the U.S. in the year 2000 were illegal (Edwards, 2000). By 2004, 10.5 million legal and illegal Mexican immigrants were living in...
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