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Labour Law


Submitted By marissah
Words 2220
Pages 9
An Accident is the term given to “any unplanned event that causes injury, illness, property damage or harmful disruption of work process.” (Dan Hartshorn, 2003 ‘Solving Accident Investigation Problems’).
There are two types of accident investigations; the first being an Accident report. This report is completed when the accident in question represents only a minor incident. It often answers the questions of ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, and ‘when’ the incident occurred. The other form of Accident Investigation is and Accident-Analysis report. This is completed when the accident in question is serious and also addresses the concerns of the previously four ‘W’s’ with the addition of asking ‘why’ the incident took place.
During his opening speech at the National Symposium, which was hosted by the Occupational Safety and Health Authority and Agency, Minister of Labour and Small Micro Enterprise Development Errol McLeod stated that inadequate risk assessments and failure to implement safe systems of work were contributors in more than seventy percent of the accidents that involved persons employed in the Manufacturing Sector. Upon inspections carried out by the OSH Agency, the Minister also revealed that there were under-reporting of accidents, deficiencies in contractor management and non-conformance to the requirements of the OSH Act in respect of the establishing and functioning of Safety and Health Committees. According to the OSH Act 2004, Amended and Updated, it mentions in Section 6, subsection 1; “It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all his employees. The Act goes on to list the duties of all employers, describing ways to provide a safe working environment. This means that employers have no excuse for not having a safe workplace. They must ensure that safety measures are put

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