Premium Essay

Lady Cambree: A Short Story

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Pages 5
“Shoulder’s back, chin up, smile… “ I quietly whispered to myself over and over again. We stood in the hallway waiting and waiting. The murmur of children’s voices and the sound of music blasting from the speakers only added to the millions butterfly’s already fluttering in my stomach. No matter how many times I performed, I knew I could count on always being nervous.

“Lets welcome Lord Connor and Lady Cambree” the speaker paused for a moment cueing us to get into position before continuing “who have traveled all the way from Genovia to… “ The voice of actor who played Lionel faded out as I prepared myself for my descent into the crowd of ecstatic children below. I looked into my partner's eyes and walked, no, floated, to the top of …show more content…
Even with the doors closed I could hear the peppy music that blared out from the girls dressing room combining and competing with the louder Broadway music that oozed out from the guys dressing room. The door of the dressing room flew open as a cast member dashed out mumbling something about batteries and mike's.The sweet scent of sugar cookies greeted in in the hall before I entered into the room. once inside the air was thick with sickly sweet smelling perfumes and hairspray. Fairy lights, snowflakes, and paper chains hung everywhere, putting people into a festive mood even though Christmas had already passed. With twelve girls in the room it was crowded but no one seemed to notice we were far to excited to even …show more content…
Foundation and shimmery eyeshadows were applied layer after layer until I looked more doll like than human, fake eyelashes, fake nails, and bright red lipstick finished the look. Laughter erupted throughout the room “I was up all night on the phone with him and then he decides to bring up this other girl that he's desperately in love with” Ashlyn tossed her red hair and rolled her eyes before someone else picked up with their guy “horror” story. Theater gossip that filled every waking moment always found a way to be over dramatized but it never really mattered was all knew it was mostly exaggerations and anyways what was said backstage stayed backstage. Groaning, I grasped at the base costume I was required to wear. Within a few second I had thrown on nude tight, a silk underslip, and was lacing up the horrid corset. Though it wasn't tight it was bothersome to take the time to lace it up completely and breathing proved to be difficult. Next came the hoop skirt and over that the layers and layers of fabric that made up my petticoat. A lightweight shimmery gold ball gown was slipped over my head and quickly zipped up as a new cast member came in informing us that our time was up. What had seemed like a few minutes had been over two hours! Each girl grabbed their heels and ran out the door and up the hidden

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