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Personal Narrative: Fence Lake

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Personal Narrative
“RYAN!” My sister shouts from the lake as I spray on sticky sunscreen. “Hurry up, we’re about to leave!” Hurriedly grabbing my towel, I swing open the screen door of my grandma’s remote Minocqua cabin, bounding down wooden steps to a similarly wooden pier. As I clamber onto the boat after my siblings and parents, I check what’s in it- a rope, a handle, waterskis, and a few fishing rods- we’re ready! Once I untie us from the dock, my dad pushes off and we chug across North Placid Lake .I’m 11 years old, and today is the first day I will try to waterski. I’m not sure what to expect- will it be easy? Difficult? Will I get dragged, unable to let go? My worries fade away into calmness as I observe the serene woodlands I’ve become …show more content…
We are lucky- it is a relatively calm morning. A slight breeze creates ripples and small, white-tipped waves in the clear, cold, refreshing water. Roaring can be heard from jetskis and speedboats speeding by far away. Children, tittering and laughing, have fun tubing in the bay. Soon after chugging up to the shallow water, my mom turns my way. “You ready, bud?” she questions, smile on her face. I nod anxiously. “Great! Let’s get in,” she exclaims. I jump in with the skis. The water greets me with a rush of chilliness, waves bobbing me up and down. I let out a high pitched squeal- half in a joking way, half in serious retaliation to the cold. My heart is- I’m a tiny bit nervous. Diligently helping me put my skis on- which I end up finding very difficult- she gives me a few tips. “Remember to let the boat pull you, don’t pull yourself up- Stay balanced and keep your arms in front of you- Oh! And, don’t lean forward too much!” Trying to comprehend all this information while thinking about what to do, I balance myself in the water. The rope tightens and I feel myself being tugged ever so slightly. After my mom steps back, I heard my dad yell, “Ready!?” It feels to me like my heart will burst out of my chest and run away at any moment. Quickly and anxiously glancing at my mom, who gives a thumbs up, I yell back at my dad. …show more content…
“chugvvrrRRMMMMMMMMMMM” it screams as it pulls me up and out of the water- only for me to fall over right away. Waves crawl around and over me as my dad wheels the boat back. “It’s okay,” my mom comforts me. “Nobody will get this on their first try.” I force a smile and nod in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right.” After this exchange, I grab on to the handle and ready myself again. “READY!” I exclaim at my dad, who starts up the boat again. Suddenly, I’m up. I’m up! But, I fall over yet again! I slam my fist on the water in anger, which accomplishes nothing. Time for take

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...BRITISH SHORT FICTION IN THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY This page intentionally left blank British Short Fiction in the Early Nineteenth Century The Rise of the Tale TIM KILLICK Cardiff University, UK © Tim Killick 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Tim Killick has asserted his moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work. Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited Gower House Croft Road Aldershot Hampshire GU11 3HR England Ashgate Publishing Company Suite 420 101 Cherry Street Burlington, VT 05401-4405 USA British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Killick, Tim British short fiction in the early nineteenth century : the rise of the tale 1. Short stories, English – History and criticism 2. English fiction – 19th century – History and criticism 3. Short story 4. Literary form – History – 19th century I. Title 823’.0109 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Killick, Tim. British short fiction in the early nineteenth century : the rise of the tale / by Tim Killick. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-7546-6413-0 (alk. paper) 1. Short stories, English—History and criticism. 2. English fiction—19th...

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