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Whole Foods Research Paper

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Whole Foods

Besides organic foods, health experts strongly recommend that we eat whole foods. What are they exactly? The word “whole” refers to foods that are in their true, natural state as close as possible. For example, in the case of plants we have fruits, vegetables, nuts and such; in the case of animals we have eggs, meat, fish and so on. Thus, any food that has not been altered or changed from its original form is a whole food. On the other hand, whole foods can be minimally processed as little as possible. Processed means that there has been a physical or chemical intervention which has changed or modified the food before it is consumed. The idea of processing is breaking whole foods into parts to let our bodies digest them faster, …show more content…
Processed foods only deliver high amount of calories and fats that build up over time and lead to diseases. Have we ever asked why after eating we feel hunger, but tired at the same time? Well, this is caused by processed foods as it has so many chemicals and little nutrition that we end up consuming calories, making us feel sluggish. This indicates the lack of satiety in a diet with low …show more content…
What do mean? Due to whole foods being allowed some minimal processing, this is where our cooking and preparing foods fits in. Yes, cooking is processing because we are changing our foods’ original state with heat. Other natural processing methods we might do are canning pickles, making our own sausages, or when we cut veggies and fruits. Similarly, experts recommend us to cook at home to control the level of processing in our foods, as over cooking also strips away nutritional value. Aside, whole foods and minimal processing, experts allow and recommend certain processed foods. These are moderately processed and they are still good for us because they are at their peak lock of nutrition and quality. This where foods like yogurt, hummus and others fit in which is why they have always been believed to be healthy for us. Even whole-wheat bread is processed but still retains nutrients compared to the refined white bread. Likewise, some culinary ingredients as in spices can be used as well despite their processing but we should avoid the ones like ketchup and mustard. Another example are packaged foods such as nuts or fruits, in which their processing is simply being cleaned, trimmed, and packaged and frozen int he case of some fruits. Thus, certain level of processing is accepted by

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