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Lamoreux Support Service Report

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In my Christian Service Project I choose Lamoreux Support Service because I wanted to learn how to take care of a person with disabilities. At first I thought it will gonna be hard,but it seems that I was wrong because it’s not that hard. From my experience volunteering in this organization, I have learned that it’s enjoyable to be with individuals with disabilities. They are so funny and they like pretty much to be given special attention.

I have chosen to complete this task at Lamoreux Support Service because it is only one of the ways I can think to go to finish my Christian Service Project and I would like to experience how to work with individuals with disabilities or have mild degree of behavioral or emotional dysfunction.Volunteering with this organization is actually fun and interesting. I was able to make them happy. I was able to assist them to the best I can especially during their recreational activities. …show more content…
She wanted an orange that is peeled.When you give her an unpeeled orange she will not take it. She will just smile, and that makes me smile too. I did a lot of things to her to make her happy so every time she smiles, I smiled too.

At first, I was scared to them because one of them went to welcome me and it surprised me, but as the time pass by I had formed a good relationship with them. One of them sat on my lap while I was sitting on the couch. And one of them grabbed my hand and took me to her closet. She showed me her closet. She have a lot of pretty clothes.

Being with them actually makes me happy. They are friendly. Even if I can’t understand them sometimes. They are nonverbal and they only express what through gestures, signs and facial

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...Edited by Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Edited by Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202 USA Tel: +1 703-341-2400 Editors : Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Cover design  Paula K. Rylands, Conservation International : Layout: Kim Meek, Washington, DC Maps [except where noted otherwise]  Kellee Koenig, Conservation International : Conservation International is a private, non-profit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ISBN 978-1-934151-39-6 © 2010 by Conservation International All rights reserved. The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Conservation International or its supporting organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers, and do not necessarily reflect those of Conservation International (CI). Suggested citation: Walker Painemilla, K., Rylands, A. B., Woofter, A. and Hughes, C. (eds.). 2010. Indigenous Peoples and Conservation: From  Rights to Resource Management. Conservation...

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