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Lana Winter Hebert Analysis

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As stated by Lana Winter-Hebert “the more you read, the more words you gain exposure to, and they’ll inevitably make their way into your everyday vocabulary.” Lana Winter-Hebert is a wordsmith and enjoys creating articles on tips for the everyday person. Reading can come to someone in different ways: it can come through struggling, by coming naturally, and by being there but not really having an impact. A negative that I have encountered with reading was the pronunciation of any word that had “or” in it. It would come out as “er” and this would frustrate me when I tried to explain a story to someone. To help with this, every Tuesday and Thursday two teachers would pull me out of class, and for 15 minutes they would help me with pronouncing …show more content…
Also, with the help of Boy Scouts and the Communication badge, my public speaking problem was resolved because I learned it helps by looking at people’s foreheads and not directly at their eyes. But, not everyone is able to get this kind of assistance or are able to join scouting at where they attend or attended school and based on the opportunities they were given as a kid. His explanation made this clear, when asked how reading was like for him as kid, he stated, “reading wasn’t something that I was good at. With helping out at the farm with my dad and brothers, and getting out of school earlier than the other kids, I wasn’t able to get the reading skills needed.” My grandpa grew up in Eureka, Kansas on a farm, and at the time, he would get out a month or so early than the other kids to help his father on the farm and help around with what he can. With him doing that he was unable to gain that further knowledge and advancement with reading as other kids. It was until later when he went to high school and attended Kansas State University that he was able to start gaining the knowledge and all that he missed. He is one of many people that weren’t able to get the assistance or even the time to read and advance their

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