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Sexism In America

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Martin Luther King said that “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”. The United States is the third largest country in the word with a population of more than 320 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau (2015). In The Unites States, there are people from many different countries, cultures and religions of the word. Because of this, the United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. The most significant signs of multi-culture in America are religion, foods, clothes, language, marriage customs, birth and funeral rituals, music, how they respect the time, how they greet visitors. …show more content…
But in the Lincoln and G. I. Jane movies have this issue. There are distinctions between the genders. In the G. I Jane movie, the leaderships and officers from US Navy do not prefer the woman work with them because they believe she cannot continue the training and do not have ability like men. They dealt with men politely and in a nice way, but when they dealt with the woman they did it rudely. Also, in the movie ¨Lincoln¨ men have the right to vote and take administrative, military and leadership jobs while women seated at home and take care for the home. Also, they had little rights and did have leadership roles, women often did not work and were not in the military. In G.I. Jane, the main character is joining the Navy, which shows a change in equality over time. However, while there is progress in equality, the woman still faced sexism from the men for …show more content…
Martin Luther King said ¨I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character¨. His dream was for all but not for a specific group of people. He did not refer to those black or white. He was speaking in the name of a nation. He was looking at all as one, and one for all. There are differences between Lincoln and G. I. Jane movies. In the Lincoln movie, the white people have distinctions for black people. They do not like black people. Also, some white people do not want to vote for the freedom of black people. Moreover, there are some white people who said a racist word such as “Nigger” for black people. They deal with them according to skin color not humanity. On the other hand, in the G. I. Jane black people can vote, join the military, and are treated as equals. Therefore, the different treatment in blacks in the two movies shows a change in equality in American culture. G. I. Jane depicts a man equal American in regards to skin

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