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Unit 3 P1

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According to Philip Kotler,” Marketing is human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through the change process.”
Public Sector – The public sector is the sector in economy that is controlled by the state and provides basic products and services that private sectors don’t or can’t provide. The public sector includes governments, police, military, public education, etc.
Private Sector – On the other hand, the private sector is not controlled by the state and is being run by different individuals, or even by other companies, for profit. The private sector includes privately owned business, Apple, Facebook, etc.
Nike is one of the best worldwide sportswear companies. It strives to be the global leader in the sports industry. It …show more content…
This Act doesn’t affect all business, or at least it doesn’t affect them the same. This Act was created for organisations to stop using aggressive sell tactics and to stop them from using dishonest/ false advertisements. For instance, if Nike were to release an advertisement that said that all their products were on discount, but they weren’t , this would be clearly to mislead the customers to shop thinking that the products are on discounts, by giving them false information. This would surely affect their reputation as a lot of people would find it …show more content…
It is going to research its customers, its competitors, the environment, the market, etc. To come up with these informations, businesses often do four types of research:
a) the primary research, which is when a business has to collect data that doesn't already exist and are obtained from the customers themselves. They manage to do that by interviewing their customers, or by giving them questionnaires, by analysing sell records and by focus groups. With the primary research, the research will be able to control and research specific things that he wants. However, primary data can be proven to be quite expensive, in contrast to the secondary research.
b) the secondary research, which is when the informations that the businesses are looking for are already published and exist. The secondary research include newspaper reports, articles in trade journals, through the radio, the press, the TV, or from online sources.
c) the quantitative data, involves (as the name indicates) numbers as it is a numerical analysis to provide useful information to those involved promoting products/services . It goes through sales figures, numerical analysis of a survey and statistics which were taken from published reports issued by the

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