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Muscle Building Strength

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A quality diet that is conducive to building muscle and strength is often the most neglected part of any weight training regime.

Often forgotten, nutrition is one half of the muscle building equation that will ensure complete success.

I'll be honest with you, building quality muscle mass requires the right nutrition. More importantly, it requires the right knowledge and information - This is the key.

Make not mistake, nutrition is an essential part of any fitness program and if you want to achieve any type of success, you have to get it down to a science.

To build muscle, you need to consume high powered calories from quality protein, carbohydrate, and fat sources.

How many calories do you need to build muscle and strength?

The simple answer is this: …show more content…
When your muscles cannot get enough glycogen, fatigue sets in and your body begins to lose endurance and performance drastically reduces.

I'm sure all of you have experienced this drastic drop in strength and endurance at one time or another during a long intense weight lifting session.

However, there is a way to delay the onset of muscle fatigue. By taking enough carbohydrates each day, you are ensuring that the amount of glycogen stored in the muscles is being constantly replenished.

Every meal must have sufficient carbohydrates to sustain your hard intense workouts. I like to think of my muscle cells as mini fuel tanks. If you want to keep going hard, you are going to have to keep the fuel tanks filled with top notch fuel. Always include high quality carbohydrates in your nutritional plan.

Your diet should consist of 55% to 65% carbohydrates.

What if you don't get enough carbohydrates? Your body will resort to other fuel sources such as protein. As active weight trainers looking to build lean hard muscle mass, we never, ever want this. We don't want our own bodies to start canabalising it's own muscle

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