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Louis Sullivan Research Paper

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Pages 2
Jane Madeline
Brian Lovejoy’
Math, 4
October 27, 2015

Louis Sullivan

“Every building is like a person. Single and unrepeatable”. Louis Henry Sullivan, born in Massachusetts September 3, 1856. He is born to an Irish-born father and a dancer, Patrick Sullivan and a Swiss-born Mother, née Adrienne who both migrated to the Us by the 1840’s. As a child, Louis and his brother Albert Walter both lived with their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles together in a rich environment because of their wealth, Louis received lots of education. Louis was able to speak Gaelic, French, German, and English; furthermore, he was able to dance, draw, and play musical instruments. He is also an Atheist, but he converted to Baptist.

Louis went to a public school in Massachusetts. He didn’t really like it and he was really impatient with all the classroom education, yet he still graduated high school. At the age of sixteen louis went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology also known as MIT. He learn many new things yet he wasn’t satisfied, so he went to École des Beaux-Arts an art school in Paris to get better …show more content…
The two worked well, Adler was the engineer, Sullivan was the designer (architect). Louis Sullivan invented a term known as the form follow function which basically means buildings and shapes all depends on their purpose (function). Sullivan is also known to analyze aesthetics of early skyscrapers. Sullivan also wrote a book called organic architecture, which means a living building. He believes every building have it’s own soul, we can see it through he’s quotes. He says “Every building is like a person. Single and unrepeatable”, “What the people are within, the building express without.”Through this two quotes, I can see how well devoted he is to building and designing. His most famous building in the Wainwright building in

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