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Personal Narrative: My Life As A Spanish Language

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As a little kid, I was brought up in a Spanish household, but I was born here in America. My family is from Peru, which is located in South America. Since my twin sister Andrea and I were born, all we heard from our parents and grandparents was the Spanish language. Even though my mother was born in America and she spoke English fluently, Spanish was her first language. As my sister and I started to grow into toddlers we only spoke Spanish, so it was not a surprise to me when my mother told me that my sister and I got kicked out of pre-school because we did not know how to read or write in English and it was difficult for our teachers to understand us. A few weeks later, my mother put us into a different school where none of the teachers knew how to speak Spanish, but they were willing to help us speak and write in English. …show more content…
As time passed, we know how to write, count, and restate the alphabet letter by letter. Months passed and our English improved with the help of our teachers and family. When school was almost over and summer was approaching, our teacher suggested for us to repeat pre-kindergarten because we were not at the same level as the other students. My mother kindly said, “No, by the time they go to kindergarten they will be prepared.” That summer, my mother bought practice booklets for us to complete. We read all different types of books for our grade level, and every week we would finish at least five. As a little child, learning English was not easy, but it helped me become the person I am

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