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Zombie Apocalypse

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Not too far in this country’s past was an entire race of Native Americans nearly massacred; African Americans were brought to this country for enslavement, Japanese Americans were made to feel like aliens in the country they decided to settle into as their new home, and when numerous others were hoping to achieve the “American Dream,” they were once again targeted. Humans can barely coexist with one another, and in my new film the zombies have now joined the picture and attempt to create a “life” for themselves. I want this film to that humans are the actual danger and zombies are just doing what they were taught when they were human, to survive. A new society is beginning to take place and some are not equipped with handling such different …show more content…
Take for example the first African American to run for president of the United States. No one thought he would win and people were still upset he was even nominated. My film is going to cause controversy, much like our now President Barack Obama did, the main character isn’t going to be your typical casting. I want my main character to be a woman, a woman that is educated, not falling while being chased; with her boobs hanging out or relying on the protecting and leadership of a man. This woman will also be a minority. Typically when roles are cast, and not just for zombie films, the main character is always a white man. Based on the data collected by the United States Census Bureau one can infer that while the United States has a majority of white people, white people are not the only race in the United States. (U.S Census Bureau). Can you imagine what it would have been like in a time that shortly followed the Civil Rights movement for a non-minority to have the lead in a film? George Romero could and his movie Night of the Living Dead was released in the year 1968 with a main character that was African American and whom was the final person to be killed. Night of the Living Dead could be described as an iconic movie, not just for its use of zombies, but for the underlying message represented by the zombies. Montreal Gazette writer Nelson Wyatt insists just that in his article “'Night of the Living Dead' Director Romero Unimpressed By Today's

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