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Rectal Cancer Research Paper

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The rectum is the part of the body wherein the last stage of digestion takes place. This is where fecal matter are stored after being digested by the body before it is excreted through the anus. Because the rectum is connected to the colon, it also contains three layers of wall which is similar to the colon. These walls are known as the mucosa, muscularis propria, and mesorectum, which helps the rectum perform its functions.

However, these walls, similar to the colon, are also prone to health problems such as tumor growth which may result in cancer.

What is rectal cancer?
Rectal cancer refers to the condition wherein a person may develop an abnormal tumor growth in the linings of its rectal wall. It often affects the mucosa part of the rectal wall which …show more content…
While the exact cause for this is still unknown, there are some factors which can increase the risk of a person to develop rectal cancer. Some of these factors include genetics, obesity, inactivity, a high-protein diet, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and an inflammatory bowel disease, among others.

What are the symptoms of rectal cancer?
People who develop rectal cancer usually experience symptoms of rectal bleeding, bloody stool, anemia, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, bowel obstruction, constipation, abdominal pain, narrow stools, and sudden weight loss. In some cases, people may not exhibit initial symptoms of rectal cancer and would only show symptoms when the condition has already progressed.

What is the survival rate for rectal cancer?
Depending on the stage and the severity of the condition, the survival rate for rectal cancer may also vary. However, it is said that people treated for rectal cancer have an average survival rate of five years after being diagnosed with rectal cancer. Most people with an early form of rectal cancer, however, live beyond the five-year

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