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Animal Cruelty Analysis

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In October 2013, Christianna Willis, a receptionist at PetMed Veterinary Hospital in Antioch, Tennessee published a Craigslist ad titled “Your pit bull found me and I won't give her back". The 23-year-old was notified, by a friend, of an injured pit bull that has found its way to that friend’s porch. Willis claims that with the obvious bite marks and purple bruises, the dog must have been used as bait in a dogfighting pit. This is one of many cases that happen continuously in countries such as the United States (US). Unfortunately, animal cruelty is not taken seriously in many countries, however, in Europe and North America it is considered a federal crime. Animals are peaceful creatures and should live on this earth as freely as humans …show more content…
These creatures have a right to live freely on this earth as equally as humans do. Throughout the years, there have been many types of needless animal cruelty. To be specific, violence towards animals that is absolutely pointless, for example, dogfighting, hunting, travelling circuses and so on. Many adopt dogs from shelters with the intention of using them in dogfighting pits and win money in return. Observers bet against two dogs, the one that survives of the two wins. These helpless canines are injected with steroids to heighten their strength, but the side effects of these injections is violence and savagery. Eventually, once these dogs become useless they are thrown away into the streets, hungry and violent, ready to attack anything before them, human or not. Based on an animal abuse database website, a statistic proved that roughly 18.2% of chained dogs in the US were used in dogfights (June, 2016). Compared to years before, dogfight rates have declined in some urban areas, however, it has not stopped in other countries. Hunting for sport is just as necessary as a pet rock. 10 exotic animals have been extinct as a result of hunting, and so imagine how many are extinct due to other types of

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