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Animal Cruelty Video Analysis

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Chapter eight and the YouTube video discusses how to argue and communicate persuasively in technical writing. Writing a persuasive document based on only arguments can be effective however avoiding logical fallacies, using graphics as well as presenting a well-structured argument aids in crafting an effective persuasive argument. Communicating persuasively is one important aspect of technical writing: if done effecting with consideration to the audience value, the relevance of the topic, and responding to the four goals, security, recognition, growth, and connectedness.

In persuasive writing your argument to the audience about your subject or new idea can be communicated persuasively by presenting your document with facts and logic without upsetting your audience: this helps to ensure security. Security is a critical component of constructing a persuasive technical document. Security enables an individual to …show more content…
For example, in the in the Sarah McLachlan, Animal Cruelty Video uses a lot of pathos (images of abused dogs) to convey the message of animal cruelty. The video relied on the emotion of viewers to earn donations for abused animals. Although the motive behind this video is valid it is nevertheless emotionally packed and this takes away from the purpose of the video. Persuasive speech is also present in the politics and social affairs: Martin Luther King’s Junior I Have a Dream speech is a prime example. In his speech, King discusses segregation in America and professes his hopes of seeing a united nation, a nation that disregards races and strives to level the playing field for all citizens of America. King heavily relies on pathos and a bit of logic in his speech, but his speech remains relevant and important to date because he made successful connected the African American community and other

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