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Landlady: A Short Story

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Billy shifted uncomfortably, clenching the teacup tightly. "How could that be? Such a cheap place for such a nice place..." He looked up to the Landlady, muttering the lingering question with mild confusion.

"It's quite a long tale, I'm afraid. I'm not sure that you have the time, Mr. Weaver," the Landlady deflected the question, giving him an apologetic smile, her eyes filled with sympathy. She bit her lip, tapping the side of the cup as she sat, perhaps deep in thought.

"Miss? I'm not understanding what you mean by that, unfortunately." Billy kept his gaze locked on the woman, the situation at hand was becoming more and more curious and mysterious. "I believe I have enough time, madame."

With a sigh, the Landlady stood up, setting …show more content…
"Poor thing is truly out of it." Shaking his head, Billy stared at the back of the woman's head with pity as the thought came to mind. Perhaps she had some condition, war was always tough for those with loved ones lost. The young man's curiosity only grew as the Landlady scrambled to the drawers, fiddling for some object.

"Now," the Landlady turned to face him, a knife in hand, "do not be alarmed. But do watch closely." Her warning did not keep Billy from trying to reach out to her, filled with growing panic.

"I, uh, miss, miss. Surely harming yourself, or even me, isn't the answer," Billy sputtered, thrusting his hand out to grasp the knife; his panic quickly turned to confusion as the Landlady drove the blade into her forearm, but instead of blood surfacing, the skin simply parted, showing a layer of cotton, a layer of leather under that, then finally, a dark wood beneath. Billy threw himself away from her, absolutely mortified. "What is that? Who... What are you...?!" He shouted, grasping the counter behind him, unable to tear his gaze away from the sight before him. It was disgusting, yet …show more content…
He also had a better view of the woman, the woman who now claimed to be dead.

"However, that was not the end of it. I was placed with a curse that would keep my spirit intact, not able to reach the beyond. I was tasked to make more of my new kind, so that there would always be the legacy of who we once were. I am prisoner in my own body. A body I cannot even claim as my own. The two young men, Christopher and Gregory," she shuddered, rubbing the nape of her neck, "they have been gone for ages now. Cyanide, if you're curious. Through the tea." Mercia turned to meet Billy's gaze.

"The tea... So... I'm dying... Too?" Billy shook his head, thrusting his hands into his hair, unable to accept such a fate. "But I want to live! I have a life! You can't do this too me, miss!" He shrieked, violently shaking his head. After a moment of intense panic, he pulled his hands away, which were now red, as red as the

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