Premium Essay

Law Definitions


Submitted By gjhk35
Words 285
Pages 2
Economic or personal stake to be heard – statutory law?
Law passed by a town or a county – ordinance
Chapter 2
Over 75,000 dollars in federal court – in rem?
Federal courts hear involving federal questions or as a matter of fairness from the fairness called diversity cases requirement of over 75,000 dollars
Venue – where they hold the court as oppose
A contact clause that chooses where a case will be heard – form selection
Interrogatory – used in court, give the other party a list of questions and they have 30 or 45 days to answer it.
Deposition – usually have a court reporter to write things down
Material breach is a breach that allows you to cancel a contract
Material fact is likely to affect the outcome
Arbitration vs mediation
Mediation is not mandatory to follow and arbitration is binding
Chapter 6
Court requires or element is publication – slander,or defemation and liable (broadcast)
May be allowing your dog to pee on someone elses property –tresspass
Accountants generally do not have
For a newspaper to be liabable for a libable
What in this country makes it harder to sue a newspaper we have to show malice to get past summary judgement motion
A longterm trespass of personal property can lead to conversion
Conversion- treating things like it is your own evne though it is not
Transferred intent – you missed a person you were trying to hit and u accidently hit the teacher but still had the intent to someone else
Chapter 8
Intellectual property conducted by common law – trade secret
Adhesion contract – sign it and cannot change it and must adhere to it
Unconciounable –
Lenomack is a federal statue
Gray market tend to not have

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