...influenced by specific local factors, such as climate and soil. Under the TRIPS Agreement, countries are under no obligation to extend protection to a particular geographical indication unless that geographical indication is protected in the country of its origin. Prior to 2003, India did not protect geographical indications of Indian origin. In order to comply with India's obligations in the TRIPS Agreement, it enacted the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999, which came into force with effect from 15th September 2003. The present geographical indications regime in India is governed by the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999 and the Geographical Indication of Goods (Regulation and Protection) Rules, 2002. By registering a geographical indication in India, the rights holder can prevent unauthorized use of the registered geographical indication by others and promote economic prosperity of producers of goods produced in a particular region. Registration of the geographical indication in...
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...Introduction to Political Analysis Question: Using illustrations from attempts at voter suppression and the challenges to these attempts, examine the strengths and weaknesses of the electoral system in the United States. Name: Winston Walker Course Code: GOVT 1000 ID #: 607005957 No electoral system is perfect, but the strengths and weakness of the electoral system is based on the system of government used. The two most common systems of government are the Federal system and the Unitary system. According to dictionary.com, the term electoral system refers to, the legal system for making democratic choices. The United States of America operate under a federal system of government, which by definition, refers to a government in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments. The electoral system of the United States is set up in this manner, you vote for a mayor, senator, a member of the House of Representatives, you vote directly for that person. However, when you vote for president, you are really voting for an elector who has pledged to represent that candidate. The electors chosen by each state are called the Electoral College. This consists of 538 members, comprising 100 senators, 435 congressmen, and 3 members from the District of Columbia. States with large populations, like California have over 50 electoral votes, while sparsely populated states like Alaska has only 3 electoral votes. This system...
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...Uttarakhand Regional Economic Development (RED) Prgramme: A joint venture of GTZ & NABARD 1. What is RED programme? RED is a joint venture of GTZ & NABARD for the economic development of Uttarakhand state through development of certain pre selected value chains in agro based sectors, improvement in business and investment opportunities for the private sector and promotion of rural MSMEs in the state in Specific Agro–Based Industries. 2. Which sectors are eligible for support under the RED programme ? Seven sectors viz. ■ Medicinal and Aromatic plants (MAP) ■ Spices ■ Vegetables ■ Pulses ■ Dairy ■ Traditional/Non-traditional fibers ■ Agro Processing 3. What will be the form of assistance under the RED programme? Grant assistance in the form of ✓ seed capital for start-up ventures, or ✓ “Margin money” for existing business to enable them to access bank loans. ■ Grant to be used to create or acquire infrastructure, technical or managerial know-how, inputs like seeds or implements, aggregation or processing of farm produce by value chain intermediaries. 4. To what extent the support will be granted? ■ GTZ grant to be based on merit, to the extent of 30 to 40 percent of project outlay with maximum limit of Rs. 8.00 lakh per project. ■ The selected MSME to arrange the remaining 60 to 70 percent (as the case may be) from either own resources or from bank as loan. (Including NABARD’s support from its own...
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...has been arise after it established. BSEC is working on some new projects and plans. SEC introduce an online database called EDGAR from which investors can access this and other information filed with the agency. In the same online system also takes tips and complaints from investors to help the BSEC track down violators of the securities laws. Apart from the macro policy of contributing to the development of the national economy through harmonization with monetary policy, securities policy dealing with securities houses and markets, generally pursue three broad objectives- Firstly, to improve the efficiency of securities market. Secondly, to ensure the stability and soundness of the financial system. Thirdly, to protect investors rights. In this paper we have shown the history of the organization, in the second section we have shown different functions done by the BSEC, in the third chapter shown types of stock exchange, registered under the BSEC. In the fourth and fifth section we have tried to discuss the different departments of the BSEC and effects of BSEC on the capital market. In the sixth section we have discussed registration and rules & regulation imposed by the BSEC. In seventh and eighth section we have provided some problem of BSEC and recommendations regarding problems. 1. Introduction: The development of economy of any country depends mostly on the establishment of sound, effective and efficient financial...
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...action to enforce the terms of collective bargaining, raise new demands on behalf of its members, and help settle their grievances. A trade union may also be a company union that represents interests of only one company and may not have any connection with other unions. It is general union that represents workers from several companies in the same industry also known as industrial union. To explain more trade unions is a craft union that represents skilled workers in a particular field such as carpentry or welding. There are a number of labor laws in Malaysia. There are particular attention to major ones like the Employment Act 1955, Industrial Relations Act 1967 and Trade Unions Act 1959. The Employment Act provides minimum terms and conditions (mostly of monetary value) to certain category of workers, the Industrial Relations Act provides ways for settlement of trade disputes between employers and employees, whereas the Trade Unions Act regulates trade union registration and the uses of trade union funds.. BODY There have been some major issues occurring in the trade union currently, one been the act of no confidence to the prime minister. There had been some trade union act which had begin early this year and on the 28th of March 27, 2012 there decided to vote for no confidence. At a Press Conference held at the MTUC Head Office in Selangor on 28th Feb 2012, the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) passed a vote of no confidence against the Minister of Human Resource and May bank Bhd...
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...Beltran Garza ID: 1586848 Group: 4Ai Cd. Universitaria de Nuevo León, November 16th 2015 CHAPTER 12 CONTRACTS AND SALES Introduction and Formation A contract is a promise or set of promises for breach of which the law fives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty. The three general sources of contract law for contracts entered into in the United States include common law, the Uniform Commercial Code, and the new sources of law evolving in response to e-commerce. Common Law The common law was the first law of contracts. It consists today of those traditional notions of law and the body of law developed by judicial decisions dealing with contract issues. Common law applies to contracts that have land or services as their subject matter. Contracts for the construction of a home and employment contracts are governed by common law. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) One of the problems with common law is its lack of uniformity, the states do not follow the same case decisions on contract law, and some states do not follow the Restatement. To address the uniformity, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the American Law Institute worked to draft a set of commercial laws appropriate for businesspeople, lawyers and lawmakers, the result of their efforts was the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). * Article 2 of the UCC Governs contracts for the sale of goods and has been adopted in all states except...
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...always remarkable. Thank you! Executive Summary Table of contents Table of Contents Acknowledgement. 3 Executive Summary 4 Table of contents 5 Table of Figures 5 Task 01 6 1.1 Essential Elements of a Contractual Document. 6 1.2 Different Types of Contracts in the Business Field 9 1.3 Contractual Terms 10 Task 02. 11 2.1 Postal Rule 11 Reference 12 Table of Figures Figure 1 Employment contract document 8 Task 01 1.1 Essential Elements of a Contractual Document. A valid contract has the following elements. All of are required for a valid contract. 1. A valid offer and acceptance 2. Consideration 3. Legal relationship 4. Capacity of parties to contract 5. Writing and Registration if so required by law An agreement must contain four essential elements to be regarded as a contract. If any one of them is missing, the agreement will not be legally binding. 1. Offer:- There must be a definite, clearly stated offer to do something. An offer will...
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...Americans already took the opportunity to travel together, especially to the south where there were always confrontations, and you could see the change between them. There were many things during that time like the march to Washington in 1963 that was a group of concentration to be able to take the commitment of the equality. As early as 1968, African Americans had the right to registration in the South, and Congress also approved a legalization that prohibited housing discrimination. On the other hand, in the 1960s a group of women was inspired to make a civil rights movement which most of the women were middle class, in which they entered into a debate on the Civil Rights Bill. They sought that the opponents repeal any question of the amendment that prohibited discrimination by gender and race. They got the amendment approved, and then they also agreed that women have a valuable legal instrument. The Native Americans in the 1950s fought against a government policy that decided to expel them from their reservations and take them to cities to assimilate into the mainstream of the country. Although in 196, this law of the government was suspended by the Commission on Civil...
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...process, prepare relevant objections to the Assessment, and explain the applicability of the General Interest Charge included. 2. THE OBJECTIONS PROCESS The Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth) governs the process for objecting to Amended Assessments prepared by the ATO. The Assessment is a definitive judgment of your taxable income, and you will be liable for the included amounts unless an objection is lodged. We have completed a comprehensive objection form on your behalf, which we will deliver to the Federal Commissioner of Taxation for evaluation. This is the key document in the objections process as it explains assessments we deem to be incorrect and provides detailed reasons for the objection supported by applicable law. If you are unhappy with the Commissioner’s response, which can often take several months to prepare, you can appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, for a minimum fee of $574. 3. EXPLANATION OF OBJECTIONS MADE TO AMENDED ASSESSABLE INCOME 3.1 Up-front fees from Tom The Commissioner has determined that the...
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...location. During registration, the clerk notified me that I had two licenses on file and that one was suspended. In order to take my road test I would have to take care of the suspension first. I ask the clerk if there was anything I could do that day to get them taking care of. I told her I had just graduated from the police academy and I had begun putting in applications for a position as a peace officer and I couldn’t move forward in the hiring process until it was taken care of. The clerk asked me where I had applied and I told her I had applied to Ovilla Police Department. The clerk replied that that was a good place to work and that was the extent of our conversation. She told me that the DPS officer would get in contact with me regarding the license discrepancy. I left my home address and cell phone number for Officer Eaton to contact me and I never heard anything back from him until he showed up at my house with an arrest warrant for Impersonate public servant. This entire ordeal is a classic case of misunderstanding. I also feel that the charge is an insult to my intelligence. I don’t know of a person with common sense that would walk into a DPS office and leave their personal cell phone number, address and full name and then as their leaving turn and say oh by the way I’m a police officer and then just leaves without trying to solicit anything from that statement your honor. To me it just doesn’t make any sense. For people who don’t understand what the laws are for becoming...
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...COST AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS REGULATIONS, 1980 CONTENTS CHAPTER I Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Definitions 3. Forms 4. Notice to members CHAPTER II Members of the Institute 5. Register 6. Admission of members 7. Certificate of practice 9. Fees 10. Particulars to be supplied by members CHAPTER III Election to the Council 11. Date of election 12. Members entitled to vote 12.A. Election Commission 12.B. Appointment of Returning Officer 13. Procedure for election 13.A. List of the nominated Candidate 14. Scrutiny 14.A. Publication of list of validly nominated candidates 15. Withdrawal 15.A. Uncontested Election 15.B. Publication of list of Contesting Candidates 16. Death or cessation of membership before election 17. Election 17.A. Counting of Votes 18. Determination and declaration of election results 19. Nominations 20. Casual vacancies 21. Notification of election results 22. Disputes 23. Disciplinary action against members in relation to elections CHAPTER IV Meetings and Proceedings of the Council 24. Meetings of the Council 25. Notice of meeting 26. Special meetings 27. Presiding over meetings 28. Quorum at meeting 29. Adjournment of meeting 30. Procedure of transaction of business 31. Passing of resolutions at meetings 32. Records of minutes 33. Absence of members of the Council from Bangladesh CHAPTER...
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...transactions * Commonwealth level – Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) * State level – Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 Vic Validity of electronic transactions * Provides that a transaction is not invalid because it took place wholly or partly by means of one or more electronic communications (s 8 Cth, s 7 Vic). * The term ‘electronic communication’ is defined to include emails, web chatting, phone-texting and voice recognition systems. * May also exclude the general rule in relation to specified transactions and specified laws. * Where the electronic version serves the same function as the traditional paper-based requirement, it should be treated equally before the law. Writing * Where a law permits or requires a person to give information in writing, it is met if the person gives the information by means of an electronic communication. (s 9 cth, s 8 vic) Signatures * Where a law requires a person to provide a signature, if a method is used to identify that person and to indicate the person’s intention in respect of the information communicated then this requirement is taken...
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...CUFS16 (January 2012) SALE OF GOODS LAW Businesses as well as consumers are usually free to enter into contracts on whatever terms they see fit to agree. However, contracts involving sales of goods can be subject to a range of statutory provisions. Consumers have greater protection than buyers who are ‘dealing in the course of a business’. ‘Let the buyer beware’ or ‘caveat emptor’ does not apply to all transactions and anyone selling goods in the course of a business to consumers should be aware that the law will imply certain terms into all such transactions. Consumers are defined as people who are buying for purposes not related to their trade, business or profession. 1. Legislation The Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 introduced significant changes to areas formerly covered by the Sale of Goods Act 1979, the Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act 1973, and the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. However, the 1979 Act, as amended, remains the bedrock of our sale of goods law. General sale of goods law is discussed in this fact sheet. Our fact sheet on Sale of Goods Law (Consumer Protection) deals with legislation that is specifically designed to protect buyers who are consumers. This includes the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 and the Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Contracts Concluded away from Business...
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...(i) Bank; chan robles virtual law library (ii) Registered investment house; (iii) Insurance company; (iv) Pension fund or retirement plan maintained by the Government of the Philippines or any political subdivision thereof or managed by a bank or other persons authorized by the Bangko Sentral to engage in trust functions; (v) Investment company; or (vi) Such other person as the Commission may by rule determine as qualified buyers, on the basis of such factors as financial sophistication, net worth, knowledge, and experience in financial and business matters, or amount of assets under management. 10.2. The Commission may exempt other transactions, if it finds that the requirements of registration under this Code is not necessary in the public interest or for the protection of the investors such as by reason of the small amount involved or the limited character of the public offering. 10.3. Any person applying for an exemption under this Section, shall file with the Commission a notice identifying the exemption relied upon on such form and at such time as the Commission by rule may prescribe and with such notice shall pay to the Commission a fee equivalent to one-tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%) of the maximum aggregate price or issued value of the securities. SEC. 11. Commodity Futures Contracts.- No person shall offer, sell or enter into commodity futures contracts except in accordance with rules, regulations and orders the Commission...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL SET-UP OF CONSUMER FORAS: Consumer protection laws in India enable an insurance consumer to dispute a case against an insurance provider if there has been a deficiency on their part. Deficiency in insurance services arises when there is a default or negligence on the provider’s part to settle a claim. An unreasonable delay in making the payment on a claim also amounts to deficiency of services. Government of India has framed a set of laws and legislations to protect the interests of consumers and the most important act framed by Govt, is Consumer Protection Act, 1986. This Act has provided three tier redressal agencies, i.e. District Forum, National Commission and State Commission. In India, it has to be a social movement wherein...
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