...cinquantaine Hij lijkt il a l’air Il semble Hij glimlacht lichtjes il sourit légèrement Doorleefd il a le regard profond Hij moet rond de 40 zijn il doit avoir la quarantaine Amandel amande Les cheveux … Recht haar les cheveux raides Les cheveux lisses Gekruld haar les cheveux bourles Golvend haar les cheveux ondulés Licht kalend un peu dégarni Licht bruin brun clair Châtains Lang haar les cheveux longs Kort haar les cheveux courts Kaal chauve Zij draag haar haren vastgebonden elle porte les cheveux attachés Paardenstaart queque de cheval Hij heeft dreadlocks il porte en rastas Vous mesurez / quelle est votre taille? Hij meet (qua lengte) il mesure Il fait Hij is eerder groot il fais plutôt grand Hij is groot genoeg il fais assez grand Hij is middelmatig groot il est de taille moyenne Vous pesez combien / que lest votre poids? Mager maigre Dun mince Ronde Zwaarlijvig voor vrouwen Grosse Forte Ronde Zwaarlijvig voor mannen corpulent (gros) Overgewicht / obesitas Obaise Gespierd musclé(e) Le visage Een hoofd a la tête Rond ronde Vierkant carré Langwerpig allongée Helder ogen les yeux clairs Donkere ogen les yeux foncés Zij draagt een bril elle porte de lunettes Zij draagt lenzen elle porte de verees de contact Des lentilles ...
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...Indhold Indhold Vejledning 1. Artikler 1.1 Ubestemt artikel 1.2 Bestemt artikel 1.2.1 Forbindelsen de + bestemt artikel 1.2.2 Forbindelsen à + bestemt artikel 1.3 Artsartikel 1.4 Delingsartikel 1.4.1 Reduceret delingsartikel efter angivelse af mængde/antal 1.4.2 Reduceret delingsartikel efter nægtelse 1.5 Artiklernes brug 1.5.1 Bestemt artikel bruges i modsætning til dansk 1.5.2 Ubestemt artikel i særlige tilfælde 1.5.3 Faste udtryk uden artikel 2. Substantiver 2.1 Køn 2.1.1 Regler for køn 2.1.2 Substantiver m/f 2.1.3 Substantiver med/uden hunkønsform 2.2 Flertal 2.2.1 Uregelmæssigheder 2.2.2 Substantiver, som er ental 2.2.3 Substantiver, som er flertal 2.3 Genitiv og dativ 2.3.1 Genitiv, ejendoms- og tilhørsforhold 2.3.2 Dativ, hensynsled 2.4 Egennavne 2.4.1 Geografiske navne 2.4.2 Menneskeskabte ting 2.4.3 Forkortelsesord 2.5 Substantiver med konsonantisk h 3. Adjektiver 3.1 Bøjning i køn og tal 3.1.1 Uregelmæssigheder (adj. og sb) mht. køn og tal 3.2 Adjektivernes gradbøjning 3.2.1 Uregelmæssig gradbøjning 3.3 Adjektivernes placering 3.3.1 Elementære adjektiver 3.3.2 Adjektiver med forskellig betydning 3.4 Substantiverede adjektiver 3.5 Sprog og nationalitet 4. Adverbier 4.1 Dannelse af adverbier 4.1.1 Uregelmæssig adverbiumsdannelse 4.2 Adverbiernes gradbøjning 4.2.1 Uregelmæssig gradbøjning 4.3 Fødte adverbier 4.3.1 Gradsadverbier og forstærkende...
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...| This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2012) | In the anatomy of mammals, the thoracic diaphragm, or simply the diaphragm (Ancient Greek: διάφραγμα diáphragma "partition"), is a sheet of internal skeletal muscle[2] that extends across the bottom of the rib cage. The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity (heart, lungs & ribs) from the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration: as the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the lungs.A "diaphragm" in anatomy can refer to other flat structures such as the urogenital diaphragm or pelvic diaphragm, but "the diaphragm" generally refers to the thoracic diaphragm. Other vertebrates such as amphibians and reptiles have diaphragm-like structures, but important details of the anatomy vary, such as the position of lungs in the abdominal cavity. Contents * 1 Function * 2 Anatomy * 2.1 Innervation * 2.2 Crura and central tendon * 2.3 Openings * 2.4 Comparative anatomy and evolution * 2.5 Variations * 2.6 Pathology * 3 Development * 3.1 Clinical Relevance * 4 Additional images * 5 See also * 6 References * 7 External links | FunctionThe diaphragm functions in breathing. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and moves in the inferior direction, thus enlarging...
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...Easy French STEP-BY-STEP Master High-Frequency Grammar for French Proficiency—FAST! Myrna Bell Rochester New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-164221-7 MHID: 0-07-164221-8 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-145387-5, MHID: 0-07-145387-3. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative please visit the Contact Us page at www.mhprofessional.com. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”) and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of...
Words: 95898 - Pages: 384
...grammerFrench Grammar and Usage French Grammar and Usage Second edition Roger Hawkins Senior Lecturer in Language and Linguistics, University of Essex Richard Towell Professor of French Applied Linguistics, University of Salford NATIVE SPEAKER CONSULTANT Marie-Noëlle Lamy Senior Lecturer, Open University A member of the Hodder Headline Group LONDON Contents Guide for the user Glossary of key grammatical terms Acknowledgements Acknowledgements for the second edition xi xiv xx xxi 1 Nouns 1.1 Types of noun 1.2 Gender 1.3 Number 2 Determiners 2.1 Articles 2.2 Typical use of the definite article 2.3 Typical use of the indefinite article 2.4 The partitive article: du, de l', de la, des 2.5 Use of indefinite and partitive articles after the negative forms ne... pas, ne... jamais, ne... plus, ne... guère 2.6 Omission of the article 2.7 Demonstrative determiners 2.8 Possessive determiners 3 Personal and impersonal pronouns 3.1 Subject pronouns 3.2 Object pronouns 3.3 Stressed pronouns 3.4 Demonstrative pronouns 3.5 Possessive pronouns 4 Adjectives 4.1 Adjectives modifying the noun 4.2 Adjectives which follow verbs or verbal expressions 4.3 Adjectives with complements 4.4 Indefinite and negative noun phrases with adjective complements 4.5 Adjectives used as nouns 4.6 Adjectives used as adverbs 4.7 Masculine and feminine forms of adjectives 4.8 Plural forms of adjectives 4.9 Adjective agreement with nouns 1 1 5 17 23 23 24 29 32 33 34 37 39 40 40 53 71 75...
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...Introduction From 1894 to 1899, Captain Albert Dreyfus, an Alsatian Jewish artillery officer, languished in prison on Devil's Island after the French Army General Staff wrongfully convicted him of treason and espionage. The campaign for his release, organized by his family and supporters, along with revelations of an army cover-up, saw the so-called “Dreyfus Affair” become the major focal point of French public discourse at the turn of the century. Partisan camps of “Dreyfusards” and “anti-Dreyfusards” waged a war of words against each other as they debated Dreyfus' innocence and, implicitly, what it meant to be French in the Third Republic. Marked by an effusion of antisemitic vitriol, this debate has been characterized by Frederick Brown as a polarizing battle between two rival visions of France.[1] This battle at times extended to the streets, as it did in response to the publication of Émile Zola's 1898 “J'accuse.” Zola's open letter indicted the Army General Staff for antisemitism and cover-up, and prompted reactionary riots across France, the most violent of which occurred in French colonial Algiers. There, the burning of Zola in effigy sparked a riot in which 158 shops were destroyed, six Jews were assaulted (two fatally), and 9 rioters, 47 police, and a large but unknown number of Jews were seriously injured.[2] As the site of some of the only murderous violence during the Affair, colonial Algeria deserves particular attention. Examining the Dreyfus Affair from the...
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... | | | | | | | | | | | |« Essai sur le don....
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...connaître quoi afin de pour, afin que, pour que un quel quelle, qui savoir l'enfant (m) trois une prendre être obligé cinq le néant que naviguer, aller en véhicule quatre pour, afin de et petit venir (25 Vokabeln) man Mensch; Mann à, je, zu groß kennen was damit, dass ein gewisser, einer, irgend einer, irgendwer, jemand; ein, eine, eins der, die, das; welcher, welche, welches; was für ein, welch; wer der, die, das; welcher, welche, welches; wer wissen Kind drei ein, eine, eins fassen, nehmen müssen, sollen fünf nichts dass; als fahren vier für, um, um zu und gering, klein kommen (25 Vokabeln) sein keiner, keine, keines; niemand wo; wohin zwei sechs darüber; da, dort Tag kein, nicht da, weil; denn enden, endigen Fett Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 2 être personne où deux six y journée, jour non vu que, parce que, car, attendu que, puisque se terminer, prendre fin la graisse brun le peuple léger la Chinoise tenir manger, déjeuner le wagon s'appeler la guerre c'est-à-dire, soit le film le thé l'estomac (m) totalement Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 3 pouvoir le décembre le Rhin quotidien, journalier l'Amérique du Sud (f) le pays c'est pourquoi fou à peine, ne ... guère le chat le lapin l'usine (f) la laine l'Angleterre (f) l'examen (m) la colère le caractère après embaucher la gazette le mai le trou l'épingle (f) déjà le mois Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 4 braun; schwarz Volk leicht Chinesin halten, aufhalten essen, fressen...
Words: 32330 - Pages: 130
...EN OTAGE Lilian Cheatham Meg monte dans le premier car en partance pour tourner le dos à son passé. Certes, elle avait promis à sa belle-mère de veiller sur Carol, mais sa demi-sœur a dépassé les bornes. Meg n'a pas hésité à s'accuser à sa place de son dernier méfait, et pour toute reconnaissance, Carol l'abandonne à une cohorte de journalistes retors ! En fuyant ainsi, la jeune femme espère ne plus entendre parler de cette affaire. Hélas, ce n'est pas le hasard qui la place sur le chemin de Simon Egan, le célèbre écrivain. Cet ouvrage a été publié en langue anglaise sous le titre : THE WINTER HEART La loi du 11 mars 1957 n'autorisant aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article 41, d'une part, que les copies on reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinée» k une utilisation collective, et, d'autre part, que les analyses et les courte» citations dans un but d'exemple et d'illustration, toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur, ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause, est illicite (alinéa ler de l'article 4(1). Cette représentation ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, constituerait donc une contrefaçon sanctionnée pur les articles 425 et suivants du Code pénal. 1985. Lillian Cheatham. 1987. traduction française : Edimail S.A. 48. avenue Victor Hugo. Paris XVI Tél. 45.0(1.65.00 ISBN 2-281MXM64-X ISSN 0182-3531 –3– 1. Les bras pleins, Meg Somers fit malaisément tourner...
Words: 44100 - Pages: 177
...of Guilt An Essay on Western Masochism • P r i n c e t o n u n i v e r si t y P r e s s Princeton and Oxford english translation copyright © 2010 by Princeton university Press First published as La tyrannie de la pénitence: essai sur le masochisme occidental by Pascal Bruckner, copyright © 2006 by Grasset & Fasquelle Published by Princeton university Press, 41 William street, Princeton, new Jersey 08540 in the united kingdom: Princeton university Press, 6 oxford street, Woodstock, oxfordshire OX20 1TW press.princeton.edu all rights reserved library of congress cataloging-in-Publication data Bruckner, Pascal. [tyrannie de la pénitence. english] The tyranny of guilt: an essay on Western masochism / Pascal Bruckner; translated from the French by steven rendall. p. cm. includes index. isBn 978-0-691-14376-7 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. civilization, Western— 20th century. 2. civilization, Western—21st century. 3. international relations—Moral and ethical aspects. 4. Western countries—Foreign relations. 5. Western countries—intellectual life. 6. Guilt 7. self-hate (Psychology) 8. World politics. i. title. CB245.B7613 2010 909’.09821--dc22 2009032666 British library cataloging-in-Publication data is available cet ouvrage, publié dans le cadre d’un programme d’aide à la publication, bénéficie du soutien du Ministère des affaires étrangères et du service culturel de l’ambassade de France aux etats-unis. This work, published as part of a program of aid for publication, received support...
Words: 64873 - Pages: 260
...C HAP TER 1 Web Site As a reminder, the web site for this book can be found at: www.pearsoned.ca/byrdchen/ctp2009/ Here you will find: · · · · · · · Glossary Flashcards and Key Terms Self-Tests Updates and corrections to the textbook and Study Guide PowerPoint slides Links to other relevant web sites A short on-line survey ($100 cash prize available) Instructions on how to install the 2008 ProFile program and download updated sample tax returns and Cases when the updated ProFile software is available in January, 2009 A “Guide to Using Your Student CD-ROM" How To Work Through Chapter One We recommend the following approach in dealing with the material in this chapter: The Canadian Tax System r Read the text pages 1 - 3 (paragraph 1-1 through 1-11). r Complete Exercise One-1 on page 3 of the text. The solution is on page S-3 of this Study Guide. All solutions to Exercises and Self Study Problems and Cases can be found in this Study Guide and the page numbers all start with the prefix S-. Read the text pages 3 - 4 (paragraph 1-12 through 1-16). Complete Exercise One-2 on page 4 of the text. The solution is on page S-3. Read the text pages 4 - 5 (paragraph 1-17 through 1-22). r r r Tax Policy Concepts r Read the text pages 5 - 6 (paragraph 1-23 through 1-25). r r r r Complete Exercise One-3 on page 6 of the text. The solution is on page S-3. Complete Self Study Problem One-1 on page 30 of the text. The solution is on page S-4. Read the text pages 6 - 7 (paragraph...
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...Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility User's Guide Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility User's Guide Supported wireless adapters: Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Intel® Centrino® Ultimate-N 6300 Centrino® Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 Centrino® Advanced-N 6200 Centrino® Wireless-N 1000 WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350 WiFi Link 5300 WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150 WiFi Link 5100 Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN Wireless WiFi Link 4965AG_ PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection PRO/Wireless 3945_BG Network Connection With your WiFi network card, you can access WiFi networks, share files or printers, or even share your Internet connection. All of these features can be explored using a WiFi network in your home or office. This WiFi network solution is designed for both home and business use. Additional users and features can be added as your networking needs grow and change. Depending on the model of your Intel WiFi adapter, your adapter is compatible with 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n (draft 2.0) wireless standards. Operating at 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz frequency at data rates of up to 450 Mbps, you can now connect your computer to existing high-speed networks that use multiple access points within large or small environments. Your WiFi adapter maintains automatic data rate control according to the access point location and signal strength to achieve the fastest possible connection. All of your wireless network connections are easily managed...
Words: 75784 - Pages: 304
...> 168159 CD >m Gift of YALE UNIVERSITY With the aid of the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 1949 OSMANIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Call No. Author %&V/S#/ 2-^ & Accession No. - . This bookihould be returned on or before the date last marked below. WHAT IS LITERATURE? JEAN-PAUL SARTRE Translated from the French by BERNARD FRECHTMAN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY NEW YORK Copyright, 1949, by Philosophical Library, Inc. 15 EAST 40th Street, New York, N.Y. Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword I II What Why is Writing? Write? Whom Does One Write? 7 38 III For IV Situation of the Writer in 1947 161 Index 299 67 FOREWORD want to engage yourself," writes a young imbecile, "what are you waiting for? Join the Communist Party." A great writer who engaged himself often and disengaged himself still more often, but who has forgotten, said to me, "The worst artists are the most engaged. Look "If you at the Soviet painters" "You want tres is to murder An old critic gently complained, literature. spread out insolently all Contempt for belles-let- through your review." A petty mind calls me pigheaded, which for him is evidently the highest insult. An author who barely crawled from name sometimes awakens men accuses me of not being one war to the other and whose languishing memories in old concerned with immortality; he knows, thank God, any number of people whose chief hope it is. In the eyes of an American...
Words: 94432 - Pages: 378
...THE STORY OF MY LIFE By Helen Keller With Her Letters (1887-1901) And Supplementary Account of Her Education, Including Passages from the Reports and Letters of her Teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, By John Albert Macy Special Edition CONTAINING ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS BY HELEN KELLER To ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies, I dedicate this Story of My Life. CONTENTS Editor's Preface I. THE STORY OF MY LIFE CHAPTER I CHAPTER II CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI CHAPTER VII CHAPTER VIII CHAPTER IX CHAPTER X CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XII CHAPTER XIII CHAPTER XIV CHAPTER XV CHAPTER XVI CHAPTER XVII CHAPTER XVIII CHAPTER XIX CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXIII II. LETTERS(1887-1901) INTRODUCTION III: A SUPPLEMENTARY ACCOUNT OF HELEN KELLER'S LIFE AND EDUCATION CHAPTER I. The Writing of the Book CHAPTER II. PERSONALITY CHAPTER III. EDUCATION CHAPTER IV. SPEECH CHAPTER V. LITERARY STYLE Editor's Preface This book is in three parts. The first two, Miss Keller's story and the extracts from her letters, form a complete account of her life as far as she can give it. Much of her education she cannot explain herself, and since a knowledge of that is necessary to an understanding of what she has written, it was thought best to supplement her autobiography with the reports and letters of her teacher, Miss Anne Mansfield Sullivan. The addition...
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...CONVERSION FACTORS FROM ENGLISH TO SI UNITS Length: 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft 1 in. 1 in. 1 in. 1 ft2 1 ft2 1 ft2 1 in.2 1 in.2 1 in.2 1 ft3 1 ft3 1 in.3 1 in.3 1 in. 1 in.3 1 ft/min 1 ft/min 1 ft/min 1 ft/sec 1 ft/sec 1 in./min 1 in./sec 1 in./sec 3 0.3048 m 30.48 cm 304.8 mm 0.0254 m 2.54 cm 25.4 mm 929.03 10 4 m2 929.03 cm2 929.03 102 mm2 6.452 10 4 m2 6.452 cm2 645.16 mm2 28.317 10 3 m3 28.317 103 cm3 16.387 10 6 m3 16.387 cm3 0.16387 0.16387 10 mm 10 4 m3 5 3 Coefficient of consolidation: Force: 1 in.2/sec 1 in.2/sec 1 ft2/sec 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 kip 1 U.S. ton 1 lb 1 lb/ft 1 lb/ft2 1 lb/ft2 1 U.S. ton/ft2 1 kip/ft2 1 lb/in.2 1 lb/ft3 1 lb/in.3 1 lb-ft 1 lb-in. 1 ft-lb 1 in.4 1 in.4 6.452 cm2/sec 20.346 103 m2/yr 929.03 cm2/sec 4.448 N 4.448 10 3 kN 0.4536 kgf 4.448 kN 8.896 kN 0.4536 10 3 metric ton 14.593 N/m 47.88 N/m2 0.04788 kN/m2 95.76 kN/m2 47.88 kN/m2 6.895 kN/m2 0.1572 kN/m3 271.43 kN/m3 1.3558 N · m 0.11298 N · m 1.3558 J 0.4162 0.4162 106 mm4 10 6 m4 Area: Stress: Volume: Unit weight: Moment: Energy: Moment of inertia: Section modulus: Hydraulic conductivity: 0.3048 m/min 30.48 cm/min 304.8 mm/min 0.3048 m/sec 304.8 mm/sec 0.0254 m/min 2.54 cm/sec 25.4 mm/sec CONVERSION FACTORS FROM SI TO ENGLISH UNITS Length: 1m 1 cm 1 mm 1m 1 cm 1 mm 1m 1 cm2 1 mm2 1 m2 1 cm2 1 mm2 1m 1 cm3 1 m3 1 cm3 1N 1 kN 1 kgf 1 kN 1 kN 1 metric ton 1 N/m 3 2 3.281 ft 3.281 10 3.281 10 39.37 in. 0.3937 in. 0.03937 in. 2 Stress: 2 3 ft ft 1 N/m2 1 kN/m2...
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