...is still used by a mass amount of Americans, and remains to be one of the leading killers in the country. In spite of the efforts to raise awareness, exponential amounts of people still indulge in smoking and chewing tobacco. Tobacco may cause serious and fatal health risks for the user and those who may obtain it unintentionally from secondhand smoke, and may cause serious problems psychologically, physically, and hygienically. Smoking tobacco indisputably leads to many different health risks and seriously increases a person’s opportunity to develop a wide range of diseases. According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention, smoking damages nearly every organ in the human body and will greatly diminish a person’s overall health. The main health concern from smoking is the development of cancer. Tobacco has been proven to cause acute myeloid leukemia, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, stomach cancer, pharynx or throat cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, oral cancer, and cancer of the larynx or voice box. In...
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...Therapy: A New Generation of Health Care Innovation Michael A. Kline University of Phoenix HCA/210 Introduction to Health Care Jon Lasell February 9, 2014 Targeted Therapy: A New Generation of Health Care Innovation Could targeted therapy be the “new” trend in fighting degenerative cancer genes that are affect nearly 13,000,000 people in the world? Scientific and technological advances and in the health care system have, and will continue to change as long as there are researchers willing and able to create new innovations for the continuum of care. There is no general definition for molecular or targeted therapy. Targeted therapy can block the growth and spread of cancer, thus preventing cancer cells from dividing or destroying. The idea behind this therapy is to create drugs that attack molecular pathways that cause disease, without upsetting the normal functions of other cells and tissues throughout the human body. The American Cancer Society list Breast cancer as the second cause of death in women, right behind brain and other nervous system cancers. Over, 2,000,000 women have been diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer, and this number will continue to rise and fall. Targeted therapy has already had a significant improvement for the outcomes for patients with HER2 positive breast cancer. However, Chemotherapy continues to be the mainstream way for cancer treatments because of evaluations on safety and ability from the drug combinations of targeted therapy...
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...Why Quit Smoking? You can reduce your risks. Smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the United States. Smokers have a higher risk of developing many chronic disorders, including atherosclerosis — the buildup of fatty substances in the arteries — which can lead to coronary heart disease, heart attack (myocardial infarction) and stroke. Controlling or reversing atherosclerosis is an important part of preventing future heart attack or stroke You can modify or control six major independent risk factors for coronary heart disease: • • • • • • Cigarette and tobacco smoke High blood cholesterol High blood pressure Physical inactivity Overweight or obesity Diabetes Smoking by itself increases the risk of coronary heart disease. When it acts with the other factors, it greatly increases your risk from those factors, too. Smoking decreases your tolerance for physical activity and increases the tendency for blood to clot. It decreases HDL (good) cholesterol. Your risks increase greatly if you smoke and have a family history of heart disease. Smoking also creates a higher risk for peripheral artery disease and aortic aneurysm. It increases the risk of recurrent coronary heart disease after bypass surgery, too. Smoking is also an important risk factor for stroke. Inhaling cigarette smoke produces several effects that damage the cerebrovascular system. Women who take oral contraceptives and smoke increase their risk of stroke many times. Cigars and pipes aren't...
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...Eugenics: Health Benefits 1 Running Head: EUGENICS: HEALTH BENEFITS AND THE FUTURE Eugenics: Health Benefits and the Future Abstract The study of eugenics is propelling the world quickly into the future. Eugenics is the study of genetically engineering enhanced humans. This genetic engineering is done through modification of certain traits on an embryonic level, to create a heritable trait. Once modified, these traits will be passed on to the offspring of this individual, as well as demonstrated in that particular individual. The traits that can be modified are as simple as hair color, eye color, skin color, ability to grow muscle mass, body build, etc. They can be as complex as prevention of cancer and other gene-based diseases. Gene modification to create enhanced humans is an evolutionary necessity. In the day and age where the aspects of oneself can be modified with enough money or enough time, it is only natural that society would progress to the point where they would want to modify their offspring. The prospect of eugenics (literally, "well born") is not new, it spans back to the 1800's, when Sir Francis Galton created the word to define the basis for inheritance of intellect. He theorized that through the process of uncontrolled breeding, the unintelligent were outweighing the intelligent. Galton was not too far off according to movies such as Idiocracy, where the world becomes exclusively populated by morons...
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...Trudy A. Linden-Craft PSY/210 Psychology and Health Problems Every individual, at one time or another will experience some level of stress in his or her daily lives. “The likelihood of contracting an illness—be it the flu or cancer— can reflect the interaction of many factors, including genetic factors and lifestyle factors” (Nevid & Rathus, 2005, pg 128). Studies in health psychology have revealed that there is not a distinct straightforward answer to the multitude of questions that arise. When determining how one’s health and susceptibility to stress-related illness is affected, the multifactoral model illustrates a wide range of factors that consist of biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors as well as the interactions of each. This paper will discuss potential health problems associated with each factor and how psychology’s role helps to recognize and control these health concerns. Biological factors are one of the apparent roles that help to determine the risk of an individual illness. Because biological factors are linked to an individual’s genetics, these factors are not able to be controlled by individuals. Some of these biological factors include inoculations, age, gender, injuries, birth defects disabilities, and family history disease. Most of these issues are a lifelong factor that begins in an individual’s childhood. Considering an individual’s genetics, one can determine if a person can acquire a behavior trait or become diagnosed...
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...promotional markets. One in two smokers will die prematurely of a disease caused by dependence on tobacco. After reading findings by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, it is stated that “youths also are susceptible to tobacco advertising, and those who are exposed to frequent advertisements for tobacco are more likely to smoke than those who are not” (Milton 44). This problem is too significant to ignore. The solutions are not easy to implement. Healthcare professionals, insurance providers, government think tanks, and most importantly smokers themselves must commit to the changes necessary to eradicate this pervasive problem. Nicotine affects the body on many levels. Nicotine and other harmful substances enter the lungs and go...
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...Definition of Cancer The Webster’s Dictionary defines cancer as an : uncontrolled, growing mass of cells that is capable of invading neighboring tissues and spreading via body fluids, especially the blood stream, to other parts of the body, also called a malignant tumor. Cancers Effect on Our Bodies Cancer is a disease that is caused by uncontrolled cell division leading to abnormal tissue growth. It is believed that cancer can arise from both genetic (e.g. DNA mutation and hereditarianism like breast or ovarian cancer) and environmental factors (e.g. working with and breathing in chemicals, benzene, asbestos, and not limiting one’s exposure to the sun, or eating a healthy diet, etc.), which can lead to abnormal growth of our bodies different cells. Cell multiplication otherwise known as proliferation, is a normal physical process that occurs in our bodies. These cells can be in charge of our immune systems response, replacing cells that have died or have been shed as a part of their lifecycle (e.g. such as our skin or mucous membranes in our digestive tract) and are responsible for allowing us to grow and age properly. Normally, the balance between proliferation and cell death otherwise known as apoptosis is a tightly regulated system that has been put in place to ensure the integrity of our body’s organs and tissues. The uncontrolled and often rapid proliferation of cells can lead to two different types of cancer, which are known as benign and malignant tumors. Benign...
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...Chapter 1 Problem and Review of Related Literature Introduction Assessing the Main Effects of population strategies, such as tobacco taxation and pricing, on high-risk subpopulations is important for understanding the reach and effectiveness of such strategies. Increased tobacco taxes, passed on to consumers in the form of higher cigarette prices, provide an economic disincentive to those who smoke or may be contemplating smoking. Indeed, evidence from this knowledge synthesis strongly supports increasing cigarette prices through tobacco taxation as a powerful strategy for achieving major reductions in smoking among some, but not all, high-risk populations. This is a highly effective policy tool for reducing smoking participation and consumption among youth, young adults and persons of low socioeconomic status. In contrast, major gaps exist in our knowledge about the impact of price on persons diagnosed with mental health or non-nicotine substance abuse disorders, heavy and/or long-term smokers. Raising cigarette prices is an effective tobacco control policy in reducing smoking among youth. While most studies of young adults found that increased prices also result in reductions in smoking behavior, the magnitude tends to be smaller than for youth. Chaloupka and Pacula argue that because tobacco is an addictive substance, response to increased prices will occur more slowly than for non-addictive goods; therefore long-term gains may be larger than short-term gains. The impact...
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...Alcoholism Bio/210 November 30, 2014 Alcoholism is an elusive condition. The American Medical Association labeled it as a disease in 1956 explaining that it has both mental and physical components. Alcoholics Anonymous declares alcoholics have a spiritual, physical, and, mental malady. Regardless, alcoholism affects around 14 percent of the U.S. population, and the consequences of its abuse can be fatal. Because alcoholism affects the whole body with symptoms including, depression, anxiety, cirrhosis, and heart failure, it is vital that researchers strive to find better treatment options, and legislation continues to protect the public from its devastating consequences. Alcoholism and Health Complications Physiology Alcoholism has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), alcohol abuse contributed to 88,000 deaths in this country from 2006-2010. The health-related consequences can be short-term, including traffic accidents, alcohol poisoning, minor injuries, or sexually transmitted diseases. Many alcoholics, however, will suffer long-term chronic health conditions (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). In the cardiovascular system, excessive consumption strains the heart which may lead to irregular heartbeat, inflammation, and weakening of the heart muscle which puts the individual at risk for deterioration of the liver. High blood pressure as the result of a magnesium deficiency affects blood...
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...idea of the factors that trigger cigarette smoking amongst young generation of today, effects of cigarette, like cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. By reading this paper, a person can gain knowledge about the effects of smoking cigarette. So when a person reads this especially those who smoke, he or she may quit or lessen smoking because he or she will know the bad effects of cigarette smoking. It is considered that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death, leading to an annual five million deaths around the globe. It is estimated that if current smoking patterns carry on, the annual death toll could rise to more than eight million by 2030. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for many cancers and respiratory diseases. The heavier the usage of an individual and the longer he smokes, the higher the risks for smoking-related illnesses. Cigarette smoking involves inhaling smoke into the lungs. A cigarette contains more than 4000 poisonous chemicals such as nicotine, arsenic, methane, ammonia, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, butane, and hydrogen cyanide. Inhaled cigarette smoke can damage the lungs' cilia, tiny hair-like structures that sweep away debris from the lungs. With the cilia paralyzed by smoking, particles such as dirt and toxins can settle in the lung sacks and form tar. These toxins can then move from the lungs via the bloodstream to other parts of the body. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey in 2009, almost...
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...Animal Testing: Necessary Evil or Just Evil? Krista Surratt Stanly Community College Table of Contents Cover Page ………………………………………………………………………………………..1 Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………2 Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………...3 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….4 Background …………………………………………………………………………………….…4 Proposed Plan …………………………………………………………………………………….6 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………..7 References …………………………………………………………………………………….......9 Abstract This proposal is about what the harsh realities of animal testing really are, the brutality the animals go through, and a way to change it for the better in many aspects. Animal testing is an issue that many people (with a heart) disagree with, especially since there are more accurate alternatives. This picture puts together words that lab animals cant (Miss). Introduction One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi. Every three seconds a precious animal dies in a laboratory setting. Animal testing is one of the most common branches of testing and research in the world today. Some in favor of animal experimentation justify it by saying they’re taking animals’ lives to save humans. Scientists who agree with animal testing usually cut the vocal chords out of the animal or sew their jaws shut; but is this the only way to obtain concrete results? Is it really necessary to subject an animal’s life while...
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...know how ineffective and unnecessary in stance prohibitionist. In contrast, those opposed to legalization argue that the legalization of marijuana will act as a precursor to increased addiction to harder drugs. This will necessarily lead to an increase in the crime rate and accident rate as well. In this article, I would like to explicate both sides of the debate and provide the evidences that support the idea of legalizing marijuana. Why marijuana should not be legalized? Critics claim that all drugs are addictive; they would rob the drug users of free will. Marijuana is considered a drug that associated with unfashionable lifestyles. It is often thought of as a drug for hippies and losers. Drug users can not have rational and informed decisions to continue using drugs because the use of the drug would eliminate their ability to think logically. The use of marijuana leads to the use of harder drugs like morphine and cocaine. This would ultimately leads to an increase in social ills in the community as well as the need to spend more State funds on rehabilitation programs. In addition , just like other drugs, there are many individuals addicted to marijuana and will resort to crime in order to fund their addiction. This will subsequently lead to an increase in the crime rate. Initial statistics from...
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...Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country each year. At a global take of more than $400 billion, it’s one of the world’s largest industries (Listverse, 2011). Cigarette smoking in public places is a widely controversial topic. Many people are unaware of the actual history of smoking bans. People are also unaware who is affected by smoking regulation in public places, the effects on society, why it is important to solve the problem of cigarette smoking in public places in concern to regulation, and possible solutions that are out in the world to help solve this problem. The first known smoking ban occurred in 1590 and was given by Pope Urban VII during his short reign as pope. Anyone who was caught smoking or chewing tobacco near a church was excommunicated. It was not until the twentieth century that the health problems associated with tobacco use came to light in the public eye. This is the time when businesses provided smokers with their own separate locations, so they could smoke without exposing the rest of the customers to the dangers and annoyance of smoke (Reasons, pros, and cons, 2008). In the 1990s, California became the first state to issue a smoking ban, and this was in restaurants. Since that time, many cities have taken up the drive to ban cigarette smoking in public locations, particularly restaurants. In fact, recent estimates show that as many as thirty-four states have cities...
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...Vol 450 | 20/27 December 2007 | doi:10.1038/nature06385 LETTERS Isolation of rare circulating tumour cells in cancer patients by microchip technology Sunitha Nagrath1*, Lecia V. Sequist2*, Shyamala Maheswaran2, Daphne W. Bell2{, Daniel Irimia1, Lindsey Ulkus2, Matthew R. Smith2, Eunice L. Kwak2, Subba Digumarthy2, Alona Muzikansky2, Paula Ryan2, Ulysses J. Balis1{, Ronald G. Tompkins1, Daniel A. Haber2 & Mehmet Toner1 Viable tumour-derived epithelial cells (circulating tumour cells or CTCs) have been identified in peripheral blood from cancer patients and are probably the origin of intractable metastatic disease1–4. Although extremely rare, CTCs represent a potential alternative to invasive biopsies as a source of tumour tissue for the detection, characterization and monitoring of non-haematologic cancers5–8. The ability to identify, isolate, propagate and molecularly characterize CTC subpopulations could further the discovery of cancer stem cell biomarkers and expand the understanding of the biology of metastasis. Current strategies for isolating CTCs are limited to complex analytic approaches that generate very low yield and purity9. Here we describe the development of a unique microfluidic platform (the ‘CTC-chip’) capable of efficient and selective separation of viable CTCs from peripheral whole blood samples, mediated by the interaction of target CTCs with antibody (EpCAM)-coated microposts under precisely controlled laminar flow conditions, and without requisite...
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...European Medicines Agency Evaluation of Medicines for Human Use Doc.Ref:EMEA/501324/2008 ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR FILGRASTIM RATIOPHARM International Nonproprietary Name: filgrastim Procedure No. EMEA/H/C/824 Assessment Report as adopted by the CHMP with all information of a commercially confidential nature deleted. 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HB, UK Tel. (44-20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44-20) 74 18 84 16 E-mail: mail@emea.europa.eu http://www.emea.europa.eu © European Medicines Agency, 2008. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE PROCEDURE................................................... 3 1.1 Submission of the dossier ...................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Steps taken for the assessment of the product........................................................................ 3 2 SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION......................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Quality aspects ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Non-clinical aspects ..................................................................................................
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