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Leadership and Delegation


Submitted By lesliesims2006
Words 449
Pages 2
Your leadership style is situational. Your leadership style depends on the task, the team or individual's capabilities and knowledge, the time and tools available and the results desired. In a recent article, I reviewed the tell, sell, consult, join and delegate leadership style model2.

As a supervisor, manager or team leader, you make daily decisions about the appropriate leadership style to employ in each work situation. You want to foster employee involvement and employee empowerment3 to enable your team members to contribute their best effort at work. These tips for successful delegation of authority will help you help your reporting staff members succeed when they are most empowered.

Leadership Style Tips

Whenever possible, when delegating work, give the person a whole task to do. (If you can't give the employee a whole task, make sure they understand the overall purpose of the project or task. If possible, connect them to the group that is managing or planning the work. Staff members contribute most effectively when they are aware of the big picture.)
Make sure the staff person understands exactly what you want them to do. Ask questions, watch the work performed or have the employee give you feedback to make sure your instructions were understood.
If you have a picture of what a successful outcome or output will look like, share your picture with the staff person. You want to make the person right. You don't want to fool the person to whom you delegate authority for a task, into believing that any outcome will do, unless you really feel that way.
Identify the key points of the project or dates when you want feedback about progress. This is the critical path that provides you with the feedback you need without causing you to micromanage your direct report or team. You need assurance that the delegated task or project is on track. You also need the

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