...Support Paper 129-2007 Project Organization Proposal (POP) and Project Leadership Plan Guide Rex Pruitt, PREMIER Bankcard, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD 57104 ABSTRACT In my 20+ years of experience using SAS and organizing projects, the success or failure of any project, no matter how small or large, generally resulted from how well a project was planned, organized and executed. This paper presents an easy to use Project Organization Proposal (POP) that can be implemented without adding additional resources to the MIS or IT divisions. It simply suggests the effective use of existing resources. However, as would be expected, the POP will only succeed if it receives support from 1) business MIS Management, 2) IT Management, 3) and their respective staff. The collaboration of all resources associated with a project is critical to its success. Clearly defining roles and accountabilities must be established prior to project initiation. Also included in this paper is a Project Leadership Plan guide. This guide will serve as a critical planning document, or checklist, that can be used to ensure that any project meets with success. If this guide cannot be completed, the project should not be initiated. 1 SAS Global Forum 2007 Planning, Development and Support INTRODUCTION In my 20+ years of experience using SAS and organizing projects, the success or failure of any project, no matter how small or large, generally resulted from how well a project was planned, organized...
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...in groups. This project was designed to identify groups, individual's roles, and required behaviors within the groups. Our group developed leadership and cohesive values. We started this project with a common goal and finished this project with a better understanding of group dynamics. Our group consists of an outstanding conglomeration of people. We have the assets of aged wisdom and ambitions of youth. Each of our members brings with him or her a range of experiences. The mean age of our group is 32. Our range of ages is 21, 22, 28, 31, 41, and 51. As a group four of our members employment histories stem from family businesses. The senior member is an Insurance Adjuster and our youth member is a full time student. 3M2KV, the name of our group, consists of two females and four males of various backgrounds. Mark Schroth, White male, brought to the group his expertise in the construction industry. Mark displays many functional roles within the structure. Michelle Gardner, White female, has years of experience in the management field and can convey this knowledge into the groups leadership role. Matt Rodgers, White male, having a family business background was able to display his harmonizer skills with this group. Kathleen Wasilenko, White female, has a quiet role as the group's observer and recorder. Kyle Blowers, White male, has the luxury of unemployment and full time student, but was able to rise to the role of procedural technician during the course of this project. Victor...
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...Identify the common roles in a human resource project. Then, analyze these roles to typical human resource functions. Projects come in many different sizes depending on the requirements of the particulars needed to complete a project. There are small projects that require very little organization. Within a small project there may be a primary sponsor, project manager and a project team. Then there are larger projects, there is more involvement. There is more position involved, like project managers, facilitators to help assist the projects. There are more people involved, stakeholders and your customers. It is important that they understand what is accepted of them and what role they are expected to fill. The Project Manager plays and very important role in the beginning of the project. The project manager is the only one that has authority to manage a project. Which includes leading the plan and the development of all project deliverables? They also are responsible for managing the budget and scheduling all project management procedures. There is also the Project team, “they are full-time and part-time resources assigned to work on the deliverables of the project” (Kloppenborg, Nkomo, Fottler & Mcaffe, 2012 p. 15). This includes the analysts, designers, programmers, etc. organization is utilizing matrix management. The stakeholders are the just as important as the project manger. “The stakeholders play a positive role in the project outcome; they are direct...
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...Case Study 2: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth Yuvonne Edwards Professor Brett Gordon Human Resource Project Management – HRM517 November 4, 2012 Identify the common roles in a human resource project. Then, analyze these roles to typical human resource functions. There are projects of different sizes that have different ways and requirements on how the people are organized. In small project, little organization structure is needed. There might be a primary sponsor, project manager and a project team. But, for large projects, there are more people involved, and it is important that people understand what they are expected to do, and what role people are expected to fill. Common project roles that may be required for any project would be, Analyst, stakeholder, project managers, facilitator and the customer. The Analyst is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the business clients are captured and documented correctly before a solution is developed and implemented. In some companies, the person might be called Business System Analyst. (Mochal, T.) The stakeholders are the direct beneficiaries of a project or service, and these people play positive roles in a project. One of the first steps in project management planning is the identification of stakeholders. A stakeholder is a person or group of people who can affect or be affected by a given project. Stakeholders can be individuals...
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...Syllabus Page 1 of 6 GE347—Group Dynamics Note: The course syllabus describes how the course will be taught and how the materials and activities are planned. Please print the syllabus for your reference. Course Description In this course, students examine elements of successful teams and small decision-making groups. Emphasis is on communication, critical thinking and group process techniques. Quarter Credits 4 Instructional Contact Hours 40 Instructional Methods Prerequisite Courses Co-requisite Courses 40 hours theory 0 hour lab GE117 Composition I or equivalent None Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the importance of group dynamics. Critique the performance of groups/teams in a variety of scenarios. Evaluate the use of problem-solving and decision-making techniques for virtual groups/teams. Apply theories of small group communication during small group activities. Apply ethical standards while participating in groups/teams. Apply critical-thinking and analysis skills to overcome obstacles and improvise solutions as a leader within small groups. 7. Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library for research and information necessary to complete assignments and projects. SCANS Objectives SCANS is an acronym for Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. The committee, created by the National Secretary of Labor in the early 1990's, created a list of skills and competencies that the committee feels are necessary for employees to function in a high technology...
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... Personal Philosophy of Leaders The role of a leader, being a President, an entrepreneur, parents or teachers, is crucial for success of any tasks. The task can be as big as finding a solution for a global catastrophe such as an earthquake, or as small as solving a dispute between two people. It is the role of the leader to organize people into groups, and according to their skills to make sure they fully participate in problem-solving. They ensure peoples acknowledge the problem and work toward finding the solution. Consequently, everyone in this world requires leadership qualities at one point in their lives. Thus, personal leadership philosophy is an important tool that defines peoples’ value, behaviors and what they can do. Articulating personal leadership philosophy helps in telling others what they expect from a person. In this essay, I will develop and articulate my personal leadership philosophy, and integrate it with human resource management theories to bring up a well argued stand point. While I was working on an industrial attachment at Deloitte Company, we contracted an oil and gas company, to create and execute an email migration strategy that involved about 1500 employees at their various branches. In the initial stages, the contracted company introduced Smith, who was the project leader. While, in the workshop, the contracted company explained to everyone that, as part of their culture, leadership opportunity was open to all participants. This was...
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...5 DAY LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAMME Date: 1st - 5th feb 2011 Time: 9 am- 12 pm Venue- S.A.I.M College Participants: MBA students Participants : 30 Innovative leadership development programme to help you manage the range of leadership challenges that arise at different stages in your career. This five-day programme is designed to help participants become leaders with impact. Whilst providing inspiration and guidance for established leaders, those looking to be better prepared when the opportunity arises will also benefit. Each programme is designed to help you gain personal insights into your own leadership style and learn the tools and techniques required to become an inspiring leader. Day 1: leadership orientation * Programme introduction * Programme overview * Introduction of all participants and their view on leadership * The Leadership Challenge—Which Leader are You? * Initiate Small Group Leadership Project Objective of day 1: to give brief idea about whole programme. Understanding the view of participants and their expectation from this programme. Interaction among the participants and with lecturer. Day 2: * Lecture on different styles of leadership * Participants will divide into 6 group , 5 members in each group * The Art of Collaboration—Team Building * Group Discussion based on different leadership style through film * Group presentation based on the film Day 2 objectives: Introduces...
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...Operations Management Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to produce and distribute products and services. Usually, small businesses don't talk about "operations management", but they carry out the activities that management schools typically associate with the phrase "operations management." Major, overall activities often include product creation, development, production and distribution. (These activities are also associated with Product and Service Management. However product Development is usually in regard to one or more closely related product -- that is, a product line. Operations management is in regard to all operations within the organization.) Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations. A great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Therefore, operations management often includes substantial measurement and analysis of internal processes. Ultimately, the nature of how operations management is carried out in an organization depends very much on the nature of products or services in the organization, for example, retail, manufacturing, wholesale, etc Sections of This Topic Include: Procurement (Purchasing) Practices This topic reviews guidelines for buying various materials from suppliers and vendors -- materials, including computers, services from lawyers, insurance, etc. Procurement (Purchasing) Practices Management Control and...
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...Leadership in Group/Team Setting Sharon Thomas Tiffin University May 31, 2015 From previous assignments written on my group/team experience it’s sad to say that this assignment will be no different from the others. Leadership was never established in my group. I was forced to take on the leadership role being that I was the only one that practically contributed to the group project. After reading Chapter 5 in Small Group Interactions written by Stewart L. Tubbs, I think it is safe to apply the Circumstances Theory in my situation. Tubbs talks about Ira Hayes being the classic example of the circumstance theory. Which is, “a person being at the right place at the right (or wrong) time,” (p. 236). My situation relates to this theory because I was at the right place, which was class, but put with the wrong people for the group project, which means it was the wrong time. I do believe that if all members would have participated in the group I would have been the leader without being forced to. I have never been one to wait on anything or anyone to get things done. I have always taken the initiative to get the job done. I’m used to doing this hustle and bustle with my employment. I was always taught never to be a follower, but I learned later in life that sometimes you have to follow in certain...
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...Changes Gail Aileen Organizational Leadership Abstract This paper will outline a recommended restructuring of Smith and Falmouth, to empower their employees. It will discuss their methods of control and the culture of the organization. Additionally the paper will also give suggestions to management, ways to improve their practices and why. Background Information Smith and Falmouth currently is a mid-size tele-shopping and mail order network company (Leadership and Action Stimulation assessment). Due to future forecast in the technology field, six months ago, Smith and Falmouth Online Chief Operating Officer, recently started a new e-tailing division. This new department or division does not halt Smith and Falmouth’s past operations. The Chief Operating Officer, is giving this new department nine months to produce and be successful. Presently Smith and Falmouth have employees who are not willing to work beyond their means. They have become comfortable in their present ways of doing and producing at their own pace. They are not feeling a part of the company and, the culture of the company has suffered as a result of this. Department Restructuring Currently the new Chief Operating Officer is noticing there is a resistance toward her. Employees are now forming their own groups, and not giving respect to the new Chief...
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...Project Management Project Management Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD | Applies to nonprofits and for-profits unless noted Leaders Circles peer-training/coaching groups (nonprofits) | Authenticity Circles peertraining/coaching (for-profits) First-timers | Library home page | Library index of topics | Contact us Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time effort, for example, construct a building or implement a new computer system. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks or how goals will be achieved, what resources are need, and associating budgets and timelines for completion. It also includes implementing the project plan, along with careful controls to stay on the "critical path", that is, to ensure the plan is being managed according to plan. Project management usually follows major phases (with various titles for these phases), including feasibility study, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance. (Program planning is usually of a broader scope than project planning, but not always.) Categories of information include Overviews of Project Management Useful Skills -- Team Building and Group Leadership General Resources Related Library Links (including many other types of planning) On-Line Discussion Groups Various Perspectives What is Project Management? Overview...
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...HR leader is offered in order to maximize the effectiveness of the chosen organization design. Over the last decade there has been a profound shift in the work of the HR function. The publication in 1997 of David Ulrich’s Human Resource Champions spurred HR leaders across various industries to realign their organizations in order to undertake “strategic business partner” work. At the same time, a focus on cost-cutting and efficiency aimed at staff functions in general—and at HR in particular—has pushed much HR transactional work into shared services or to outsourced vendors. For many HR departments, this process of “transformation,” as it is popularly called, has been a wrenching experience. It has required rethinking the fundamental role of the HR function and shifting the definition of the HR “customer” from the traditional focus on the employee to an almost total focus on the management ranks. The goal has been to create an organization that can deliver the necessary, daily (but low value-added) transactional...
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...Student……………………………………Date:……………………………… For office use only: Date scanned and returned to student……………………………………………………. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Question 1 Motivation 2 1.1 Lessons about staff motivation 2 1.2 Details of motivation theory 3 2. Question 2 Conflict and negotiations 4 2.1 Identification of conflicts 4 2.2 Overall nature of conflict 5 2.3 Possible ways of dealing with conflict 6 2.4 Best way to resolve the conflict 8 2.5 Avoiding a conflict 10 3. Question 3: The Perils of Leadership 11 3.1 “Experts cannot agree if leadership is a trait, a characteristic, a role, a style, or an ability” 11 3.1.1 Definition of leadership 11 3.1.2 Strengths and weaknesses of the trait theories of leadership 11 3.2 Contingency leadership theories 13 3.3 Contention that sometimes leadership is irrelevant 20 4. Question 4: Groups and Teams 22 4.1 Identify and explain groups or teams 22 4.2 Lessons learnt from work experience 23 4.3 Advise on course of action to take 24 5. Bibliography or list of references 25 Question 1 Motivation 1.1 Lessons about staff motivation from the work practices of Uddevalla The people at Uddevalla were demotivated because of the anomaly of the working situation, which was as following: * In the assembly shops, the organization structure was flat, and for a very long...
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...Leadership Development at 3M: New Process, New Techniques, New Growth Margaret Alldredge, Cindy Johnson, Jack Stoltzfus, 3M; Al Vicere, Smeal Coiiege of Business,The Pennsylvania State University; and the 3M ALDP Design Team rom the moment she first shook his hand in a receiving line after his arrival at 3M, Margaret Alldredge, staff vice president, Leadership Development and Learning, knew Jim McNemey was passionate about developing leaders. McNemey was fresh from an enormously successful career at GE. He talked of implementing Six Sigma (a rigorous process designed to improve productivity, increase profits, and enhance customer service) and shared his view that Six Sigma was not only about process improvement but aiso a way to develop leaders rapidly. He also suggested that 3M might be ripe for the establishment of its own "Crotonville," GE's vaunted center for cultivating leadership talent. That first meeting set into motion the creation of a new, intense, and exciting approach to developing 3M's leaders. F HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING 45 One of Jim McNemey's first questions after arriving at 3M Company as its new CEO was, "What are we doing here to develop leaders?" The response from the 3M leadership development team convinced him ihe company could do more to develop high-potential talent. Almost immediately, he challenged the team to craft an intensive leadership development strategy that would rival that of his prior employer, GE. This article chronicles our...
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...student feedback and leadership a report on the 2006 leadership for excellence in learning and teaching project (le67) developing Multi-level leadership in the use of student feedback to enhance student learning and teaching practice http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/altclgp/ 2009 Project Leader Professor James Barber – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Project Manager Associate Professor Sandra Jones – Director Learning & Teaching Unit Project Officer Brenda Novak ISBN 978-1-921426-36-0 Student Feedback and Leadership A Report on the 2006 Leadership for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Project (LE67): Developing Multi-Level Leadership in the Use of Student Feedback to Enhance Student Learning and Teaching Practice 2009 Project Leader Professor James Barber - Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Project Manager Associate Professor Sandra Jones – Director Learning & Teaching Unit Project Officer Brenda Novak Report written by: Associate Professor Sandra Jones and Brenda Novak. Case studies written by: Dr Mali Abdollahian, Ian McBean, Geoff Outhred, Dr Kate Westberg. Photographs - Copyright © 2009 RMIT University Photographers Margund Sallowsky and Kate Ebbot unless otherwise stated. ISBN 978-1-921426-36-0 Support for this project has been provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect...
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