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Leadership Skills, Tactics and Attributes


Submitted By lrackmyre
Words 1492
Pages 6
The Best Leader

The Best Leader
In my lifetime, I have come a crossed many leaders. Some of them who were in management and some who were not. Picking the best leader that I have been exposed to was not an easy task, as each one of them has been instrumental in shaping me into the leader that I have become today. They all possessed individual traits, skills, and tactics that were necessary as an effective leader. Each one also had specific theories of effective leadership that explained why I believe that they were the “best leader” that I have been exposed to. They all had leadership behaviors that could be described by certain theories of leadership that provided me with guidelines for effective leadership.
The one leader that stands out the most for me is my English and Drama teacher in high school. He had been teaching for nearly 30 years when I had the pleasure to take his classes. He was the leader that brought me out of my shell and showed me that I could do anything that I set my mind to. It was his traits, skills, and tactics as a leader that helped me secure my first management job. I obtained this position when I was a senior in high school and still attending his class. Let us take a look at the specific traits, skills and tactics present in him as a leader and why they are necessary for me as a leader. We will then take a look at the leadership theories that explains why I saw him as the “best leader” that I have been exposed to. Lastly, we will take a look at his ideal leadership behaviors and the theory that best described his behaviors, along with the guidelines for leadership that it provided me.
The specific traits that he possessed were motivational, experienced, honest, confident, knowledgeable, and inspirational. He pushed all of his students to do their best with the right amount of motivation and confidence that was needed in

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