...Sources of Power by Roberta D. Harris An Assignment Submitted to the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Economics in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course of Management 5670 Webster University 2013 Abstract One of the highest concerns about power is its effects on those who use it. The more people use power, the more they tend to notice situations in terms of power relationships, the more they are motivated to use power for their own personal end result. This risk in this use of power is stated in the statement “Power tends to corrupt; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (Lynch, 1985) Plato was convinced that power would continue to corrupt unless philosophers became rulers and rulers were philosophers. The five bases of power defined by French and Raven denote the classical reason why one person influences others as well as the foundation for most research on power. Recently, other sources of power have been defined, explaining other sources of influence. I discussed the five indicators for accessing power and identified the five sources of social power which includes reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent power and expert power. (Frenche & Raven, 1968) Additionally, I discussed other sources of power such as information power, persuasiveness, charisma, and social versus personal power. Keywords: power, indicators, reward, coercive, legitimate, referent,...
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...going according to plan until the moment Chris was asked to meet with his boss Ms. Hall in her office the day before his anniversary. Ms. Hall demanded Chris to cancel his approved vacation time in order to amend an important proposal and present it to a client. The proposal was very important to the company because it was a large dollar investment if the client were to accept. Chris try to refuse politely and state why he could not make it, however, Ms. Hall became angry and raised her voice to Chris as she spoke to Chris harshly insisting that he follow her orders no matter what because she was the one who was paying him his wages. Chris felt he had no other choice but to obey her orders. List your own sources of power, using the RICE acronym explained above. Sources of power for Chris: Resource control: Chris can control whether or not he decides to cancel his vacation time and amend the proposal for Ms. Hall. He can also control whether or not he shows up to present the proposal to the client. Not amending the proposal and not showing up to present it to the client will make Ms. Hall and the company look bad, however, Chris would most likely be out of a job if he did not obey. Interpersonal linkages: Chris can suggest that he train or brief another employee on the project so they can relief the...
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...Legitimate power and authority are the same. Legitimate power is based on the subordinate’s perception that the leader has a right to exercise influence because of the leader’s role or position in the organisation (Laurie Mullins, 2005). Legitimate or position power, as it is sometimes called, is derived from a position of authority inside the organization, often referred to as “formal authority.” That is, the organization has given to an individual occupying a particular position the right to influence or direct certain other individuals. Those with legitimate power have the understood right to ask others to do things that are considered within the scope of their authority. When a manager asks an employee to work late to complete a project or to work on one task instead of another, he or she is exercising legitimate power. Managers can enhance their position power by formulating policies and procedures. For example, a manager might establish a requirement that all new hires must be approved by said manager, thus exercising authority over hiring (DuBrin, 2009). Subordinates play a major role in the exercise of legitimate power. If subordinates view the use of power as legitimate, they comply (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopaske, 2012). That is, legitimate power covers a relatively narrow range of influence and, therefore, it may be inappropriate to overstep these bounds (Greenberg, 2011). For example, a boss may require his secretary to type a company document. However...
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...Unit 6 Case Study - Sources and Contingencies of Power In this case, the MLB baseball players association has more power in negotiations by walking out in September rather than March because they have the knowledge of how much it will cost them and how much it will costs the club owners. The players knew that striking in March would cost them more money as well as their positions on the teams. They also knew that that the owners would not be so hard-pressed to give into their demands. However, striking in September would only have a slight decrease in their salaries but would be an excessive financial loss for all the club owners. Therefore, September is when the player’s power would be effective. The players used their sources of power and the contingencies over the owners to accomplish the results they were after. They used their influence to control the outcome. The players used expert power because they are experts in their field and knew that the owners needed experienced players to play in the play-offs, and they would not be able to find replacements in time. The player’s expert power was in the unit’s capacity to influence others by possessing the skills valued by the club owners (McShane & Glinow, 2013). The players also used referent power to ensure other players would identify with them and join the strike and to hold out until they were able to come up with an agreement with the club owners. The player’s referent power come from other players identifying...
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...UPS?....................................................................7 4 Mõisted seoses UPS-iga..................................................................7 5 Kolm UPS-ide põhitüüpi laiatarbekasutuseks...........................12 6 UPS-ide erinevad tüübid. …………………………..….….……14 7 UPS-I tarkvara…………………………………………….…….19 8 Kokkuvõte………………………………………….………….…23 9 Kasutatud materjalid....................................................................24 2 1 Sissejuhatus Puhvertoiteallikas ehk UPS on katkematu toitepinge allikas (ingk. - uninterruptible power supply). Tööpõhimõtet üldistades võib nimetada UPS-i akuks või akudega seadmeks, stabiilse toitepinge eest. Kuna üldine praktika näitab, et 70 - 80% arvuti riistvaraprobleemidest on just otseselt tingitud toitevõrgu häiretest, on UPS täna parim kaitse voolupiikide, pingekõikumiste ja toitevõrgu katkestuste eest. Sellegipoolest, absoluutset katset, nagu ka turbes tervikuna, ei ole võimalik saavutada , mis UPS-i puhul tõlgenub sisuliselt stabiilse voolu tagamise ajaperoodiks, kuna tööpõhimõttelt on UPS mõeldud üle elama ajutisi toiteprobleeme. Elektrivõrgus (Euroopas 230V) võib esineda 9 erinevat süsteemisisest probleemi, mis võivad häirida elektriga töötavate seadmete töökvaliteeti või füüsiliselt seadmeid rikkuda. Korraliku UPS-iga üritatakse...
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...discussing power, next week rights, and in two weeks interests. Positional Power * This type of power is the kind that people have because of the position that they hold (police officer, supervisor, manager, parent…). This person has a certain power over another person by virtue of the authority given to the position he/she holds. * One’s response to this type of power is not so much to the person as it is to the position. * This kind of power may be created by legislation (as with the police) or by contract (such as an employment contract). Personality Power * This type of power comes from a person’s personality. Included in this type of power are such traits as charisma, skills and abilities, expertise, attractiveness, likability, persuasiveness… * While personality power can be used well and positively, an unhealthy extreme form of personality power is bullying. A person with a reputation as a bully need not always display bullying behaviour, as the individual’s reputation can be enough to lead others to endorse the power and do as the bully wishes. Identity Power * A person’s “location” in various identity hierarchies also provides power resources. We receive identity power by virtue of our gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, social class, age, level of education, etc. * This form of power can be subtle or overt. Because this form of power is often embedded into our societal structure, we may not always recognize when this form of power is asserting...
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...could also be the fact that the world’s source of fossil fuel is running out. We may need to switch to other sources of energy in the near future, like wind power or solar power. These changes would also help reduce the amounts of greenhouse (A gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range) gasses being emitted into the air, which would help slow down the effects of global warming. Wind is air in motion (Casper), and wind power is a large percent of current energy produced. It can help reduced emitted greenhouse gasses and slow down the effects of global warming. The global wind energy potential is roughly five times current global electricity use (Flavin). Also the price of wind generated energy fell more steeply than any other energy source over the past 30 years (Burnett). The cost of wind power fell from approximately 25 cents per kilowatt per hour (kwh) in the early 1980s to between 5 cents and 7 cents per kwh (Burnett). Advocates argue that a new generation of turbines will bring down the cost to below 5 cents per kwh (Burnett). This would make it much easier for people to be able to afford it. Wind power could provide as much as 6 percent of the nation’s energy (Burnett). It is currently providing less than 1% of the U.S. power supply but could double its shares within 10 years (Burnett). Furthermore, wind power plants receive accelerated depreciation (Burnett). As of 2006, wind power was the cheapest form of large scale electric...
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...monopoly is a type of market where there is only one firm producing a good or service for that particular market. Pure monopoly is wen there is a sole supplier with no close substitutes, which rarely happens. A more common thing to happen is monopoly power. Monopoly power can even occur in oligopolistic markets: a market with a few dominating firms producing goods or services. Monopoly power is when a firm can behave independently of competition pressures, due to it’s large share in the market. To have monopolistic powers, a firm should own 25% or more of the market it’s in. One of the main sources of monopoly power are barriers to entry. these are obstacles that prevent other smaller firms from entering the market because it’d be too difficult or expensive. Barriers to entry can either be set up deliberately or their occur naturally. Deliberate barriers to entry, also known as artificial barriers to entry, occur when monopolistic markets set their prices. Unlike hims in perfect competition where they are price takers, monopolistic and oligopolistic firms are price makers. Therefore firms with monopoly power have the advantage of limit pricing: lower prices with higher output. They create a price lower than the average total cost (ATC) of potential entrants into the market. Using their better knowledge of the market, they use this mechanism to send signals saying that it’s impossible for other firms to make profits. They do this because if they set price where MC=MR, also...
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...What are the sources and limits of MNC power? Multinational Corporations in a Global Economy IR 120 - 201136597 - Catharina Knobloch 1. Introduction As MNCs are getting increasingly important as actors in political bargaining, the purpose of this essay is to provide a (more or less) detailed overview over the sources and limits of the power of multinational corporations (MNCs). In the first section, I am going to lead into this topic by giving some definitions. In addition to that, I am also going to explain the role of MNCs in the international governance based on the typology of regime types. Then I am going to examine the most important sources and forms of business power, before taking into account the limits and the vulnerability of MNC power. 2. Definitions First, the term of the “multinational corporation” is difficult to be generalised due to extensive variations among the current examples (corporations are of different size, age, nationality industry, pursuing distinct decision-making processes and strategy-setting patterns, etc.) In order to define it more precisely, a multinational corporation is a firm, which owns assets and controls activities in different countries. As a consequence, the corporation needs at least one subsidiary in a non-domestic country to be classified as an MNC (just foreign trade is not sufficient). Some examples of these include Shell, General Motors, IBM or BP that operates in more than 100 countries. There are four categories...
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...Wind Power as an Alternative Energy Source Although fossil fuels drive our economy, it is rather expensive and significantly contributes to pollution (Lad 2). A few alternatives include hydroelectricity, solar energy, and wind. Solar and hydroelectric energy are good choices, but can be relatively costly (“Top 5 Misconceptions of Solar Energy” 5), (“Hydro Electricity”). Wind, on the other hand, is free and available in most areas. However, wind power has not been fully utilized in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of wind power in order to bring to light its usefulness as an alternative energy solution. Uses Wind power can be used to generate electricity, charge batteries, grind grain, etc. (Deshmukh 3). Turbines can be used alone or on a wind farm and can also be connected to a utility power grid to sell electricity back to the power company. According to the literature, wind technologies are most useful in the Midwest and along the coast. Pros and Cons Although wind turbines can kill birds and be damaged in severe storms (Deshmukh 11), wind turbines can provide many advantages. For example, wind turbines can harness the power of the wind, producing electricity, charging batteries, etc. Unlike fossil fuels, wind power consumes no fuel, and emits no air pollution. In addition, wind can be accessible in nearly all areas. Types There are several types of wind turbines, each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages...
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...Citizens Rights enhancement or abscission. A Comparative Disucssion before and after the dividation of DCC Course Title: Local government and Administrative Law Course Code: LAW- 347 Submited To: Name: Saybur Rahman Lacturer of UAP Sumited By: Name: Sharmin Akhter ID: 12111034 Department: Law & Human Rights University of Asia Pacific Date of Submission: Jan28, 2015 Sharmin Akhter Univercity of Asia Pacific 1/27/2015 UAP A Comparative Discussion before and after the dividation of DCC DCC Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Background of the study ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Objective of the study ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Main Objective ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.2.2 Specific objectives ............
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...the main sources of Prime Ministerial power? The Prime Minister enjoys certain privileges and powers that the rest of the executive. The Prime Minister is the most important figure in the UK political system, there is debate to the extent of he or she’s power; the PM draws power from a number of sources. The extent to which these powers are harnessed and used is dependent upon a number of factor, but in reality the PM can gather an incredible amount of power from the traditions, conventions and laws which regulate the post of Prime Minister. The post is seen as providing “National Leadership” and is therefore the pre-eminent position in UK politics. The Prime Minister is first and foremost an MP. This affords them legitimate power to act as they see fit on behalf of the electorate. Moreover, they have also been democratically elected within their own party, therefore they have a mandate to rule. The principle job and source of power for the PM is to set up a government. Ratified by the Queen this gives the PM the power of patronage. They can hire and fire; this gives them control and power over the careers of party members and peers. As a result party member and ministers want to impress the PM and often agree with his or her policies. Much of the PM’s power comes from being able to “hire and fire”. Although this does come with constraints; firing members of the cabinet can cause tensions within the party. However, substantial reshuffles have secures a PM’s power such as...
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...Various sources of power were first introduced in an organised way by French and Raven (1959) which are legitimate, reward, coercive, expert and referent powers. Hersey and Blanchard (1982) further expanded it with additional two bases: connection and information. Till todays powers are separated into two groups which are personal power that stems from personal characteristics (expertise, personal attraction, effort and legitimacy) and position power obtained from the nature of one’s position (centrality, flexibility, visibility and relevance) (Whetten & Cameron, 2011). From the team setting provided, the six roles can be divided into two groups; surgeon, general practitioner and radiographer in one (high-ranking) and theater nurse, ward nurse and ward clerk in another group (low-ranking). Generally high-ranking personnel have more authority (formal power) than lower-ranking personnel (Mechanic, 1962). As such sources of power for surgeon, general practitioner and radiographer are mainly coming from the personal power group; their professional qualification background-expertise power, effort power where they have to be responsible on patients’ condition and expectations from others, plus legitimate power that they possess to save lives which is congruent with health care system objectives. Oppositely, the lower-ranking group (theater nurse, ward nurse and ward clerk) obtains much of its power in the form of positional power. The group’s broad network of both vertically and...
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...Power Source Implications for Leader/Follower Relationse National American University According to Webster’s Dictionary, power can be defined as the ability to act or produce an effect. What does power have to do with leadership? Well the leader is given power of the followers. The effect that the leader is trying to produce will be specific organizational goals. Those goals can be long-term or short-term. When we refer to the power source, we are referring to the method by which the leader will use when achieving these goals. Power sources deal primarily with how the leader attempts to work with the followers. Some leaders may build a relationship that may go beyond the organization in which the leader is able to gain the followers trust while some keep it strictly personal. Relationships between leader and follower must have their limits, which is why many organizations are strict on leaders fraternizing with the followers. Executives of some of the top companies use power sources in order to climb to the top, so it is no secret that these do help organizations achieve goals. Expert Power Expert Power is the source in which the leader is able to gain the trust of the followers due to the leader’s knowledge and expertise in a particular are. When someone knows they can approach their leader with questions and the leader has the answer, that person is more likely to be confident in that information as well as themselves and then leading to accomplished goals. Anytime...
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...Should the use of solar power be encouraged? The introduction of alternative energy like solar power aims to decrease the impact humans have on biodiversity due to the issue of enhanced greenhouse effect. Solar power is electricity generated from the levels of natural energy contained within the sun’s rays . Supporters of solar power maintain that this energy source is able to lower greenhouse gases as it is a natural resource that does not require further processing. It can be supplemented entirely or partially which may possibly rule out the use of fossil fuels. Solar power is an infinite energy source which reduces the world’s reliance on fossil fuels. Opponent’s claims that solar power is not constant, it contributes to Global Warming as the production of solar panels used in generating solar power create pollution and is costly. There is a great need for alternative renewable energy such as solar power as the world’s reliance on fossil fuels increases the levels of greenhouse gas emissions. 86% of primary energy used is generated from burning fossil fuels . Due to the large consumption of fossil fuels utilised in providing electricity, fuelling transport, and heating and cooling,large quantities of carbon or hydrocarbons, and carbon dioxide is released when fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal are burned. Approximately 21 billion tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere yearly which is too much for the atmosphere of Earth to neutralise or utilise naturally...
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