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Leadership Task 1


Submitted By jcorona2333
Words 802
Pages 4
Running Head: Leadership Skills Analysis

Leadership Skills Analysis

Competency 325.1

Running Head: Leadership Skills Analysis

As I reviewed all the different leadership styles within our e-text I came to the conclusion that my individual leadership agenda is most congruent with the participative style. " Sharing decision making with group members and working with them side by side has become the generally accepted leadership approach in the modern organization" (DuBrin, 2009, p. 113). As a leader, I strive to make an effort to extract thoughts and opinions from my team members when making major decisions that impact the team as a whole with my chosen leadership style. Participative, also referred to as consensus, leadership allows managers to evaluate and integrate the whole picture within their role allowing for a more unified approach to decision-making.
Thorough assessment of my team members’ leadership styles, I have chosen to compare the styles of Delegation and Problem-Solving. (… effective leaders who are good at problem solving,[->0] skilled at managing the balance between openness and decisiveness)”. (Beck &Yeager, 2001). Problem Solvers hope to maintain a balance between sincerity and conclusiveness.
The Delegator utilizes a different leadership approach. “What leaders often don’t realize is that the downward shift of authority results in effective delegating[->1] only when the next level down the hierarchy feels that the expanded responsibilities make sense in light of organizational goals and offer greater opportunities” (Beck &Yeager, 2001).

Although I see the above statements as pros or strengths within this leadership style, there are cons and

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